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Chapter 2279: Rising Thunder

Chapter 2279: Rising Thunder

"By the Gods…"

Though she hadn't expected Vahn to be 'inadequate', Alexys couldn't help feeling a little intimidated when she knelt in front of Vahn and removed his trousers. Even Frey was a bit surprised, her pupils contracting to thin lines as she observed how Vahn's penis extended past Alexy's head.

Nearby, enjoying the dance of the two twins, Shiroyasha remarked, "Don't let it frighten you. It's a multi-purpose, one-size-fits-all kind of penis. Put it in your mouth, and it'll adjust to fill the space it occupies."

Failing to realize Shiroyasha was 'mostly' joking with her, Alexys muttered a sincere, "Wow…" as she reached out her fingers to tentatively caress the significantly less intimidating appendage in front of her.

"Alexys…I didn't agree to let you go first to watch you dawdle…I'm sure the Sage Dra…Vahn-sama would prefer it if you got started."

Since one of Vahn's conditions was to address him by name, Frey fixed her form of address halfway through. However, contrasting both hers and even Alexys's expectations, Vahn shook his head, hand extending out to caress the latter's as he said, "Take your time. Even if we spent an entire month in this room, we would not affect the schedule in the slightest…"

Chiming in before the two Dragonesses could, Shiroyasha said, "Go easy on them. It's your habit of dragging things out and providing 'too much' pleasure and satisfaction that causes inexperienced women to become dependent on you. Most women would be happy with two, maybe three climaxes. You don't need to string together twenty or continue fucking for days on end…"

As much as she enjoyed Vahn's affections, Shiroyasha would be lying if she said they weren't, at times, a little excessive. She also noted Vahn's ability to 'siphon' negative emotions and replace them with positive ones. If it was him, he could probably take someone that hated him to the core, force himself upon them, and then emerge a few days later with his victim willing to die for him. If Vahn weren't the kind of man he is, he would be a truly terrifying existence.

Though he scrunched his brows in response to Shiroyasha's words, Vahn didn't try to refute them. Instead, he met the gazes of Alexys and Frey in turn, asking, "What do the two of you want?"

Presumably speaking on behalf of both of them, Frey answered, "We are beyond fortunate to be here. Even if you were to provide your fluids and tell us to breed one another, we would readily oblige."

Nodding her head in approval, Alexys began stroking Vahn's shaft as she appended, "For the sake of our family and ambitions, we have submitted ourselves to you fully. Even if you refuse to restrain us with a contract or prohibit us from addressing you with honorifics, we will forever view you as our Lord and Master…"

Drawing Vahn's penis towards her lips, Alexys planted a kiss on the tip of his glans as if sealing a promise. Dragons may be a frustratingly obstinant species, but they were among the most loyal beings in all of Creation. The moment Frey and Alexys accepted him as their Master, the only thing that could change that was Vahn's death…

Sensing the borderline fanaticism exuding from Frey, Alexys, and even the nearby twins, Vanilla and Caramel, a moderately exasperated yet genuine smile developed across Vahn's face. He wasn't unaccustomed to this level of zealotry, so instead of agonizing over the recent expansion of his harem, he surprised Alexys by grabbing her horns and slowly drawing her face forward.

Instead of resisting, Alexys opened her mouth and attempted to angle her neck and body so that Vahn could readily enter her throat. Her remarkably diminutive stature of 125cm made her slightly concerned that he might be able to penetrate her stomach. Fortunately, just as Shiroyasha had stated, Vahn's penis promptly adjusted to the dimensions of her mouth and throat in a way that caused little pain or discomfort.

Eager to please, Alexys held onto Vahn's thighs as she began to bob her head while allowing Vahn to control the angle. She felt like her horns were on fire, but instead of feeling even a hint of pain, a flame of passion began to spread through her body like a wildfire…

Seeing how 'vigorously' her younger cousin was sucking Vahn's penis, an irrepressible ache spread through Frey's body, originating from the base of her tail. For a brief moment, she severely regretted allowing Alexys to take the lead. Her throat suddenly felt parched, and, despite her efforts to appear calm, she began to fidget due to a growing desire to have her itch scratched.

Fortunately, just as Frey exhaled a sigh that generated a small plume of flame, a pair of hands grasped her shoulder. She was more than a little surprised by this, but, upon finding a second Vahn looking down at her, the proverbial floodgates were open. A surprised yelp escaped her mouth when he suddenly lifted her up and over the back of the sofa by her pits, but she offered no resistance when he directed her to bend over. Instead, her distinctly draconic fingers sank into the material of the sofa as Vahn lifted her tail, slung it over his shoulder, and began grinding a much larger version of his penis between her mons and thighs.


Seeing Frey exhale a plume of flame each time he moved, Vahn promptly rewrote the Law of Fire within his domain to make her flames harmless. It was one of the Laws Vahn was most familiar with, so unless Frey abruptly developed an Authority greater than his own, even her Dragon Breath was powerless within his domain.

Though she was a little confused when she noticed her flames spreading over the sofa without burning it, Frey didn't have the wherewithal to think about the reason as Vahn changed the angle of his thrusting. The muscles in her body intuitively relaxed, and, as a result, Vahn's searingly hot glans were able to penetrate her with minimal resistance.

Unable to contain herself, a startled yet pleasured moan escaped Frey's mouth along with a large plume of fire. Vanilla and Caramel immediately ducked for cover, but upon seeing the bright red flames dissipate without even producing heat, they tentatively stood back up before reacting to Shiroyasha inviting them to join her on the sofa.

With Frey's fire passing directly over her head, Alexys regained enough of her senses to separate from Vahn's penis with a 'pop'. When she saw Frey covering her mouth with one hand and attempting to support herself with the other, realization donned upon Alexys as she adopted a faux pout and asked, "What happened to letting me go first…?"

Removing her hand from her mouth, Frey attempted to reply to Alexys's question when the Vahn behind her promptly smacked his hips against her butt. Her body lurched forward slightly, and, due to her tremendous strength and moderate heft, she ended up tearing apart the reinforced frame of the sofa as if it were soft tofu.

With Vahn's grip on her tail barring her from falling forward or separating from him, Frey briefly supported herself by flapping her diminutive wings in a wild and exceptionally adorable manner. After recovering her senses, however, she grasped her thighs for support and relied on her powerful core muscles to maintain a slightly arched posture.

Seeing the pleasured expression on her cousin's face, Alexys was about to say something when Vahn guided her gaze back to him by caressing her cheek. Then, before she could even think to apologize, he said, "Get up." in a calm yet authoritative tone.

Though she felt like a bit of an idiot for doing so, Alexys practically leaped to her feet before standing at naked attention. She interpreted the 'blank' look on Vahn's face as incredulity. In truth, he was just momentarily taken aback by how truly short she was. Even Sandora was around 142cm, so it was a little strange seeing such a 'developed' young woman barely above eye level while he was seated.

Providing an answer to the question lingering at the back of Vahn's mind, Loi-chan manifested next to him as a second, equally naked version of Alexys, answering, "She is 53-years-old. However, due to her bloodline, she is only in her second stage of development. As for Frey, she is 105-years-old, 136.4kgs, and slightly smaller than Alexys at 84.2cm."

Without needing to ask which part of Frey was smaller than Alexys, Vahn directed his gaze to the petite Dragoness's 85cm bust. Alexys was short, but she was anything but underdeveloped. If this were merely her second stage of development, her third would probably be enough to give Hestia a run for her money…

Noticing Vahn's rather obvious gaze, Alexys relaxed a bit as she reached up to jiggle her breasts and ask, "Do you prefer them bigger?"

Answering in Vahn's stead, Shiroyasha remarked, "He'll never admit it, but Vahn has a fetish for women with strong maternal instincts and the bodies to match. You should be more concerned about your butt. The moment he gets his hands on it, even sitting will be enough to make you wet."

With a butt nearly as large as her breasts, Shiroyasha viewed Alexys as a 'prime target' for Vahn's unfathomably skillful touch. Even she would find it difficult to escape if she made the 'mistake' of carelessly straddling his lap. Someone as green as Alexys had absolutely no hope.

Rather than feeling daunted by Shiroyasha's words, Alexys met Vahn's gaze with clear expectation in her eyes. When he lightly pat his thighs, every muscle between her thighs and diaphragm briefly tensed before she readily climbed atop him, her knees digging into the cushions of the sofa as she kept her hips raised in a way that provided easy access.

Rewarding Alexys's efforts, Vahn gripped her right butt cheek with his left hand while using his right to angle his glans at the entrance of her vagina. It was a move he had practiced well over a million times at this point, so it took no time at all for him to find the correct angle and surprise Alexys by pulling her hips forward. His glans seamlessly penetrated her folds, and, due to the unique physiology of Dragons and their progeny, he had no trouble reaching her depths. Very few Dragon sub-species had hymens.

Similar to Frey, a startled yelp escaped Alexys's throat, but instead of bright red flames, she exuded a plume of black smoke that caused her to start coughing. Like many modern descendants of Western Dragons, she was incapable of manifesting pure flames. Frey's ability to do so was the result of genetic atavism. In the past three hundred years, she was the only member of their family to manifest draconic features such as horns, claws, wings, and a tail. She was unable to completely transform into a human or dragon, but her bloodline was considered comparable to the Royal Family in terms of purity.

Just as Alexys was about to apologize for exhaling smoke and coughing into Vahn's chest—she couldn't reach his face—he stunned her by holding her close and pressing his palm against her back. Then, to the surprise of nearly everyone present, a thick tail covered in pitch-black scales erupted from her lower back as an indescribable combination of pain and pleasure caused her body to convulse in Vahn's arms.

In the interim period where everyone but Shiroyasha was staring at him in abject shock, Vahn carved an intricate seal above Alexys's tail that would allow her to conceal it at her leisure. Afterward, he gave her slender back a series of firm pats that effectively erased any feelings of congestion or discomfort she was feeling.

Having recovered enough of her senses to correct her posture, Alexys momentarily ignored the tremendous heat building in her abdomen, her head briefly turning to observe her tail as she asked, "What did you do?" in a trepidatious tone.

As if it was no big deal, Vahn answered, "I purified your bloodline and removed some of the defects caused by your ancestor's poor decision making. You're now a proper half-dragon rather than a chimeric hybrid."

Preventing further discussion, Vahn slid his hand under Alexys's tail, a faint rainbow hue spreading across his palm as he lifted the dangling appendage and ran his hand along its length.


Unaccustomed to the remarkable sensitivity of a female dragon's tail, a veritable deluge of body fluids erupted from Alexys's body as her back and tail arched to the point she nearly formed a perfect circle from the side. To exacerbate matters, Vahn grabbed the tip of her tail with his left hand, preventing it from returning to its initial position as he lowered his head to nibble Alexys's leftmost nipple. He knew both she and Frey had a lot of questions, but they could wait until much, much later…


(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'By the Gods…','Alexys got that short stack energy…','Priorities (O w O)…')

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