
Chapter 503 Back To The Mansion

The next day,

Rex and the others arrived back at Ratmawati City at dawn where early birds are already chirping and started their first hunt of the day, they are now currently inside a train heading back to the entrance of sector 2.

People will be there waiting to pick him and the others up before they made their way to the mansion.

Inside the train, Rex is looking out of the passing scenery like a frenzied blur as the train moves at a blazing fast speed. But despite the speed of the train being very fast which can even make a normal person feel dizzy looking at the fast passing scenery, everything is in slow motion in his eyes.

Because of his strength that surpassed the realm of mortals already, little things didn't apply to him.

For people, this kind of speed is already fast enough but for Rex, he can be way faster if he wanted to. The blurry scenery makes him daydream about the last time he was on a train, it should be during the Violet Moon.

Only a couple of months passed and the way he view the world has utterly changed.

Aside from his innate strength now Rex's hatred for Supernaturals becomes even deeper, but simultaneously he starts to realize that genociding the Supernaturals is a way heavier task than he initially thought.

Demons... Werewolves... Vampires... and any other race is different than the others.

If Rex wanted to eradicate them then he doesn't only need to be strong but also have enough at his disposal to rattle the Supernaturals, but upon thinking this he glanced to the side and found the girls are sleeping soundly.

The tiredness gets to them and they all sleep on each other's shoulders.

Looking at this, Rex sighs to himself, 'How nice of them to be able to sleep...'

A couple of hours later,

Rex and the others arrived back at the mansion and find Edward and Tandu already waiting for them near the gate with the other Awakened guards standing ready to greet his arrival.

"Welcome Back!"

Out of nowhere, the Awakened guards bowed their bodies and shouted in a union.

Although he has seen all of the Awakened guards here, Rex raised his eyebrows seeing the scene in front of him that almost looks like he's somekind of a young master. Coming from a small family, he's not at all used to this kind of treatment.

Soon his eyes saw Tandu nodding his head in satisfaction, "Did you do this?", Rex asks.

"Of course, these people are lazy without you around so I need them to work on something. What do you think?", Tandu replied with his chin up as if he has just done something substantial.

Rex waves his hand nonchalantly before his eyes land on Edward.

From one glance Rex knows that Edward was about to say something, "The SCO Green Team paid a visit earlier searching for you, a woman called Liliya is asking about when will be their departure to the Supernatural territory in search for the Shapeshifters' corpse"

"What did you tell her?", Rex asks while walking towards the entrance of the mansion.

Edward walks behind Rex followed by the others before he continues, "I told her that you are dealing with things currently and will get back to her later, so you don't have to worry"

"She also told me that the SCO is already prepared for the war and will send their team soon"

"Probably sometime around next week, and because of that Liliya told me to tell you that it will be a great idea to go with the team of SCO that is heading for the Demon Stronghold. Then you can split up and search for the Shapeshifter"

While hearing the report, Rex walks inside the mansion before he sat on the sofa.

Rex clasps his hands together under his chin while looking into space, his serious expression shows that he's thinking and soon a soft mutter escape his mouth, "Next week..."

"Alright, go ask her to confirm the date and if it's possible then I'll go with her plan"

Hearing this, Edward nodded his head and immediately went to work. Taking his phone out of his pocket, Edward dialed a number while walking to the back yard leaving the guest room.

After he left, Rex then faces the others, "Gistella, try and get used to your new bloodline"

"You just reached the High Werewolf bloodline and you should be able to control your transformation, so in the next couple of days I expect you to be fully able to control your transformation"

Gistella nodded her head seriously in response to her master's demands.

Despite the seriousness of Rex's expression, she can feel somekind of distress coming from him. She has an innate feeling to reach Rex's expectations without failing to not let him down, so she's determined to control her transformation.

Turning his eyes to Evelyn, Rex then said, "Can you reach the seventh rank realm?"

"No... I can reach the peak of the sixth rank but reaching the seventh rank with my current element is very hard, I need to at least upgrade my Fire into Ultimate rank", Evelyn replied with a sigh.

Although her element supports her reaching the seventh rank, the process is very slow.

Forming her spirit core with the current element she has is just a labor work and each mana gathered only helped her a tiny bit, in the current pace an Awakened should reach the seventh rank in more than half a year but with Evelyn's talent, she probably will reach the seventh rank realm under half a year.

But it's not good enough, "Wait for me in your room, I'll tend to you in a bit"

Evelyn nodded her head before glancing at Adhara before walking away, she left the two of them that is the only ones left in the guest room. The others are already busy with their tasks.

"Come with me", Rex said shortly before going back outside.

Adhara didn't reply and just follow after Rex as they both heads to the Training Ground on the building on the side of the front yard, they both enter the Training Ground with the door opened by the Awakened guards.

"Lock the door and make sure nobody is near the building",

Upon hearing this, the two Awakened guards nodded their heads before Rex went inside.

The sound of the door locked can be heard as the Awakened guards instructed the others to stay away from the Training Ground, and inside Rex glanced back at Adhara who is standing still.

Her breathing is already rapid and she's fidgeting with her hands.

"Don't be nervous, it won't be as painful as the first time you transformed. In fact, you probably won't feel a thing since you're going to be unconscious", Rex said assuringly.

Hearing this, Rex can instantly see that Adhara is already calmer than before.

Adhara walks to the middle of the Training Ground following Rex's orders before she asks, "How exactly am I going to evolve my bloodline? Is it-  Is it random and s-should I prepare?"

"Why are you so nervous about it, just relax", Rex replied with a chuckle.

Just from the stuttering Rex knows that she's somehow nervous about this, he never thought about it before but hearing the terms Bloodline Evolution is something scary. Some may think of a gory process since humans have little to no bloodline evolution.

Probably only a few but without the evolution of their bloodline one can still become strong.

'Maybe that's why Ancient Humans are stronger, they don't need to evolve to gain higher power unlike Supernaturals that rely on the evolution of their bloodline', Rex thought.

"As I said earlier, you're going to go unconscious to enter your mind"

"There's no need to worry, you will be presented with three options to choose from. You can know each one of the options' strengths but choose with the thought of fighting Supernaturals in your mind. We're going to fight more Supernaturals in the future", Rex explains slowly to not make Adhara even more nervous.

Back when they were on the train, Rex had already asked the system about this.

Although he expected that he will be the one that can choose the evolution path for Adhara, turns out he can't and Adhara will need to choose on her own since it's her bloodline. It's unfortunate but there's a twist at the end of her evolution path.

If for some reason Rex doesn't like her choice, he can just terminate the permission to evolve.

Upon being unable to get the Alpha's permission, Adhara's bloodline evolution progress will decrease by 25% and she will not be able to retain her evolution path. Everything is up to the Alpha.

Rex pushes Adhara's shoulder down gently signaling for her to sit down.

But out of his expectation, Adhara finds this signal confusing as she looks up at Rex from below, "Wait... right now? I thought I'm going to evolve my bloodline, can't you hold out until I finished my evolution?", she suddenly said.

Hearing this, Rex looks down at Adhara with his eyebrows creased together.

Soon his eyes widen upon realizing what Adhara meant by that, "I didn't mean it like that, I only try to tell you to sit down and relax. Why did you have to go in that direction?"

"You pushed me to my knees! Of course, I'm going to think you wanted that", Adhara pouted.

She then asks, "Did you like what I did back in the car? Do you want me to do it again?"

Rex was stunned as the situation suddenly becomes tense and intimate because of this, even the thought of the car experience makes his throat dry so he quickly clears his throat and changed the topic, "We're getting side-tracked, just close your eyes and steady your breathing"

With that, Adhara follows the instruction and did just that with a teasing smile.

After seeing Adhara closing her eyes, Rex caresses her head with his hand before notification from the system appeared in front of him,

<Does the user wants to begin Adhara's Evolution Progress?>


<Beginning Evolution Progress...>

Upon the last notification from the system, a bubble of light suddenly envelop Adhara's head.

It's not like a regular light but a blue hologram-like light that surrounded Adhara's head like a fish bowl, 'So this is what it looks like... I hope she will turn out great', Rex thought while looking at Adahra that is already dwelling inside her mind.

Rex waited for half a minute making sure that Adhara is fine,

With his pent-up stress inside of him, he got distracted as his eyes falls to Adahra's luscious lips.

Because of the sudden side-track conversation produced by the misunderstanding, Rex can't lie that the room instantly becomes hot. After all, it's been a while since he really did it.

There's an urge inside of him that wanted to grab Adhara's neck and slam her against the wall.

Although it might sound extreme it's not something that unusual for the two of them, regular intimate done by a normal couple doesn't apply to them as their animalistic instinct got triggered whenever they did it.

So the rough style is more their thing, but Rex shakes his head trying to snap out of his daze.

'Come on... focus! You got shit to do and there's no time playing around', Rex slapped both of his cheeks with his hands trying to shake the feeling off.

After mustering enough willpower, Rex turns around and left the training ground.

Upon closing the Training Ground door behind him, Rex looks at the Awakened Guards that are already giving space just like he ordered before reminding them once more to not disturb Adhara. She's in close-door training is the excuse he used.

Rex then went back into the mansion while looking down in thought,

'System, is it possible for me to reach the mastery of the Lunar Dust Illusion enough to reach 80% of my power?', he got an idea but in order to do that he needs to get used to the Lunar Dust Illusion Ultimate Spell that he got from Master of Light Achievement.

This Ultimate Spell allows him to create an illusion of himself made of Lunar Dust.

But right now he is only able to create a Lunar Dust Illusion that has the equivalent of 30% of his strength, it should put his illusion in the early or mid-sixth rank realm and it's not enough.

For his plan to work, Rex needs to at least create an illusion that reaches 80% of his original power.

<Ultimate Spell Lunar Dust Illusion allows the user to create an illusion of himself, the strength associated with the Lunar Dust Illusion can be increased by getting stronger, getting used to using the spell, and also the help of items>

<In order to create an illusion with 80% of the user's strength, the following items are recommended the user can buy from the system's shop>

<Rapid Mastery Elixir>

<Extensive Rune of Mimicry>

<A Bag of Refined Ice and Moon Lunar Dust>

While looking at the list of items that the system recommended him for achieving his ideal illusion of himself, Rex unconsciously already arrived in front of Evelyn's room. He seems to be still thinking while reading the items listed,

Although he's still looking at the items' description, his hands turn the handle and open the door.

Rex takes big strides into the room intending to help Evelyn upgrade her element, he closed out the system notification that is blocking his vision but what comes to sight makes him stop in his track.

In front of him, Evelyn is glancing back at him with her body only covered with a towel.

The towel is very short that only manages to cover her upper thighs, and her two mounds are teasing the eyes pressed by the tight towel wrapping her. From the dripping wet hair and body, she seems to have just gotten out of the shower.

Witnessing such a sight, his eyes widen rosily.

Evelyn saw Rex looking up and down at her exposed body forcing a blush on her face, and this burns the fire inside of Rex even brighter as he just got excited from the incident with Adhara earlier.

Before he was too late, Rex turns around intending to leave.

Just when his hand was about to turn the door handle once more to leave, he can feel something grabbing the end of his shirt stopping him in his tracks, 'Fuck me...'

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