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Chapter 2036: Endings, Beginnings, and Redemption

Chapter 2036: Endings, Beginnings, and Redemption

"Uuugh...is sex supposed to be like this? I feel like you changed the shape of my insides..."

Hearing the petite bluenette's remark, a light chuckle emanated from Vahn's throat as he teased, "I tend to have that effect on people..."

After a not-so-brief foray in the Throne Room, Vahn had taken Maschenny and Chenny to a proper bed. From there, he allowed the duo to compete for several hours before they eventually gave up and decided to just go with the flow. They realized they should have been working together to try and eke out a victory against him, but, by the time they were feeling more cooperative, the pleasure he had carved into their bodies gave Vahn an absolute advantage.

Apparently having yet to learn her lesson, Maschenny responded to her counterpart's remark by forcing herself to a seated position and asking, "So? Now that everything's said and done, which of us would you say is better?"

Frowning in response to Maschenny's words, Chenny sat up from the other side of Vahn, glaring at her counterpart as she asked, "How did you become so annoying...?" before shaking her head and saying, "Whatever. Now that we've crossed this line, I don't give a damn about competing with your stupid ass. There are people here who possess power your ignorant ass can't even begin to fathom. So, go ahead. Keep acting like a pompous buffoon. As for me...I'm going to keep getting stronger..."

Though it had very little to do with increasing her strength, Chenny bent down and gave Vahn a kiss on the cheek before attempting to crawl out of the bed. Before she could, however, he grabbed her by the ankle and teasingly inquired, "Where do you think you're going...?"

With the tips of her ears turning discernible ruddy, Chenny resisted the urge to kick herself free and, instead, allowed herself to be pulled back. What she didn't expect was for Vahn to give her a kiss in turn before caressing her head and explaining, "I already discussed it with Scathach. She has agreed to let you take a break until we depart the Tower. For now, go take a bath. Someone will come by to help you get situated once you're finished."

Though her expression didn't change much, the ruddy coloration of Chenny's cheeks showed that she wasn't dissatisfied by Vahn's actions and words. The kicker, of course, was the look of envy she was receiving from her more mature counterpart. Sure, she knew Vahn was bound to provide them with similar accommodations, but, at least for the time being, she enjoyed the experience of feeling someone else's envy instead of having to direct her own towards the countless strong and beautiful women surrounding Vahn...




After sending Chenny on her way, Vahn was left alone with her pouting counterpart. Maschenny had even gone so far as to turn her back to him, arms crossed as she radiated a slightly icy aura that periodically crackled with electricity.

Deciding to get straight to the point, Vahn asked, "What are you going to do from now on? So long as you follow the rules, you're free to stay within the central residential district of the Little Garden's First Layer. If you would rather-"

Rolling over and sitting up in the same motion, Maschenny spontaneously mounted Vahn's body, a somewhat annoyed expression on her face as she asked, "Do you enjoy teasing me? Because of our previous encounter, I've spent the last couple of months forming the resolve to set out on my own. Now you return and tell me I can travel countless worlds, and, so long as I behave, there will be no real consequences to my actions. You're offering me nigh-limitless power and a degree of freedom that others can't even begin to imagine. You also carved pleasures into my body that I hadn't even thought possible. Now you're asking me what I want to do? Are you completely heartless...?"

With tears beginning to build in the corners of her eyes, Maschenny looked like she was about to break down and start crying at any moment. Vahn, however, had a slightly amused expression on his face as he asked, "Are you done...?"

Exhaling a sigh, Maschenny stopped pressing him down and instead sat so that her but was pressed against his slumbering dragon. Then, with a helpless yet discernible foxy expression on her face, she shrugged her shoulders and answered, "Well, it was worth a shot. The real question is, are you really okay with me doing whatever I want? What if I meet a handsome man in some distant world and try to start a family? Or, better yet, what if I develop my own harem and then abandon them when I get bored? Will you still make love to me...?"

Though his hands had instinctually found themselves around Maschenny's hips, an annoyed frown marred Vahn's face as he replied, "You're overcomplicating things. I would never begrudge anyone for falling in love and wanting to experience a normal relationship. So long as you don't bring back trouble, we've already agreed that the lives everyone experiences in the outside worlds are entirely private affairs. The only time I would be upset is if someone returned and suddenly started trying to tell me off or convince the others to turn against me...at that point, you're not leaving things in the outside world. You're complicating the lives of everyone else for personal reasons..."

Not believing Vahn's words in the slightest, Maschenny began to laugh in an unrestrained manner, head titled back as she began to grind his hips. This caused Vahn's expression to turn gloomy, but, with the Law of Identity nestled at his side, whispering in his ear as a carbon copy of Maschenny, he quickly regained his usual smile moments before the blunette ceased laughing, a somewhat vicious smile on her face as she mused, "Your confidence knows no bounds...I wonder...is this the reason...?"

Reaching between her thighs, Maschenny grabbed Vahn's now fully awake dragon, a hungry look in her eyes as she added, "I admit...it felt a lot better than I ever imagined it would. Now, even if I did have sex with another man, I would probably only feel depressed or disappointed. Is that what you were aiming for~?"

Instead of answering Maschenny's questions, Vahn brought up his hands and placed them behind his head with a relaxed smile on his face. Arguing with her wouldn't really accomplish anything, as, when people like Maschenny felt like they had cracked the case, they became remarkably obstinate. Chenny hadn't been wrong when she accused the woman of being incredibly ignorant. She would eventually come to her senses and receive a reality check, but, at least for the time being, he didn't mind watching her fumble around in her own delusional little world...after all, he was getting quite used to dealing with people like her...




Feeling as though he had been adding too many women to his harem in too short a period of time, Vahn decided to forestall his reunion with Hagipherione. Instead, he teleported to one of the most private and secluded regions in the entire Tower, a homely-looking forge hidden behind a massive waterfall that resembled the edge of the world. There, he found an ancient-looking man with ashen grey hair, a matching beard, and a misshapen yet remarkably muscular body working the billows of a peculiar purple forge.

Not wanting to interrupt a master in the middle of his craft, Vahn waited patiently at the side for the better part of three days until the man looked over, his voice aged and profound as he asked, "Why have you come here? I'm through with forging weapons and armaments to be..."

Before the man could finish speaking, Vahn produced the throne-like carrier he had created to hold each of the Thirteen Month Series. Immediately thereafter, a bunch of girls manifested around him, some closer than others, as he explained, "Ashul Edwaru. I have not come here to force you to craft weapons of war. I have come here to free you from your burden. Hand over the White February and Colourless December. I intend to free these girls from their curse. After that, you can finally rest..."

Though very few people had ever met him, even within the Empire, everyone within the Inner and Middle Towers had heard the name Ashul Edwaru. He was the legendary blacksmith responsible for the production of the most powerful weapons and armaments in the entire Tower, the most famous among them being the Thirteen Month Series. It wasn't an exaggeration to say he was the greatest blacksmith in the entire Tower. However, once he had learned what became of the original wielders of his weapons, he became a hermit who had been forging and reforging the same pieces of metal for nearly ten thousand years...

Seeing the girls surrounding Vahn, smiles visible on several of their faces, Edwaru couldn't conceal the emotion within his eyes. He had spent a lot of time with each of the girls when he was reforging the weapons to suit them so he had been devastated when he learned of their fate. There had even been a time when he wanted nothing more than to kill Jahad, but, understanding better than most how 'impossible' this was, he ended up secluding himself in a vain attempt to atone for his failures as both a man and a blacksmith...

Dropping to his knees with a thud, Edwaru hung his face in his hands, his muscular body trembling as Vahn urged the girls to step forward with a silent nod. Most of them could no longer remember who Edwaru was, but, just as a skilled blacksmith would recognize the weapons they had forged, so too would the weapon in the presence of their creator. Thus, after a few seconds had passed, a few of the girls stepped forward to gently pat the man's head and shoulders, comforting his weary soul for the first time in several millennia...




Though he had gotten relatively lucky with the series obtained from Maschenny, Vahn couldn't help but smile wryly as he conversed with the Spirits of the White February and Colorless December. The former appeared to be another young woman from the Arie Family. She had flowing white hair and pale-blue eyes that glistened with a silvery hue. As for her attire, she was dressed in a white poncho that extended from her neck to her knees. She also had on a pair of pure white panties. As for how he knew this, well, these two pieces of clothing comprised the entirety of her outfit. Thus, whenever she moved about or raised her arms, it was possible to see both her panties and the dainty frame they were attached to...

Appearing even younger than the White February, and virtually every other Spirit, was the Spirit of the Colorless December. Though her 'true body' was a monochromatic katana with a peculiar blue hue, her Spiritual form was a young girl roughly the same size and shape as Anak. Instead of green skin and a lizard-like tail, however, she possessed an ethereal complexion and blue hair that nearly resembled glass. It was like her entire body was transparent, and, though there was a blue hue to her entire body, it was almost like staring into the depths of an ocean. Things simply got darker as you delved further.

Unlike the other Thirteen Month Series, the Colorless December ended up being completely mute. Her Ego had been damaged beyond repair after she had 'rampaged' alongside Enne in the distant past. She was still cognizant of her surroundings, but, without a considerable amount of time and a substantial amount of support from other people, she would undoubtedly remain like a doll for the rest of her life. Fortunately, this wasn't the first time Vahn had dealt with such an affliction, so, even if it took a thousand years for her to recover, it was only a matter of time before she was able to run around and play like the young girl she appeared to be...




(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Maschenny is courting death...','Poor Edwaru...','I know it should be funny that Vahn picked up two new lolis, but I can't help feeling a little sad...')

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