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Chapter 1998: Snare

Chapter 1998: Snare

As much as he enjoyed having a bit of leisure time, it wasn't long before Vahn had to kick Yurin out of the Little Garden. She still had a lot of personal matters to resolve within the Tower, and, despite transplanting a large portion of their population, there were quite a number of Ha Family members remaining within the Tower. This included various branch families, so, after persistently refusing her challenge for the better part of two weeks, Vahn returned her to the Ha Family Estate in an effort to continue his own journey.

Unfortunately, while it had been surprisingly easy to deal with Yurin, convincing Blossom to remain in the Little Garden was inordinately difficult. Rather, much like the various Fae he had encountered throughout the Records, she didn't like to be apart from him. Thus, at least for the time being, Vahn had gained himself a flotilla of pink and burgundy-haired beauties, seven of which could classify as lolis while the other two, including Enne, appeared as normal, albeit monstrously attractive, young women.

While the phrase 'flotilla' might seem a little peculiar when describing a group of people, seeing the girls orbit around him wearing animal pajamas and hugging oversized pillows was quite the sight to behold. To some, it seemed like they were trying to protect him, but, were he to idle for any amount of time, they would slowly gravitate towards him until he eventually became the entire group's hug pillow. Even Enne was no exception to this, and, thanks to some 'careful guidance' from her mother, combined with the fact he had kept his promise, there had already been instances where she acted remarkably, yet awkwardly, bold.

Simply put, Vahn found himself in a covetous yet troublesome position, as, for a variety of reasons, the Eurasia Family was extremely attached to him. Not only had he 'cured' their condition, but, more importantly, he had made the 'mistake' of bedding Soo Yun. This not only demonstrated he had no aversion to their 'physical peculiarities', but, unlike the majority of people who actively sought them out, he didn't view them with predatory or exploitative intent. Instead, he genuinely wanted them to be happy, so much so that he would disregard his own comfort just so they could rest peacefully...


Detecting a faint yet intoxicating aroma, Vahn existed from his dreamscape to find an inordinately small butt covered in frilly white panties just a few centimeters away from his face. There were no traces of moisture present anywhere on the pristine white fabric, yet, in spite of this, his body was heating up at a rapid rate as the owner of the aforementioned bottom issued a mischievous giggle before saying, "You woke up too fast. I won't be able to educate them properly if you're always on such high alert..."

Either as an attempt to distract or silence him, the inordinately petite woman, Blossom, punctuated her words by promptly sitting up. As a result, her bottom came to rest squarely on his face, a cutesy gasp emanating from her throat in the process. This allowed her exceptionally fragrant pheromones to directly invade his senses, but, having none of this, Vahn elicited a startled squeal from the pink-haired girl by sitting up and saying, "So this was why Eunjoo and Nari were doing their best to keep me distracted..."

With Blossom awkwardly positioned between them, legs floundering around, Vahn was able to stare directly at the guilty-looking Enne before passing his gaze over each of her accomplices. Every time his eyes met theirs, they would immediately look away with guilt-ridden expressions, but, thanks to the Law of Identity, he knew the only person genuinely bothered by the current situation was Enne. Everyone else was either troubled by the fact their plan had failed or that they might not be able to 'capture' him even with their most extreme methods...

Understanding the concerns of the girls, a tired sigh escaped Vahn's throat as he ignored the fact that Blossom was still between them, hugging Enne's waist as he said, "Listen. I understand your desire to increase your population, but there are other ways of going about it. Besides, you don't even have to remain Mares if you don't want to. If necessary, I can even create-"

Interrupting before he could finish, Enne asked, "Do you hate me...?" in an inordinately meek tone. This caused the tired expression on Vahn's face to turn in a wry smile, and, for a brief moment, he nearly released another sigh until Blossom chimed in to say, "If we're not going to continue, please stop breathing on me. Also, I'd prefer it if you released me sooner, rather than later. As much as I'm enjoying your 'thick' and 'manly' aroma, I'll turn stupid if any more blood rushes to my head."

Releasing the inordinately petite Family Leader from her fleshy prison, Vahn was about to continue where he left off when Enne, still straddling his waist, performed a 'guts pose' as she monotonously asserted, "Leave it to me...I might be inexperienced...but I will do my best to convince you..."

Offering a smile in response to the woman's bravado, Vahn softly uttered, "That isn't really the issue here..." before shifting his gaze to the expectant-looking Blossom and adding, "I've already told you about my intentions after I depart the Tower. Even if-"

Smiling even more radiantly, Blossom decided to interject before he could finish, stating, "We know. Still, at least for the time being, we wish to be with you. You presented a solution to a problem that has plagued us since time immemorial. Even if we one day go on to expand our numbers in another world, that is a matter for the future. For now, our place is here. Even if it's just for a single night, we wish to create happy memories with the man who liberated us from eternal darkness...the kind and gentle God who sees us as more than just 'convenient tools'..."

Despite her sickly pink aura, Vahn was able to discern the sincerity contained within Blossom's tone. Unfortunately, just as he was looking around to gauge the reactions of everyone else, she had to go and ruin things by appending, "Besides, Yuri already spilled the beans regarding her rather drastic increase in strength. There aren't many energies as easy to manipulate as Shinsu, so, once we leave the Tower, we'll be weak and defenseless. What if some big scary men try to sink their teeth into us the moment you avert your eyes~? I have a fair amount of experience dealing with such individuals, but I'd rather spare my daughters from having to endure such abuse~."

Mistakenly believing he had grown accustomed to Blossom's shamelessness, Vahn found himself at a complete loss for words. To make matters even worse, he was well aware of some of the traumas she had experienced prior to entering the Tower. It was her past that compelled him to protect both her and her children, so, hearing her casually mention the possibility of something happening once they leave the Tower, he suddenly felt a considerable amount of pressure. Sure, he might be able to 'fix things' retroactively, but, were he to leave them susceptible to experiencing such a tragedy, guilt would be the least of his concerns...

Furrowing his brows, Vahn stared directly into Blossom's heart-shaped pupils, his tone somewhat grim as he said, "I don't like being manipulated like this..."

Though his words were enough to cause everyone else to feel tense, Blossom simply returned a smile as she smoothly answered, "I know. Don't worry, I'm used to people viewing me as a monster. If it's for the sake of my daughters' happiness, I don't mind being hated. Just make sure you direct all your hatred to me, okay~?"

Seeing Blossom's aura transition from a vibrant pink to a far more muted version of the same color, Vahn, as per usual, couldn't help feeling guilty. He felt as though he had ruined the mood, and, as a result of her mother's words, Enne took it upon herself to grasp his hand, considerable worry visible in her eyes as she pleaded, "Please...don't hate mother...she isn't a bad person...she's just...dumb...?"

Seemingly confused by what she should say to try and convince him, Enne tilted her head adorably to the side as Blossom, unperturbed by her daughter's remark, simply giggled. This left Vahn feeling even more exasperated, but, understanding they couldn't have pulled this off without assistance, he briefly linked his senses with Mikoto to find her, Yuri, and Fenrir observing the event from the space between Axes of Reality...

Were it not for the fact Enne was holding his hands between hers, Vahn wouldn't have been able to resist the urge to comb through his own hair. Instead, a flat laugh emanated from his throat as he extricated his hands from her grasp and promptly sprawled out on the bed. Then, in response to a sudden sensation against her bottom, Enne's face became bright red as she instinctually attempted to close her thighs only to end up straddling him even more closely.

Noticing her daughter's reaction, the smile on Blossom's face became massive, so much so that she could barely contain herself when Vahn dully mused, "I'm not going to hate anyone..." before trying to add a remark about his fate with inordinately petite women. Unfortunately, before he could utter so much as a single additional syllable, his mouth was promptly sealed by something indescribably soft, warm, and fragrant.

Though his first instinct was to dislodge her a second time, Vahn surprised Blossom quite a bit by pinning her legs with his hands. Then, before she could begin her 'lesson', he decided to teach her one of his own by promptly placing her panties into his Inventory. This caused her eyes to widen a considerable amount, but, before she could even think to protest, a loud yelp emanated from her throat, followed by her placing trembling hands on his chest for support.

Feeling sudden and intense waves of pleasure spread through her body with horrifying momentum, Blossom's expression transitioned from a smile to a pained and desperate look as she ultimately fell forward, eyes closed as she exclaiming moaned, "What...what is this...!? This isn't...Nnnnn!? This isn't normal at all...!"

Ignoring the outcry, Vahn casually changed the size and shape of his tongue as he pried open the confounded beauty's incredibly pliant yet extremely adhesive inner walls. Then, just as she inhaled a deep breath to try and speak further, he molded the tip of his tongue to a point, expertly probing a place that shouldn't be reachable under normal circumstances.

Feeling her body seize against her will, a large volume of drool flowed from Blossom's mouth as an even greater volume of love juices erupted from her lower body. She felt as though his tongue had penetrated all the way to her belly button, and, for a brief moment, she was worried that he might have found a way to go 'even further beyond'.

As that thought crossed her mind, accompanied by speckles of light entering her vision, Blossom felt as though her world had suddenly turned upside down. In reality, Vahn had decided to return to a seated position, her legs dangling over his shoulders as he embraced her body. Then, just as her body began to tremble violently from yet another powerful climax, he separated his lips from her steamy mound so that the other girls present could see the veritable geyser of peculiar pink love juices that erupted from her lower mouth.

Resisting the heat spreading through his own body, Vahn adopted a genial smile that compelled a few of the girls to swallow as he opened his hour-long lecture by saying, "Pay close attention. This is what people refer to as foreplay..."

(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Enne is doing her best...','Exploiting weaknesses...','Vahn takes education very seriously (O w O)...')

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