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Chapter 2360: The End and New Beginnings

Chapter 2360: The End and New Beginnings



"This brings back memories..." remarked a tall man with dark, somewhat messy hair that framed a handsome face and deep aquamarine eyes, which, upon closer inspection, appeared to swirl with innumerable, ever-shifting specks of light.

"It truly does..." responded a petite woman with equally messy black hair, emerald green eyes with slit-like pupils, sun-kissed brown skin, and a slim yet shapely body adorned with distinctive, cat-like ears and a tail. Like the man, her eyes glistened with specks of shimmering light, but their number and intensity were greater.

"It amazes me that, no matter how many times we reach this point, it forever feels like the first..." mused the man, turning to face the woman and adopting a smile that caused the surrounding darkness to retreat, casting the entirety of the boundless expanse they were in with equally endless light.

"That\'s because it is," hummed the woman, approaching the man and embracing him for the first and last time. He readily reciprocated, and though the two had already spent an eternity together, they enjoyed a few eons more as seconds to an ordinary person. Then, without further need to communicate, the body of the man broke down into countless motes of light, sinking into the woman\'s body but leaving behind a tiny, ancient-looking orb covered in indecipherable runes.

"And thus, life eternal makes way for endless possibility..." muttered the woman, her body breaking down to a nebulous mass that appeared both male and female, its form ever-shifting depending on the perspective and angle it was viewed from.

Though nothing happened for a truly incomprehensible amount of time following the woman\'s utterance, so long as the possibility of something happening existed, she would wait. Fortunately, she was never alone, the dreams of countless beings materializing within her, their pasts, presents, and futures coexisting within a single moment...unchanging...expectant...

Rousing from what felt like an endless dream, the woman looked down to find a single mote of light, born within the darkness that had encroached upon her in the wake of the man\'s disappearance. This was what she had been waiting for, but while she felt an indescribable urge to reach out and grasp it, she remained patient, a single, even smaller mote of light, barely a speck, separating from her nebulous mass to meet the anomalous mote that had appeared from nothingness. Memories of a boy with translucent skin and glowing blood flooded into her, rousing countless others, but as it was her first time experiencing this particular set, alongside the feelings attached to them, she couldn\'t help muttering, "You poor child..."



"Ugh...my stomach..." groaned a boy with healthy and fair brown skin, dark brown hair that sat messily atop his head, and striking aquamarine eyes, fighting back the urge to throw up after enduring a sensation akin to his stomach being wrung like a rag. He couldn\'t help noticing that he was naked, but instead of focusing on that, his eyes widened to their limits as he saw he had hands with which to cradle his stomach and a pair of thin but intact legs.

"I have hands and legs..." muttered the boy, tears swelling within his eyes and quickly pouring freely down his face before he covered them in a vain attempt to deter his sobbing. It wasn\'t that he was sad, but after enduring years of being strapped to an exam table and being unable to move about without the aid of others, he felt overwhelmed.

(That is correct.) said a distinctly synthetic-sounding voice within the boy\'s mind, causing him to startle as it explained (Though the physical body of the Host may have sustained damage, the structure of your Soul is immutable. It may appear to change, but it is always as a reflection of the Host\'s desires.)

"Who are you...?" asked the boy, staring up at the endless nothingness surrounding him. After meeting with the Goddess, who had introduced herself as Klyscha, he had been deposited on what looked like a strange, circular stone platform. He was excited for what was to come, but seeing nothing beyond the platform compelled him to tuck in his knees and hug them.

(I am the System created to act as an intermediary between the Host and The Path.) explained the voice, its tone appearing to soften slightly as it appended, ("As the Host is incapable of understanding the functions of The Path without assistance, I was created as an auxiliary support and to serve as an intermediary. I shall do my utmost to answer any questions the Host might have about The Path, its functions, and the Records within which you shall venture.*)

Sensing the System\'s sincerity, the boy, named Vahn Mason, breathed a sigh of relief, a feeble but excited smile developing across his face as he responded, "I see...and I think I understand. I\'m glad to have someone to help me. I\'m certain I\'ll get used to it, but this is all a bit much right now..."

(And I am pleased to assist you.) responded the System, giving Vahn the impression it was happy despite sounding like a female robot. In response to that thought, the System remarked, (You aren\'t mistaken; I am happy. However, that shouldn\'t be your primary focus at the moment. Your Ego is too fragile to remain in this place for an extended period, so while it might be presumptuous of me to do so, I suggest initializing the Tutorial. Then, once you have familiarized yourself with The Path\'s functions, you should choose the Record you wish to inhabit as soon as possible.)

"Oh...um...okay...?" responded Vahn, a little overwhelmed but feeling he could trust the System. He couldn\'t explain it, but he felt like it had been looking after him for much longer than the few minutes they had known each other, reminding him of a cold-sounding but very caring older sister.

Making it clear that it was privy to his thoughts, the System responded, (Acknowledged. If it pleases the Host, please refer to me as Big Sister or simply Sis from now on.) in a markedly more feminine tone.

"Is that really okay...?" asked Vahn, feeling a little embarrassed. While it was true that he had always wanted an older sister, it felt weird referring to the voice in his head in such an intimate manner.

(The decision is the Host\'s to make.) responded the System. (However, if the Host is asking if I\'m okay with it; there are few things that would make me happier.)

"Well...if that\'s the case...I...I\'m happy to have you, S-Sis..." stammered Vahn, his face flushing red, prompting him to use his hands to conceal it as he added, "Please initialize the tutorial...!"

Though he wasn\'t sure what a tutorial was, Vahn felt he would find out faster by experiencing it directly. Fortunately, it appeared that a tutorial was some kind of explanation, as Sis responded (Affirmative.

) before a transparent blue window appeared before him, floating in the air.


[Available Functions]

[Status]: Displays the Host\'s physical, mental, and spiritual attributes in a quantifiable format.

[Skills]: Displays a list of the Hosts\' available Skills. The Host may toggle Skills On and Off to Activate or Deactivate their effects.

[Shop]: Displays a list of all items available across all Records. The Host can sell items stored within the Inventory for a currency known as Origin Points. The same currency is what\'s used to purchase items.

[Inventory]: Displays a grid that permits the Host to store items within a localized sub-dimension, inaccessible to all but the Host. Items stored within are not influenced by the flow of time. Furthermore, the Host can Equip items within the Inventory to pre-designated slots, permitting the instantaneous changing or removal of equipment.

[Records]: Displays a list of all available Records and their associated difficulty. Difficulties range from 1~7, with one being Mortal and seven being the Realm of Duality. There are Tiers of existence beyond seven, but they cannot be conceived. CAUTION! It is highly recommended that the Host avoid Records exceeding Tier 5 until they have attained Divinity!

[Map]: Displays a map of the current Record, but only places the Host has seen or sensed directly.


Sensing that Vahn had finished reading, Sis explained, (You can view the specifics of each by saying or thinking display along with the function you wish to review. I suggest starting with Status, as it would be beneficial for you to understand your current capabilities before choosing a Record.)

"That makes sense," responded Vahn, nodding before focusing his mind and thinking that he wanted to view his Status. In response, the window before him closed, replaced by a completely new one.



Name: [Vahn Mason](?)

Age: 0(Age does not apply to the Soul)

Race: Human(Soul), Sealed

Parameters: Does not apply outside of Records

Soul Tier: 1 (Mortal Soul)

Karma: 0


\'I\'m not sure what I expected...\' thought Vahn, prompting what felt like a laugh from the depths of his mind before Sis assured, (It shows that you have infinite potential and room to grow. As for your Karma, which I sense you are curious about, it was used to allow you access to The Path. Once you access a Record, you will be able to acquire considerably more based on your actions and decisions moving forward.)

"Then I guess I should display Records next...?" asked Vahn, prompting a new window to appear before him, this time depicting a list that appeared to scroll forever. Fortunately, it had two boxes at the top, one for inputting specific Record names and another for inputting search parameters.

\'I\'m not sure I want to enter the Record of a place I know...\' thought Vahn, his face forming a frown as he imagined screwing things up for the people who lived in the worlds he would be traveling. He didn\'t believe he would be turned away if he traveled to a Record like Fairy Tail and aspired to join the titular Guild, but if the members considered him weird or too weak, he might be ostracized or get in their way...

(Then, is there anything you would like to experience?) asked Sis. (You are not limited to choosing a single Record to spend the remainder of your days. You could always select one to accumulate strength and knowledge before moving to one you\'re more familiar with.)

"That\'s...a really good idea..." agreed Vahn, his doubt gradually replaced by a broad, bright-eyed smile as he appended, "You\'re really smart, Sis~!"

(Thank you for the compliment.) responded Sis, giving Vahn the distinct impression she was pleased. Then, in response to the thought forming in his mind, she displayed a much shorter list of Records that fit the criteria he was imagining. His goal was a Record similar to his previous world but with things like Magic, Martial Arts, Demons, and Gods. Most importantly, he wanted the Record he chose to allow even someone like him to be able to attend High School without being seen as too weird or creepy...

"What does DxD stand for...?" asked Vahn, referring to the Record at the top of the list, an unfamiliar world known as High School DxD with a Tier range of 1~5.

(Analyzing.) responded Sis, followed by a lengthy delay where Vahn got the distinct impression his brain was heating up. Fortunately, it didn\'t give him a fever or persist for too long before Sis appended (Based on what I was able to deduce, it should stand for Demons and Dragons, Dungeons and Dragons, or something comparable. However, this is speculative, as I possess no direct knowledge of said Record.)

"Then let\'s learn about it together~!" said Vahn, adopting a radiant smile that seemed to light up the surrounding darkness, albeit only slightly. In response, a sensation akin to static briefly emanated from the depths of his mind before Sis, her voice sounding audibly softer, responded, (That would be wonderful, Vahn. Before initializing the transfer, however, there is an item within your Inventory you should make use of. It is a gift given to you by Klsycha, its effect being to bestow you a unique Skill that could prove useful in your first Record. Take note that-)

Before Sis could finish issuing her warning, Vahn, excited by the prospect of attending school for the first time, interrupted her to state, "Oh! I want to use it...!" with the enthusiasm of a child who had just learned they were about to receive a present. Sis had no choice but to obey, so alongside a pleasant-sounding ding and a tiny blue window appearing along the edge of his vision, Vahn experienced a powerful tugging sensation in his gut as he abruptly descended into his first Record...



The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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