
Chapter 202 202

The Saturday morning incident in the city of Sameran was blamed on the Wolf Fang Mercenary Group and Ye Tian by the Netherian Government. There was nothing that the apologists of Ye Tian could do about it, and everything was falling onto the board as Keith wanted it to.

The Falken thought that it was a good time to hit the Demiliore Business, and later on Saturday evening, a few key members of the Demiliore Family were targeted but survived the assassination attempts.

Keith had planned on leaving on Sunday for Australia but decided to stay back for a couple of days as he initiated business warfare on the Nestex Corporation. The already struggling Hawkins Family was made to give up several smaller companies under their banner, which had immense potential, unaware that the buyers were actually buying everything on Keith\'s behalf.

On Wednesday morning, the news came out that the Black Forest Group owned the majority shares of Nestex\'s A.I Technology Company, Vixar, which was valued at over 250 Billion Neris, the business community was shell-shocked.

The Hawkins Family threatened to take the matter to the court, calling the transfer of shares by the major stakeholders to a new buyer without any prior notice unlawful, but unfortunately for them, all the stakeholders were on Keith\'s side.

Two days later, the Hawkins Family gave up their remaining 24% Shares in the company, which were bought by the Demiliore Family for a reported sum of a mere 15 Billion Neris, less than one-fourth of what those shares were actually worth.

Vixar was now majorly owned by the Demiliore Consortium and the Black Forest Group. And after their acquisition, just within a day, its market value saw a sudden rise.

The public was not aware of it, but the business community knew how exactly Keith managed to acquire Vixar\'s majority and what happened in the last few weeks.

Back in March this year, the Black Forest Group had gotten a loan worth 60 Billion Neris approved by one of the most prestigious Private Banks in the country, owned by the McKellen Family, and last week, when the Bank was on the verge of bankruptcy, Keith bought out the bank for 17 Billion Neris and wrote off the loan that he owed.

It was a daylight heist, but everything was done under the laws, and such, nobody could do anything about it. And the remaining 43 Billion funds from the loan was the major funding source used by him to acquire the majority shares of Vixar.

Though everyone in the Business Community already respected him for what he had achieved in such a short time, they utterly feared him now.

He was ruthless, and those who had tried to stand up against the Demiliore Family in the last few weeks now obediently bowed their heads to him even if they were unwilling to do so.

It was Saturday afternoon now, a week after the terrorist attack in the city by the Wolf Fang Mercenary Group, and Keith was currently inside the Black Forest Tower of the Noxville Netheria.

He was seated in his office, going through some files when a sudden voice sounded out in his right ear.

"Senpai, Ye Tian has arrived in Australia. He seemed to have determined the location of Hummingbird and Viper, and now he\'s planning on rescuing them."

Keith did not say anything and took his time going through the documents before signing them and handing them over to May, who was sitting at the table with other senior officials of his Group.

"You may leave." He said and everyone stood up and bowed to him before leaving the office.

It has been a very busy day since the new financial year started and he had to go through the year-end financial statements of his Group.

"I will be leaving for Australia tonight." He said, and the only lady in the office, who was sitting on the couch on the other end, raised her head from the file and looked at him.

"Do you need me to come with you?" She simply asked.

"No. I will be fine." He smiled at her and then walked over to her, capturing her lips in a kiss. "But you will accompany me to Kashmir when I return from Australia."

"And what will we be doing in Kashmir?" Amelia smiled at his words and asked.

"Making love." He nibbled on her earlobe, which prompted her to laugh lightly, but then she kissed him on his lips and nodded her head.

"I will hold you on your promise, my dear husband." She playfully said. "Be safe."

"Of course." He chuckled and then took a deep breath, filling his lungs with her scent before leaving the office.

"Iris." He called out to Iseul as soon as he exited the office and walked towards the lift.

"Yes, Senpai?"

"Have you made the arrangements?"

"Yes. You can leave anytime after 5 pm today."


"Am I allowed to come?"

"No." He refused and heard her huff in dissatisfaction. "Keep an eye on Falkens."

"Yes, Senpai." She obediently acknowledged his command.

Keith exited the lift on the 60th floor and walked into Rebecca\'s office. She was instructing May and Nana on something and stopped as she raised her head to brightly smile at him.

"Missed me?"

"Nope." He smiled at her and then sat at the table. "I won\'t be home for the next few weeks. You will handle the affairs concerned with all the new additions to our Group, and you will decide on the fate of Ye Tian\'s allies."

"When do you want to make the news public about all the companies that we have secretly bought from Hawkins Family?"

"I planned on doing it in the coming week, but you can decide on it yourself." He shrugged and then pecked a kiss on Nana\'s cheek before getting up from his seat.

"Young Master. Those companies are not very useful to us." May expressed her thoughts, and Rebecca smiled at her.

"He planned on selling them after making some profit on them, right?" She told May, and then glanced at him and asked.

"Yes." He nodded to her. "We are not looking for anything outrageous. Any decent profit would do. I want all those companies off-loaded within the next six to seven months."

"As you say, Young Master." May nodded her head. She was going to suggest he do exactly the same with these companies, so, she knew what she needed to do now.

After chatting with the three of them for a while, he excused himself and left the tower with Yingying, heading back home.

Since he was going to be away for quite a while, he had to inform all his ladies about it in person.

Celine and Kiara were busy with Minami\'s lessons, and his Grandparents were present in the lounge as well.

"Well, will you be back?" Diana asked.

"I should be back in Netheria in seven to nine days, but then I have to head straight to Kashmir with Amelia." He informed them. "So, I won\'t be home for, at least, a month."

"Kashmir?" Raizer raised his brow and inquired the reason.

"I have a meeting there with someone. But mostly, I just want to spend some time alone with her."

"Hmph!" Kiara pouted at his words, but when their eyes met, she brightly smiled at him.

"Have fun!"

"We will." He flicked her nose and then hugged everyone.

"Have fun!" Celine wished him as well, but he caught the longing in her eyes.

Since he had returned, he had spent time with everyone, but she and Ayesha were the only ones whom he had not poured his love into.

Though she was yearning for him, she was not in the least mad at him for not making time for her.

"I will give you a surprise when I return." He whispered into her ear, which piqued her curiosity, but before she could ask anything about it, he was already walked out of the room.

"Pack your weapons." He said to Yingying when they were walking towards their section, and then parted ways with her as he headed to Ayesha\'s room.

He knocked on the door once, and without waiting for a reply, entered it.

"Hey." He walked over to the lady who had stood up from the bed, and then pulled her into his arms, hugging her tightly. "Had a good rest?" He gently asked.

She had returned last night from Persia with Amelia and May and had gone straight to bed after it.

It was not the jet lag that tired her, but it was her nervousness to see him after all that had been revealed about Ye Tian in the last few weeks.

Though she still wished that her childhood friend lived, she no longer had it in herself to come to his support or even look at him after the attacks that happened on Rebecca and Sebastian in the past few days.

Against her will, tears poured out of her eyes and her body started trembling when he kept hugging her and refused to let go of her.

He gently soothed her back and waited for her heart to calm down.

Amelia had taken her to Switzerland and then to Persia so that she could clear up her mind and stay away from all the distress. And it had worked to an extent.

It had helped her decide what she wanted in life and understand where she belonged better than ever, and by how she tightly hugged him, it was clear that she wanted to stay by his side.

"So, my Fatso misses me?" He playfully asked when she had calmed down and was immediately pushed away by her.

"Go away!" She glared at him, showing her dissatisfaction at the nickname he had started using for her.

"Instead of asking me to go away, why don\'t you start exercising more, Fatso?" He stepped forward and stroked her cheek with his thumb before leaning in and taking a sip from her lips. "I am going away for several weeks."

"Why..." She anxiously looked at him, instinctively grabbing his shirt as if to stop him from going away.

"I have to." He said to her and then kissed her cheek. "You know, Nana can cultivate now." He whispered in her ear, which caught her by surprise.

"How?" She knew that Nana lacked the Aura Nodes in her body just like her, and a ray of hope suddenly sparkled in his heart. "Can you help me too?"

"I can. But Nana thanked me for it in a very pleasurable manner. How do you plan on thanking me for it?" He teasingly said and chuckled when lust sparkled in her eyes.

He had a couple of hours to spare, so, he pushed her down on the bed and climbed on top of her, deciding to pour some love into her before leaving. At least, that would keep her a little satiated until his return.

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