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Chapter 2096: Expectations vs Reality

Chapter 2096: Expectations vs Reality

With twelve face cards in a deck of fifty-two, the odds of choosing one at random were around twenty-three percent. Unfortunately, such probabilities didn\'t matter in the slightest when the rules of a Gift Game were left vague. Black Rabbit had made the mistake of keeping the rules a little too simple.

The only conditions were that players could only choose once and that each player could only select a single card. How they went about selecting a card and how they chose to interact with the Game Board weren\'t mentioned at all. Thus, if they really wanted to, Izayoi and the other could have literally flipped over the Game Board. Instead, Izayoi simply slapped his hand on the table, an act of choosing his card that simultaneously sent the others flying into the air.

Thanks to her connection to the Little Garden\'s Central Network, Black Rabbit was able to ascertain whether or not Players had cheated. Thus, even though she was more than a little annoyed by the outcome, there wasn\'t anything she could do to protest.

"See what I mean? Not exactly the most heart-pounding game you could have come up with."

Waving around his King of Clubs, Izayoi had a sly and teasing grin on his face as he stared down the exasperated Black Rabbit. Fortunately for the latter, Vahn had shot her down when she attempted to follow his example by promising to let each of them make a request of her should they win. They weren\'t actually betting anything, so, from the perspective of the Little Garden\'s Central Network, it wasn\'t even remotely fair to afford them such a right.

Exhaling a sigh, Black Rabbit visibly deflated as she answered, "I just wanted to show you how we do things here in the Little Garden. Unless I\'m mistaken, the three of you came from were relatively normal worlds, correct? I figured it would be pretty exciting to see magic and manifestation right in front of your eyes."

Flicking his card onto the table, Izayoi adopted a confident grin as he shifted his attention to Vahn and said, "Yeah, I get that. However, if this world really is as amazing as the invitation letter made it out to be, something a little flashier would have been nice. I don\'t know what it said on the letters of the little missies, but mine promised I would be able to have fun, meet powerful foes, and all that jazz. I didn\'t exactly come here to play card games."

Nodding her head in assent, Asuka said, "Scary face here is correct. While it wouldn\'t be inaccurate to say I\'ve come here to play around, my main goal is to reach the top. I abandoned everything. My fame, fortune, and even my family to come here. Something as simple as a game of cards isn\'t even a challenge."

Though she was far more polite than the other two, Yo followed Asuka\'s words with a curt nod of her own. She had actually come here to make friends, but, at the same time, she wanted to prove that she was no longer the same weak and sickly girl she once was.

Since the trio had shifted their gazes to Vahn, Black Rabbit couldn\'t help looking towards him with a wry smile on her face. In response, he issued a light chuckle before adopting a paradoxically serious yet casual expression as he said, "The Divine Realm serves as something like a point of reference for everything in the lower worlds. There is nothing you can\'t find here. You\'re currently very weak, but, with a bit of effort, it won\'t be long before you rival the Gods themselves. Heck, if you really wanted to, becoming a God yourself is a relatively simple task. It all depends on you."

"So all I need to do is make an effort and I\'ll be able to knock you off your high horse? I\'m looking forward to it."

Shaking his head in response to Izayoi\'s taunting remark, Vahn adopted a challenging smile of his own as he said, "I\'m not like other Gods, brat. They might be content with just sitting around, but I\'m constantly growing stronger. It takes a lot more than teen angst to defeat someone like me."

As he was used to people calling him edgy, Izayoi simply laughed in response to Vahn\'s words. He was confident that, so long as he was able to grow stronger, it was only a matter of time before he overcame the man standing before him. It didn\'t matter how long it took. He wouldn\'t give up until he had, at the very least, given the former a good punch in the face.

Restraining a laugh of his own, Vahn uncrossed his arms, saying, "You should hurry back and meet with Jin. This is the first time anyone in the No Names has left the Community ground in the last six months. People will have noticed."

Though he could always keep an eye on Jin from the shadows, Vahn\'s contract with the No Names had, technically, already expired. He wasn\'t going to keep babysitting them, so, unless they made an official request for assistance, he would be observing how things play out alongside Shiroyasha. After all, he still had a Community of his own to look after.

Clapping her hands together, Black Rabbit adopted a smile as she said, "Vahn\'s right. Master Jin is already waiting for us near the outer gate. Once the three of you have registered as Players, we\'ll have lunch at a cozy little Cafe called La Solei. After that, we\'ll introduce the three of you to the rest of the Community. Everyone has been looking forward to meeting you~!"


Blinking in surprise, Black Rabbit tilted her head adorably to the side as she replied, "Yes, Asuka...?"

Pointing towards Vahn, Asuka asked, "Is that man a member of your Community?"

Answering in Black Rabbit\'s stead, Vahn pointed to the hearth-like badge on his chest, saying, "I\'m the Leader of a Community known as Sage Dragon\'s Hearth. We\'re a neutral organization affiliated with the Eastern Floor Master. We help to keep the peace but our main services include protection, healing, Gift rentals, equipment production, construction, and upgrades. If you\'d like to learn more, we have a branch operating within the Community you\'ll be joining."

"I see. And what if we don\'t want to join Black Rabbit\'s Community? What then?"

Since she was used to being the one in charge, Asuka wasn\'t particularly enthused by the notion of following someone else\'s orders. She didn\'t know what joining a Community entailed, but, knowing this was a mysterious land with magic, Gods, and even Demons, she suspected there were powerful and binding contracts involved. The Geass Roll was a perfect example of this.

Plopping his hand atop the slightly nervous Black Rabbit\'s head, Vahn gently caressed the space between her ears as he said, "You\'re free to do whatever you want. However, if you refuse to join the No Names, you\'re certain to regret it. They invested a lot of resources into your summoning and have spent the last three years anticipating your arrival. Once you learn about their situation, you\'re pretty much guaranteed to feel like an ass if you refuse to help. Those two, especially."

Though Yo seemed unconcerned, Izayoi furrowed his brows as he asked, "What do you mean? Also, three years? Exactly how long have you been keeping an eye on us?"

Having already discussed the matter with Shiroyasha, Vahn ultimately shook his head in response to Izayoi\'s words, stating, "It isn\'t my place to reveal such details. It will be more meaningful if you find out the answers on your own. Besides, you came to this world looking for fun, entertainment, and, most importantly, a challenge. Do you want me to hold your hand and narrate things for you as you go along?"

Clicking his tongue, Izayoi put his hands in his pockets as he said, "Whatever. Let\'s just get on with it." before walking in the direction of the Little Garden\'s Outer Gates. He had already made a simple map of his surroundings during his brief freefall so he wouldn\'t get lost unless some kind of trickery was at play.

Seeing Izayoi walk off on his own, an exasperated sigh escaped Black Rabbit\'s throat as she shook her head and said, "He really is a problem child..."

Though he felt Izayoi\'s behavior was pretty normal, Vahn still nodded his head as he retracted his hand from Black Rabbit\'s and said, "I\'ll see you back at the estate."

Surprising Asuka, Yo, and even Black Rabbit herself, Vahn attempted to cheer the latter up with a relatively tame kiss. This caused the roots of her hair to turn pink, but, before she could \'explode\' fully, Vahn released her with a smile before promptly disappearing into thin air.

"That explains a lot..."

As if she had suddenly gained some kind of insight, Asuka continued to observe the statuesque Black Rabbit for several seconds before turning to Yo and asking, "What are you intending to do, Kasakabe-san?"

Without any meaningful changes in her expression, Yo turned to meet Asuka\'s gaze as she said, "He mentioned something about Black Rabbit\'s Community needing our help. If that\'s true, I want to try and help them. What about you, Kudou-san?"

Adopting a smile, Asuka said, "Please, call me Asuka. As for what I intend to do...well, I was thinking of forming a Community of my own. For now, however, I don\'t mind lending a hand. It all depends on what the members of Black Rabbit\'s Community expect of us."

Returning a slight smile, Yo said, "You can call me Yo." before holding up the Calico cat in her arms and saying, "This little one is called Calico Cat. We came here together to make friends."

Blinking in surprise, Asuka asked, "Friends? Really...?"

Nodding her head in affirmation, Yo allowed Calico Cat to dangle from her shoulder as she said, "I used to be very sick. Now that I can move around on my own, I want to see and do all the things I couldn\'t do before. That includes making friends."

Though it didn\'t show on her face, Asuka felt a strange sense of guilt when she heard Yo\'s words. A part of her wanted to ask what was wrong with her, but, feeling that would be a little too personal, she just said, "I\'ll be your friend, Yo. There\'s a good chance we\'ll be working alongside one another for the foreseeable future. Besides, you know what they say. Us girls need to stick together."

While she had never heard the phrase in question, Yo\'s smile became noticeably more radiant as she linked her hands together like a prayer and said, "Thank you, Asuka. Now I can brag to all the animals that I finally have a human friend."

With the smile on her face freezing, Asuka asked, "Does that mean I\'m your first real friend...?"

Shaking her head, Yo\'s expression became strangely serious as she said, "I have lots of real friends. Calico Cat is one of them. There is also Shiro-san, Beryl-chan, Kokoroko-sama, Machio-kun..."

Hearing Yo list off the names of her animal companions, Asuka began to feel that the girl in front of her must have lived a very lonely existence. At the same time, she got the impression that Yo was an extremely kind, innocent, and, most troubling of all, naive young girl.

"For the time being, the two of us should stick together as much as possible. Okay?"

Though she noticed the shift in Asuka\'s tone, Yo simply tilted her head to the side for a brief moment before nodding her head and answering, "Okay."

Exhaling a sigh of relief, the smile returned to Asuka\'s face as she looked towards the patiently waiting Black Rabbit and said, "Lead the way, bunny girl."




(A/N: Alternate Titles: \'Izayoi be like, "Resist authority...!"\',\'Asuka playing with fire...\',\'Yo is a good girl...\')

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