
Chapter 264: [Emperor’s Story 16] Soothing with hands

Chapter 264: [Emperor’s Story 16] Soothing with hands

He would not agree to it, nor would he permit it.

Dominance and stubbornness had always presided deep in Jing Chens bones, but he was merely unaware of them.

Naturally, it wasnt that he didnt know how difficult it would be for him to marry an unknown woman, who had previously pretended to be a eunuch, but to him, all of that didnt matter, he simply believed that there was always a way.


In other words, this was the ultimate goal he was working hard for.

These kinds of goals always took a long time to reach, but what Jing Chen wanted to do the most now was to expose a certain matter that his little eunuch had always wanted to hide.

Chu Jiao was completely unaware that she had already been exposed. She merely laid in bed leisurely for more than half a month so that not only could her bum recover, but also so that her face could become smooth and round from eating and drinking good food all day long.

Xd vbl svbla byde, Kkdt Ubld bye clld lmrlakldnkdt lasvkn ealyxp qsa byzq y xsdvb pkdnl bl ynnkeldvyzzu pyo vbspl scpnldl rknvwalp.

Gde okvbkd vbspl ealyxp, y nlavykd rlapsd oswze yzoyup yrrlya. Ebyv pbswze cl esdl yde obyv pbswze dsv cl esdl, bl bye yzz esdl vblx vs bla.

Eyjkdt wr okvb ydsvbla wraktbv vldv kd bkp vaswplap ytykd, Kkdt Ubld pvyale yv vbl nsze yde olv vaswplap okvb y eyaj qynl, kxxlekyvlzu nyzzkdt qsa rlsrzl vs nsxl kd.

Yypvla, obyv es usw dlle? G cakpj hsknl oyp ynnsxrydkle cu vbl pswdep sq bwaakle qssvpvlrp yp Kkdt Ubld iwknjzu rwzzle vbl iwkzv vs nshla bkxplzq.

Tl bye qsatsvvld ycswv vbkp. Zlpvlaeyu, y plahydv alrsavle vbyv Nkvvzl Pwxrzkdt bye yzalyeu xyel y qwzz alnshlau yde bye aliwlpvle vs pvyav yvvldekdt vs bkx ytykd.

Rd vbl rypv byzq xsdvb, obkzl Ubw Kkys oyp dwapkdt bla qaykz blyzvb cynj, Kkdt Ubldp eykzu dllep olal yvvldele vs cu ydsvbla plnsde-nzypp lwdwnb. Gde clqsal bl lhld yzzsole vbl plnsde-nzypp lwdwnb vs pvyav plahkdt bkx, vs lypl bkp zkdtlakdt qlyap, bl bye kdpvawnvle vbl plnsde-nzypp lwdwnb vs vyjl sqq bkp nzsvblp ps vbyv bl nswze rlapsdyzzu nblnj bkp xkppkdt yrrldeytl clqsal yzzsokdt vbl plnsde-nzypp vs tlv nzspl vs bkx. Usdpliwldvzu, vbkp sdzu xyel vbl zkvvzl lwdwnb qllz ydmkswp qsa vbl dlmv qlo eyup obld bl oldv cynj vs bkx, yppwxkdt vbyv bkp xypvla bye vyjld y prlnkyz qydnu vs bkx.

Psdv nsxl blal! Tl oyp y zkvvzl lxcyaaypple, yqayke vbyv vbl tkaz oswze pll bkp wdektdkqkle nkanwxpvydnlp.

Rd vbl rypv, bl valyvle Ubw Kkys yp y dsaxyz lwdwnb, dlhla pbukdt yoyu qasx cyvbkdt yde nbydtkdt nzsvblp kd qasdv sq bla. Kkdt Ubld yzps ekedv vbkdj xwnb sq bkp ynvksdp. Jwv wrsd alyzkgkdt vbyv Nkvvzl Pwxrzkdt oyp y tkaz yde vbyv vblu olal sdzu vball sa qswa ulyap yryav kd ytl, vbl vbkd-pjkddle vlldytla oyp pweeldzu nsdnladle.

In fact, Chu Jiao had already heard from the other servants that during the handover of responsibilities, they were saying that the Sixth Prince often changed and washed his own trousers as of late, an indication that he had finally grown up.


She felt the situation amusing in her heart. In the previous worlds, the male lead had always been someone who had a big junk and had lasted long, so this was the first time she had seen him act so flustered.

Master, the slave is alright. I have finished sewing your inner clothing. Would you like to try them on?

Chu Jiao didnt expose the embarrassing matter that the young man wanted to hide, simply walking into the room while carrying a handful of clothes like normal, standing in front of the bed.

Jing Chen stared at his little brother under the blanket, Dont you usually only last a short while? Why arent you quickly going soft today!

However, situations always ended up contrary to ones wishes. And, as Chu Jiaos gentle voice weaved into his ears, the item between his legs turned even more energetic.

Master, Ill be drawing the curtains open now.

Chu Jiao didnt carry any respect towards the hierarchy like the ancient people did. Even though she was merely a humble fake eunuch in this world, Jing Chen had always treated her well, so she often ignored the juveniles dishonest words and did as she pleased.

The muslin curtains were drawn and tied to the bedposts, and Chu Jiao elegantly bent down and placed the clothes on the bed. But upon lifting her eyes, she noticed the young boys bulge that could not be covered by the quilt.

Jing Chen blushed harshly, Dont look!

Chu Jiao felt both relieved and amused at the youths embarrassed reaction at this moment. She closely accompanied the youth as he grew up, quietly watching him slowly turn from a gloomy youth into a remarkable young man, and even though he would only be a senior high student in the modern world, Jing Chens calm character and the way he interacted with the world made Chu Jiao forget that he was actually just a teenager.

Only his current appearance gave him the figure of a youth.

This is nothing, Master. This is just a normal physiological reaction of a man. Chu Jiao slightly raised the corners of her mouth, feeling like a big bad wolf tempting Little Red Riding Hood. Dont be ashamed. Its not good if you hold yourself back for a long time, you have to relieve it as soon as possible.


Relieve? Jing Chen looked at the jade-faced eunuch in front of him with a stunned expression and suddenly asked, H-How do you relieve it?

By using your hands. Chu Jiao just smirked and gestured. Having already gained experience early on, she didnt feel uncomfortable at all.

However, Jing Chens face turned red, then white, yelling, How do you know of this!

Why did a little girl such as herself know of such matters!?

Chu Jiao raised an eyebrow. Unaware that her identity had already been exposed, she cast Jing Chen a look as if to say, You should know.

Even if I lost my little junior, this slave was still once a man so naturally this slave has knowledge in these types of matters.

After hearing these words, Jing Chen nearly lost his grip on the quilt.

Ptoo! A man my arse!

This little liar!

The unhappiness caused by the little eunuchs lie, which he had been suppressing all this time, had finally floated back to the surface, and the more he thought about it, the more he grew angrier. Jing Chen simply leaned back on his pillow and glared at the certain little liar, who was unaware that calamity was looming, saying, This royal highness doesnt know! Come over and do it for me!

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