
Chapter 264 264

"What are you looking at?"

The question and the playful smile on his face made the girl burn in a furious blush.

"You." She bit her lower lip, and only lowered her eyes for a second before sneaking a glance at his nakedness.

She just could not resist how perfect he was, and it was less in lust and more in fascination that she stared at him. But that might be because her lust had been satiated earlier, and her body still held the sweet ache which reminded her of the mind-numbing pleasure he had made her experience.

"Come. Help me with my shirt." Keith suddenly said after he put on his pants and shoes, and Zoey brightly smiled before she stood up, wincing a little at the ache in her lower body.

However, she paid no heed to it as she patiently helped him put on his shirt, making sure that she traced his muscles with her hands, once more making sure if they were real or not.

They were real, and they were perfect, and she could not help but bite her lip again when she raised her head and met his eyes.

"Kiss me."

It was like a Devil\'s whisper, and though she knew she should not do it, given what it had led to earlier in the shower, she just tiptoed and planted her lips on his.

She just could not resist him and moaned in his mouth when his hands grabbed her ass and clawed it.

The fire was about to flare up once again, but Keith retracted his lips just in time, and then he planted them on her forehead.

"So, was your first time just as special as you wanted it to be or was it lacking?"

"Keith!" She blushed hard and hammered her soft fist on his chest, embarrassed at his question.

She could not help but recall everything that happened last night, and then she just lowered her head and entered his arms, contently burying her face in his chest and inhaling his scent.

"It was perfect."

"I am glad to hear that." He chuckled and then planted a kiss on her head, wrapping his arms tightly around her.

"I don\'t want to go home..."

"Then don\'t." He smiled. "You can stay at the mansion with me."

"But I have to go home..."

"Then go."

"You are not helping!" She giggled and sweetly smiled at him when they separated.

He was just so good to her, so caring. And her heart warmed up when she recalled how much care he showed her when he picked her up from the bed in the morning and helped her clean up with his own hands.

Yes, he fucked her hard after that and helped her clean up again, but he was such a caring and passionate lover that she could not resist but step forward to plant a kiss on his cheek.

"What was that for?" Keith curiously smiled and asked as he watched Zoey skip out of the dressing room.

"Nothing!" She said, and then pouted at him when she saw the torn pieces of her dress from the last night, still on the floor. "It was my favourite dress..."

"It was just a dress." He shrugged.

"Hmph!" She pouted some more, but then a restless expression crept on her face. "Keith..."


"Would you mind... meeting my Mom and talking to her about our relationship?"

"Let\'s go."

She was stunned when he simply grabbed her head and started pulling her out of the room.

"I will drop you home and talk to your mother too."

His words warmed her heart and she lowered her head, wearing a silly smile on her face, obediently following him.

However, she had to raise her head when they arrived at the main lobby on the ground floor, and Keith suddenly stopped.

"Master Demiliore..."

It was the voice she recognised as it was her brother\'s voice, and she blushed hard as she tried to hide behind Keith.

"Good morning, Heir Alvarez." Keith, however, was not embarrassed and shook hands with Javier.

"Good morning, Zoey." Javier quickly greeted her, and without waiting for a response, he looked at Keith again. "Have you received the news?"

"I am afraid I did not check my phone since last night." Keith shook his head. "What happened?" He curiously asked.

"The old man of the Oscar Family passed away in his sleep. Heart Failure." The man with chestnut hair informed him.

"Oh." Keith indifferently reacted to the News and then smiled when he caught sight of Hannah in the lobby, vacantly looking in their direction. "Go be with your fiancée."

Javier turned to look behind him and then blushed a little.

What happened last night was something he had never expected, and he knew that he had Keith to thank for it. After all, had he not pushed them to drink so much, he would have stayed oblivious to the feelings Hannah held for him in her heart.

"Please excuse me."

"No worries." Keith smiled and watched Javier happily walk over to Hannah.

"She looks like she regrets everything that happened last night." Zoey narrowed her eyes as she gauged Hannah\'s expressions, and Keith was impressed by her intuition.

"It has already happened. There is no point in regretting it." He shrugged. "Besides, they are meant to get married next month."

"Hmm." Zoey nodded to her words and then frowned. "The old man from the Oscar Family must have been stressed because of the actions of his stupid grandson."

"Who knows." He shrugged and then grabbed her hand, pulling her towards the parking lot.

Zoey curiously looked at him from behind. She had a hunch that he had a hand in the death of the old man, but she simply brushed the thoughts aside.

Not because she thought that she must be wrong for thinking this, but because it did not matter to her.

On the other side in the Mystich City, a young man desolately looked at the body of his grandfather.

The results of the autopsy had just come out, and the cause of death had been determined to be heart failure.

There was no evidence of foul play, so, it was concluded that it was a natural death, likely stimulated by the stress that the old man could not deal with at this age.

"Young Master, your grandfather wanted you to leave today..."

"I am not going anywhere, Albert." Mathew clenched his fists and took a deep breath. "I don\'t believe that it was a natural death. He was murdered. And Keith was behind it."

"Young Master..." Albert looked around in alarm, and luckily, no one was around them to hear those words. "You must not voice out such thoughts. It is unwise."

Mathew frowned at those words but nodded his head and turned to look Albert in the eyes.

"I need all the details of our businesses. Everything we have left."

"Please, Young Master. I can take care of things here. You should respect the last wish of your grandfather and stay out of the public\'s eyes for a year or two."

"I have made my decision, Albert. Do your job." Mathew walked past him without giving the head butler any chance to argue.

As he walked down the hallway, a small smile crept on his lips.

He had been worried last night about how to convince his grandfather to not send him away, and now, he did not need to do it.

Seemed like Fate did not wish for him to go away.

Though he had a hunch that Keith was behind his grandfather\'s death, he was not confident about it.

After all, if Keith wanted to deal with him, he could have dealt with him even with his grandfather by his side.

He was just that insignificant in that man\'s eyes and this reminder made him clench his fists hard.

All he now had to do was be careful and patient. He would use any means now to grow stronger and become powerful, and one day... One day, he will be powerful enough to trample the Demiliore and his Family and make him pay for all the humiliation he had suffered at his hands.

Mathew now had two clear goals in his mind; Maria Valeca, and Stella Stone.

Though the two were not rich, one was a very capable woman, and the other had a father who was one of the most famous artists in the country with good connections.

He wanted to grab the Goldsmith Twins too, but they seemed close to Keith, and for now, he could not afford to get into another confrontation with him.

Mathew arrived at the reception and glanced at the blonde girl who was about to go home after her night-long shift.

He deliberately walked past her, keeping his head low, wearing a melancholic expression.

His heart started racing when he nearly reached the entrance, and she did not call after him, but to his relief, he finally heard someone\'s footsteps behind him.

"Hey..." She called out, but he pretended to have not heard her. "Mr. Mathew." And when she called him out by his name, he finally d stopped and turned around.

"Yes?" He vacantly asked.

"Your 50 Neris!" She smiled as she offered him the money she owed him, and to her confusion, he simply nodded and grabbed the money before turning around and slowly walking out of the Hospital.

And then being a little over-dramatic, he approached a pillar and placed his hand on it, grimacing at the fake pain that oozed out of his heart.

"Hey, are you okay?" Stella asked after she could not help her worry and curiosity.

The result had been achieved, and Mathew smiled in his heart.

"I am fine..." He half-heartedly replied.

And it only made the poor girl worry more for him.

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