
Chapter 422

Chapter 422

It was the second game of the night, and nothing had so far gone her way.

"I resign." She eventually conceded, having finally seen through the traps that awaited her.

She had made plenty of mistakes, and now there was no way to save the game. It was only a matter of time before her King would be cornered.

"Another?" Keith smiled at his wife and offered a rematch again, which Qingyue readily accepted.

"I will take the Blacks this time."

"Are you sure?" He playfully asked, and when Qingyue nodded her head, he shrugged and turned the board around to let her have the black pieces for this round.

His unconventional opening irritated her a little, but she did not let her guard down and focused on her game.

However, despite all her best efforts, she still lost the game, ending up in a very sour mood.

"You were too defensive." He smiled.

"I know." And she huffed before she folded her arms on her chest and then looked at the lake, smiling a little as she found Ayesha, Fiona, and Iseul, walking by its side, chatting happily with each other.

"She\'s getting along just fine with Ayesha."

"You like her?"

"What\'s there to not like about her?" She giggled. "She\'s sweet, well-mannered, and always thinks about others first. She has a very kind heart."

"And you can tell all that just within a few hours of meeting her?" He playfully asked and watched his wife confidently nod her head.

"I can."

"Quite perceptive of you." He smiled.

"So, do you think I am right about her?" She grinned at him and smugly shrugged when he nodded his head.

He lightly laughed and turned to look at the attendant who was standing away from them, waiting for their signal to approach.

Qingyue curiously looked at the small box that the attendant offered to Keith, and she quizzically raised her brow when she saw the watch inside it.

It was an Aion Starza, a luxury watch brand that created some of the most expensive watches in the world. And this particular watch was The Nightfall Edition, one of the three watches in the entire world, created back in 2020.

She did not know much about it, but she knew that this particular watch did not cost any less than 60 Million Neris, and those who had it were unlikely to ever sell it or give it away.

"Thank Mr. Wei for the kind gesture on my behalf. I like it, and I will accept it." Keith told the attendant, who was seemingly very relieved, and when he heard the next words, he was visibly excited as well. "If Mr. Wei is on the premises, I would like to be invited over for some tea."

"Of course, Master Demiliore. I shall convey your words to Master Wei."

"Wei Sheng? The former President?" Qingyue guessed who this Master Wei was, and seeing Keith nod, she narrowed her eyes a little.

The old man Wei Sheng was the head of the Wei Family, and he was also the former President of China, having held the office for nearly two decades.

And even now, he held great political pull.

"What does he want from you?"

She was smart and understood that such gifts were not offered for no reason, and since Keith had told her earlier that she would soon find out the reason why they were in Beijing, she guessed that it was related to Wei Shen.

"He wants me to save his grandson." He told her the answer, but Qingyue still kept looking at him.

"And what do you want from him?"

"There is a land in Hangzhou which is owned by the Wei Family. I want it."

"I see."

She was visibly quite relieved at his answer, and it made him chuckle.

"What? You thought I would take his granddaughter?"

"Who knows? You do keep looking for more and more girls." She irritatedly said and narrowed her eyes at him when he heartily laughed at her response and reaction. "Why do you need so many girls around you?" She seriously asked, and he wisely stopped laughing, meeting her eyes and smiling at her.

"Does it worry you?" He lightly asked, but Qingyue did not answer him as she still waited for the answer to her question. "Well, I am a lustful man, but it is also for the family." He told her. "We are going to live a life where we would lose the sense of Time, and we are going to spend a life where we would need people whom we can trust with our lives. It\'s better to put that trust in the family."

Qingyue frowned at his words and then lowered her head, contemplating it.

"Are you not glad that you have Ayesha by your side?"

"I am."

"Well, you still need a few more girls with you whom you can trust just as much as you trust her."

He said and stood up, having sensed a few men coming over to invite him.

"I will be a little late." He softly said to her before he started walking away, leaving her to her thoughts.

"Master Demiliore." The person who was leading the group was none other than the old man Wei Sheng, and he immediately stopped and bowed when he watched Keith walking over to him.

The people around him, who were not exactly aware of Keith\'s True Identity, were shocked at seeing Old Wei show such respect to a young man. It was almost as if he was greeting the Patriarch of Jian Zong, and that made them all nervous as they understood that the young man was a lot more than they thought he was.

"Master Wei." He smiled and accepted the greeting with a very slight bow.

"I am happy to Host you on my Premises, Master Keith. And thank you for giving ne this chance." Old Wei sincerely said, and his aged grey eyes sparkled in excitement.

"Shall we?"

"Of course!"

Wei Sheng led Keith to the Presidential Suite, and then he signalled everyone to leave them alone.

Despite being nearly ninety years old, Wei Sheng was quite energetic, and he started working on preparing the tea by himself whilst Keith decided to sit at the table where the Go board was placed.

He curiously analysed the game that was displayed on it since the Stones were still in their places, and a smile crossed his face.

"I wonder if you lost, Old Wei. I have been told that you are considered one of the best Go Players in the world."

"The Old Man does not jest when he says that he hasn\'t lost a game in years. And what you see on the board was the toughest game of my life, and one of the few that I lost." There was a hint of fondness in his voice when he spoke those words, and a sense of loss as well.

"And who was it that beat you?" He curiously asked.

"My Ancestor, Wei Tianxi. He is long gone now."

"The current White Emperor?" Keith curiously asked, and the old man\'s hands froze for a second before he helplessly smiled.

The man he was making tea for was a Mortal God, and it was not too surprising that he knew about the Mortal Gods who were born in this world.


The old man then started telling him about how he met his Ancestor, and how he managed to catch his interest.

He did not possess great Cultivation Talent and was still stuck at the peak of True Profound Realm after all these years. But he possessed a very sharp mind, and the Ancestor asked for him to accompany him to a few games of Chess now and then.

"It\'s delicious." Keith honestly told the old man as he tasted the tea.

It was the second-best tea he had had in his life, the first being the one he had with Abuzar last year.

"Thank you, Master Demiliore." Wei Sheng smiled and then looked at the Go board between them. "Do you play Go?"

"Not often, but I do know how to play it." Keith smiled. "Shall we?"

"Why not?" The old man grinned and then started picking up the Stones, placing them back inside their bowls. "Please," He offered the Black Stones to him, but Keith smiled and shook his head.

"I wish to play with Whites,"

Wei Sheng was a little hesitant, but no longer insisted, and soon he made his first move with the Black Stones.

At the start, Wei Sheng was not really expecting much. And could he be blamed? There were hardly any people who could beat him in this game, but halfway through, he started sweating.

His aged eyes were gleaming in excitement, his body trembling slightly. It had been a long while since someone had challenged him, and it had been even longer since he had found himself hard-pressed.

Their game continued for nearly two hours before Old Wei started laughing in happiness.

The game was over, and even though it had been close, he had lost. His first loss in decades.

"You fooled the Old Man, Master Demiliore."

"I did not lie." Keith chuckled. "I really don\'t play it often."

For a moment, Wei Sheng stopped laughing and stared at him, and then he sighed as he looked down at the board.

"Well, I must say, Master Demiliore, to possess such skill at such a young age is unheard of."

"I am special."

"Indeed." The old man smiled, taking another good look at the board and memorising the game. "Mind if we have another game?" He genuinely requested, and Keith smiled.

Wei Sheng had not felt as alive in years as he did in the last hour, and right now, he was like a young man who had just discovered his favourite activity.

"My wife is waiting for me, Master Wei," He smiled. "But we can have another game if you are up for a gamble."

Wei Sheng understood that Keith wanted something from him, and he had known about it since the moment Keith accepted his gift.

"Please tell."

"I wish to buy the land the Wei Family owns in Hangzhou." He straightforwardly said, and Old Wei looked at him in surprise.

A minute passed, and Wei Sheng finally nodded his head.

"There\'s a rumour in our circle, Master Demiliore," He carefully spoke, "Did you have some connection with the late Qin Jiahao?"

"Why do you think so?" He lightly smiled.

"Though Qin Jiahao was not the best I have seen in my life, he was still a terrifying businessman with great ability. And in just a couple of decades, he managed to create his Mini Empire in Hangzhou. Needless to say, he also managed to create some terrifying enemies." Old Wei started speaking as he cleaned up the board and put the pieces back into the bowls. "And your one call halted all their attempts to gnaw at his Business. All because you showed interest in working with his company."

"Is that so?" He smiled some more.

"People are curious, Master Demiliore. Of all the people and companies in China, why the Rouxi Corporation, and why after Qin Jiahao\'s death when the business is in uncertain hands?"

"What\'s your guess?" Instead of answering, Keith curiously asked the old man.

"Forgive me if I am wrong, but after you have shown your desire for our land in Hangzhou, I think it is all for Qin Rouxi." Wei Sheng raised his head and calculatedly looked at Keith, trying to read through him.

"And how did you reach this conclusion?" He asked again, still smiling.

"My youngest Granddaughter, whom I have spoiled rotten, is in Hangzhou." The old man smiled. "And Feifei is friends with Qin Rouxi. She approached me a few days ago, requesting me to help her friend by selling the land that Rouxi Corporation needs. However, my son is in charge of the Business, and he had already refused her as it would be a great loss to us, so, I told my granddaughter that it was my son\'s decision, not mine. Now she\'s mad at me..." He sighed as he lowered his head. "I know it is a bold guess, but..."

"You are not wrong." He admitted, and Wei Sheng nodded his head, not saying anything about it.

The Old Man did not care about the storm that was likely going to strike some powerful people. He was content that his family would be safe from it.

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