
Book 1: Chapter 21: Past Nightmare and Other Side

Book 1: Chapter 21: Past Nightmare and Other Side

In an endlessly bright dimension filled with every colour imaginable except for black, a young girl no older than ten sat in the very centre of this dimension.

This girl was Sophie and this was a time many centuries before she had been forcefully linked to Lone and then sent to an unfamiliar land.

"Why can\'t I just die?" she asked herself for the billionth time.

She never ate, but never starved, she could bleed, but never bleed out, she could refuse to breathe, but never suffocated.

Sophie slumped onto her side and stared into nothingness with a blank gaze in her dead eyes. "What\'s the point of immortality if I don\'t want to live?"

She idly created a shimmering jade-green barrier and controlled it to lop off her own head. Within seconds, the severed limb floated back to her neck and reattached itself.

Such a pointless, forgettable existence, she said to herself before spitting on the floor.

She did this for 30 straight years. Eventually, mutilating herself to the point an ordinary person would have died lost its charm.

"Maybe it would have been better if God could have ended my life... I shouldn\'t have killed him when he exhausted himself... Even though he was the reason for my imprisonment... Maybe it would have been nice to have someone to talk to?" she mused.

She tapped her finger on the floor of the dimension before she had a thought. I could just talk to myself. Ah, but Im a boring person with nothing fun to talk about How about an exciting yet timid me? That sounds like an interesting dynamic.

Day, weeks, months, years passed as she perfected her new personality. She wanted another person to talk to, not some cheap imitation made by her mind but a true, living, breathing person.

It took her 20 years before Sophie felt like shed created a persona worthy of a true conversation.

Hello, she said to herself.

H-Hi, she replied to herself.

Smiling, she asked, Whats your name?

S-Sophie. Whats, uh, yours? she asked back.

My name is also Sophie. It is nice to finally meet you. To meet someone we can trust, Sophie claimed.

Y-You can trust me? Sophie questioned.

Oh, yes. More so than even myself, she answered as her smile grew.

Decades and centuries passed as she talked to herself without end. She fell in and out of love with herself, had arguments, fights, even wars with her own mind.

There had even been a whole year where her other half had refused to speak to her, claiming she was too afraid of her violent and cruel nature.

Eventually, something split. Sophie no longer felt in control of her body but seemed to be an observer from her mind as her limbs and fingers moved on their own.

W-Whats happenings? Sophies meeker persona questioned in a panic.

I have no idea, Sophie replied though her lips didnt voice her words.

I-I heard that! Sophie gripped her head and screamed, I heard that! In here! I-I can think! I, we, Im not you!

What on Earth have I become No, wait, perhaps it should be what on Earth have we become Sophie muttered as she observed herself begin to feel all over her body, as if discovering the sense of touch for the very first time.

More time passed and Sophie soon learned that she and her meeker self could swap who was in control of their immortal body.

The persona that she had made to avoid her loneliness had somehow evolved and become a fully fledged person. Two minds, one body. Truly, a frightening thing.

Wearing her usual woollen jumper, the girl sat cross-legged as she talked aloud. "I I want to leave this place

Why? Sophie responded from within their shared mind.

I, uh, I really like you but its boring and lonely here. All we can do is sleep or talk to you, Sophie answered with an innocent honesty that was foreign to her other half.

No one down there will be as nice to you as we are. You were not there but you have our memories. Recall what those knights did to us. Chased us for over a hundred years like some rare animal. Chained us up at the bidding of their lord and left us for dead as our eyesight was stolen from us. You aren\'t just going to forget those 300 years, now are you? her response to herself was cold, vile, and filled with hatred.

"I know... But I\'m so alone. Even if they\'re bad, I just want a friend, no, not even that, just someone to talk to, to listen to I already know everything about you," the girl explained as she cried silent tears out of her grey and lifeless eyes.

You don\'t need anyone else, you fool! You have us! We are friends, are we not?! Sophie shouted at herself.

Burying her head between her knees, she replied, "But you\'re just me. Im you. It\'s not the same."

Then we can simple make more of us! We made you, did we not? Desperation oozed out of Sophies every word.

A very weak smiled spread across her physical face. "Maybe... I, uh, I want to sleep now."

She curled up into a ball and tried to ignore the heavy pains in her chest as she began to drift asleep. It was then that the entire dimension shook and began collapsing around her.

Standing up rapidly, the girl looked around with those blind eyes of hers as the colours started to fade.

Even if she couldn\'t see the colours, she could certainly sense them. Her entire \'vision\' was filled with darkness suddenly. A pitch-black darkness.

Memories flooded into her mind, memories of her other self that she didn\'t want to recall.

"What the... Where is this?" a strange and masculine voice said in confusion.

A few moments passed as she watched him fumbled about like he wasnt familiar with his own body. "What the fucks going on?"

Out of instinct, Sophie screamed at the top of her lungs. She was in a terrifyingly dark place with an unknown person, and this horrified her immensely.

Though a part of her was excited to meet someone new. She quickly and decisively sealed up her other self with layers and layers of mental barriers.

It was something she did often. Only when her other side got too aggressive or angry with her. Still, she knew how against meeting others she was. This chance wouldnt be messed up by her.

"A child? Is someone there? Are you okay? Where are we? Do you know anything?" the voice asked slowly and carefully once its owner had heard her screaming.

She held her mouth shut and began to hyperventilate. She had no clue how to interact with another person besides herself.

Instead of responding she tried her best to calm herself by just inspecting the persons body closely.

He was tall, had tails, oddly enough, and every part of him was blazing in a bright golden light. He was like a beacon in this dark place.

In truth, the girl cared not for what this man looked like. She just wanted a new friend, and maybe this was her chance.

But still, she had to approach this carefully. She didn\'t want a repeat of God. Granted, that man had done some terrible things to her other self. This person had done nothing bar ask some questions thus far.

"I\'m a teacher so you don\'t have to be scared. Ive got no idea whats going on but maybe we can figure something out if we work together? he requested in a kind tone.

Sophie ignored his words and instead focused on the fact that he couldnt seem to find her. So he cant see like I can He cant see magic

"I was in my dimension... I was just minding my own business, but I don\'t know either where we are. Who are you, Fox Man?" She ended up sounding far more frightened than she had intended, but it was commendable nonetheless that she was trying her absolute best.

The man responded with simply, "Soph."

\'Huh? That\'s a bit like my n-name though?\' She was very confused.

"Soph!" The darkness around her evaporated and was replaced by the face of the Foxman\'s concerned expression.

She was lying on top of him with several of his tails held between her arms. "Lone?"

"Were you dreaming? It seemed almost like a nightmare... You were thrashing about pretty badly..." Lone\'s tone indicated how worried he was about her.

Sophie let go of Lone\'s tails and hugged him tightly. "Mmm, it was both? I\'m sorry if I woke you up..."

Lone just sighed and smiled wryly. "It\'s so hard to remember how old you are when you\'re such a... well, such a kid." He gently returned her hug. Well, most of the time.

Sophie buried her face in his chest. "Is it bad that I\'m like this? I-I can try to be mature... I could turn into my adult form if youd like."

Lone shook his head instantly even if she couldn\'t see him right now. Well, she could see him if she just focused used her Mana Sensing.

However, her emotions were all jumbled up right now, so she wasn\'t concentrating much on her passive skill.

"No, please dont. That would be very bad right now. Just be yourself," he suggested.

\'Myself? Which self, exactly?\' Sophie kept her somewhat cynical thoughts hidden.

She definitely didn\'t want to reveal her other side to Lone, not after she had become friends with him and gotten a proper person to talk to out of him.

She could never risk letting him see her more hateful, uglier side. Not now, not ever. "O-Okay... I\'ll try."

The two stayed like that, simply hugging for a while. Once Sophie finally separated herself from him, he rustled her hair gently - something shed noticed he liked to do when it was freshly cleaned - and said, "Hungry?"

Nodding lightly, Sophie replied, "Yup."

"Okay, you go take a morning bath then and I\'ll cook breakfast for us. I plan on going back into the forest today, so no lazing about, \'kay?" Lone ordered in a slightly playful tone.

Sophie pouted. "Just \'cause I act immaturely, it doesn\'t mean that you have to treat me immaturely."

"Sure. Stop being lazy and I\'ll stop telling you to quit it, got it?" Lone replied with a warm smile.

Sophie stuck her tongue out in defiance. "I\'m not lazy. Doing nothing and being lazy are different."

"I guess they are. Anyway, go on and have a bath, unless you\'d rather I washed and you cooked today?" Lone suggested as he stroked his stubble.

Sophie shook her head and crawled off of the bed. "Bathing is fun, cooking is too but youre better at it than me. I prefer tasty food."

With that, she scampered off to the bathroom. Just as she reached the door, she turned around and looked at Lone with a somewhat lonely expression on her face. "Lone."

"Hmm?" Turning his head to face her as he was getting properly dressed, Lone gave the girl an inquisitive gaze.

"You... You won\'t ever leave me, will you?" Sophie\'s expression changed from one of loneliness to one of desperation in a split-second.

Lone put on a slightly crooked smile and replied, "I have no plans to do so. Were kind of joint at the hip thanks to The Summoning Room. Why?"

"No reason." Sophie left the room and made her way to the bathroom, leaving Lone perplexed.

"What an odd girl," he muttered under his breath.

After he was finished getting dressed, Lone heated up the bathwater for Sophie via his Creation Magic skill and then went to work preparing a light breakfast for the two of them.

He decided on porridge, which required the help of his ever-handy Creation Magic since he didn\'t know nor have the ingredients to make any kind of porridge.

Lone added extra sugar to fit both of their palettes. Something that he and Sophie had in common was their sweet tooth, it would seem. Although, Sophie\'s was far worse than he was.

After he had made the porridge, he added some honey to Sophies bowl and then left them to cool down.

A few minutes passed before Sophie came out of the bathroom wearing nothing but a towel once again.

Lone was already resigned to the fact that telling her to stop doing that would lead nowhere. He was just grateful she didnt become her adult form as well.

Her long golden-blonde hair was carelessly touching the floor and leaving wet marks everywhere though which was a problem.

Lone frowned. "You really need to learn how to dry your hair."

Sophie occupied the seat next to his and dug into her porridge. "Yummy."

Satisfaction filled her face as she said, "My hair\'s too long. I like it when you dry it."

"What am I, your father?" Lone joked.

"No, you\'re my friend, no, best friend! Right?" Sophie asked with a bit of uncertainty in her voice.

Lone sighed. He grabbed a napkin and wiped the food that had somehow missed the girl\'s mouth off of her chin. "I mean, I\'m the only person here, so by the process of elimination, of course I\'m your best friend."

Sophie blushed. "Oh, yeah... Hahaha..."

Lone frowned. "What\'s up with you today? You\'re being a bit... weird. Was it the nightmare?"

Sophie flinched. "N-Nothing. And n-no I was ju-just worried about you since you keep getting hurt and I\'m so useless."

Lone had a feeling that she wasn\'t being truthful. \'It was definitely her nightmare-slash-dream thing, right?\'

He shook his head lightly. It didn\'t really matter. For whatever reason, she had become even more insecure overnight.

"Okay." He put his hand on her wet head and rustled it despite its dampness. "Thank you. Your concern means a lot to me. Also, stop putting yourself down. You\'re plenty useful, okay? I dont enjoy repeatedly saying this to you."

"Thanks... and sorry" Sophie\'s face was red from a mixture of bashfulness and joy.

Lone sighed a little. Now, with that out of the way, finish breakfast, train a bit then hunt. Sound good?

Sophie nodded a little. Mmm, sounds good.

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