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Chapter 2316: Meaning

Chapter 2316: Meaning

"I'm curious to know where you stand among the spectrum of Black and White. According to the Great Sage, Mistress Yvonne, you're a paragon of freedom and virtue. Yet, when I look at you, you seem fairly...ordinary. I'm certain you possess tremendous power and authority, but you don't give off the impression of a being that can create entire metaversal constructs on a whim..."

Instead of paying close attention to her surroundings, Ahura spent much of Vahn's tour observing him. Yvonne had told them much about him, but as they were unable to sense him even after reaching the pinnacle of their verse, it was hard to believe such a powerful yet easy-going being could exist.

Without pausing to consider his words, Vahn casually replied, "That's one of the more peculiar things I've learned during my journey. The beings 'in charge' of things are rarely as impressive as people presume. The closest thing I've encountered to a 'perfect' God resembled a computer. However, despite its intrinsic objectivity, there were countless people who viewed it as a flawed, inherently malicious entity..."

Turning to face the incredibly contrasting beauties, Vahn narrowed his eyes ever so slightly as he added, "Sapiency comes ingrained with the flaw of comparative psychology. When creatures gain the ability to think and rationalize, one of the first things they do is supplant themselves at the 'top' of whatever ecological structure they have observed. It doesn't matter if there are Gods present; self-awareness seeds within all beings the 'need' to stand at the peak...the desire to be 'free' from the influence of constructs like fate..."

Believing that Vahn was challenging Mitra's vision of a world where people were free to choose their fate, Ahura narrowed her own eyes and inquired, "Is that such a bad thing? Life wouldn't have a lot of meaning if people just kept their heads down and never questioned those who ruled over them. And I mean that from both perspectives. If your creations only adhered to beliefs, obeying your every command like unfeeling machines, what was the point of creating them?"

Adopting a faint smile, Vahn replied, "Exactly that. There is meaning in the act of creation itself. It is the mirror by which Creator Gods come to know and understand themselves. You see, omnipotence, despite the meanings ascribed to it, is entirely subjective. It is wholly contained within the mind, restricted by the scope of one's knowledge."

Noticing the doubt in Ahura's eyes, Vahn exhaled a light chuckle before explaining, "Even children possess a form of omnipotence in the form of their imagination. With little more than a thought, they can give birth to entire cosmologies, countless universes, and a limitless variety of races and people. They are capable of creating idealized versions of themselves that seemingly know everything, and, so long as they wish to overcome a given scenario, they possess absolute, uncontested power..."

Recalling his original self, the powerless boy strapped to an operation table, a hint of nostalgia appeared in Vahn's expression as he added, "If allowed to blossom, a child's imagination is a truly remarkable thing..."

Chiming in for the first time since Vahn started the tour, Nadare asked, "So you liken the Gods of Creation to children? They are omnipotent, but only so far as nothing occurs to make them 'question' their knowledge...?"

Nodding his head in approval, Vahn replied, "Indeed. In that regard, Miss Ahura here isn't wrong. In fact, more often than not, the first creations of Creators are little more than 'machines' who know nothing but obedience. After a while, however, they begin to doubt whether or not they have truly created anything. After all, if everything follows the course they set within their minds, never deviating from beginning to end, what was the point of creating anything...?"

Realizing what Vahn was trying to say, Ahura softly muttered, "So that's where sapience and free will originate from...the desire of Creators to give meaning to their creations?"

Catching the golden-haired beauty by surprise, Vahn shook his head and contended, "Quite the opposite, actually. While you're not exactly wrong, the truth is much more straightforward..."

Furrowing her brows, Ahura asked, "What do you mean?" in a surly, ill-tempered tone. She didn't enjoy being talked down to or treated like a child, even if she was the one asking questions.

Maintaining his smile, Vahn explained, "They do not bestow free will to their creations to give them meaning. It is a method by which they can further their understanding of themselves. You see, even for a Creator God, there is no greater sense of discomfort than not knowing where you originated. By giving their creations the ability to overcome the limitations of their origin, they seek a method to free themselves. To give meaning to an existence born without boundaries or limitations."

"..." x2

Unsure of how to respond to Vahn's words, Ahura Mazda and Nadare fell silent for several minutes. It would be a simple matter to argue that Vahn was wrong, but no matter how long they mulled over their thoughts, they couldn't find a legitimate counterargument. It didn't help that Naraka, the being representing the 'origin' of their reality, pursued a very similar end...

Deciding to give the duo a direction to go in, Vahn off-handedly remarked, "In the end, we are each individually responsible for giving meaning to our lives. It doesn't matter if you're a peasant born in the slums or a God born atop a golden throne. That is the 'fate' of all beings born with the capacity for introspection and the ability to question the world around them."

Though Vahn's statement ultimately left them with more questions than answers, Ahura and Nadare suspected that was his intention. By looking within themselves for answers, they demonstrated that even they, beings who once governed countless multiversal structures, were not beyond the bounds of fate. They were given purpose from the moment their inception but still spent the vast majority of their lives attempting to understand the concepts they represented...

Regaining her earlier smile, Ahura gave Vahn an appraising gaze as she remarked, "I'm starting to understand why the Great Sage often spoke so highly of you. Appearances aside, you possess remarkable insight..."

Raising his brows, Vahn couldn't help questioning, "What's wrong with my appearance?" He wasn't vain enough to think he was the most handsome man in all of creation, but, as someone who had cultivated his appearance over several millennia, his form was pretty close to the ideal of men and women alike.

Speaking out before her counterpart could respond, Nadara casually revealed, "This one has a fondness for younger men, specifically young, inexperienced boys. You shouldn't take her words to heart."


Glaring at her black and white-haired counterpart, a powerful aura began to exude from Ahura's body. She was nowhere near as strong as she was in the Actualized World of the Masadaverse, but, thanks to Yvonne acting as a 'guarantor,' she was very near the peak of Tier 5. She also shared a name with one of the Little Garden's 'Big Three,' so once she gained a bit of authority, she would be a force to be reckoned with.

Undaunted by Ahura's pressure, Nadare manifested a black and white twin-blade in her right hand while spurs resembling the spined tails of dragons emerged from the backs of her calves. She and Ahura Mazda represented the Dualism of Good and Evil, so their powers were nearly identical, regardless of their efforts to surpass one another.

As Ahura manifested a massive claymore with a cross-shaped hilt, intent on treating her counterpart a lesson, Vahn inserted himself between the two, smiling as he said, "That isn't how we do things here. If you want to fight, you need to make it official in the form of a Gift Game. You can fight without one, but then you would have to answer to the Floor Masters and myself..."

Raising his hands, Vahn snapped his fingers, causing the weapons in each of the girls' hands to disappear. At the same time, seals the size of beauty marks appeared beneath their left and right eyes, effectively limiting their ability to use their powers outside of self-defense and Gift Games.

Feeling a sense of 'distance' between herself and her power, a disproving frown marred Ahura's face as she flatly remarked, "Someone is quite the tyrant..."

Shrugging his shoulders, Vahn retorted, "I've been called worse. Besides, I would argue it's far more tyrannical to fight without consideration for the setting you find yourselves in. The two of you are currently guests within the Salamandra Community. This isn't a playground where you can do as you please."

While reaching up to touch the beauty mark beneath her right eye, Ahura responded, "So it would seem..." in a pointed tone. She could understand where Vahn was coming from, but the thought he could restrict her power at his leisure made her uneasy. Not even Mitra, her creator, or Yvonne, her Master, possessed such an ability...

A stark contrast to Ahura, Nadare was staring at Vahn with a faint, almost predatory smile on her face. As the Ultimate Black and the Mother of the Dragvant species, beings that sought to subsume all power and authority within the Order of Creation, the ability to suppress others on a whim was more tantalizing than disconcerting.

With the intent of gaining the edge against Ahura, Nadare attempted to approach Vahn, her tail-like spurs snaking behind her. However, before she could press herself against his body and attempt to seduce him, Vahn smiled wryly and said, "No, but thank you. As attractive as you are, I have no intention of poaching harem members from my Templates. You'll have to find another way if you wish to reach the 'pinnacle' of this world."

Instead of being offended by Vahn's words, Nadare covered her mouth and giggled, musing, "We'll see about that..." with a mischievous look on her face. Yvonne and Mitra had given her the freedom to choose her own fate, but life was more interesting when things were filled with chaos and drama.

Seeing through her counterpart's thoughts, Ahura narrowed her eyes and said, "You harlot...don't tell me you intend to corrupt this world with your brood. I would never allow such a thing...!"

Shrugging her shoulders and spreading her hands in a 'so what' kind of gesture, Nadare retorted, "Since when have I allowed you to dictate how I live my life? And who are you calling a harlot? I may have given birth to countless children, but at least I don't diddle them while pretending it's for their benefit."

"You bitch...!"

Though Vahn had sealed away her power, that didn't stop Ahura from pouncing on Nadare like a lioness trying to maul a honeybadger. Their durability was unaffected by the seal Vahn had placed on them, so, no matter how hard she punched, Ahura was unable to damage Nadare or silence her laughter.

Realizing there was nothing Ahura could do to her, Nadare's laughter steadily increased in volume. Ahura attempted to shut her up by shoving her fingers into Nadare's mouth, but the latter just bit down on them and snickered with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Reaching the end of her patience, Ahura did something that caused Vahn to pull her up by the scruff of her outfit immediately. As an entity near the pinnacle of Tier 5, she was able to change and alter her form at will. Thus, upon realizing there was little she could do to 'harm' Nadare, she abruptly pulled down her skimpy black panties to reveal a penis nearly the size and thickness of her forearm.

Though Nadare seemed perfectly okay with the turn of events, Vahn had misgivings about allowing Ahura to effectively **** her counterpart in the middle of his tour. He knew she originated from a world where such things were pervasive to the point of being commonplace, but the Little Garden, despite its many similarities, wasn't the Masadaverse...




(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'This is some deep shit...','Freedom is a construct of the mind o_o...','You can really feel the 'goodness' radiating off of Ahura...')

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