
Chapter 288

“Ah! Fantastic!” Figuro clapped his hands. “Then, please tell me, what is your formation missing. A form of six is said to be very strong without being too large.”

I shook my head. “Actually, the five of us are already fine. Celeste handles mana, Miki spirit, Lydia is speed, Terra is strength, and I’m support. Rather, I’m looking for people to send to Chalm. Um… actually, if it is possible, I don’t want their slavery shifted onto me for obvious reasons.”

“Right, that can be arranged. The paperwork filing is what really matters. As long as they have a slave mark, whether it is attached to you or not is not important. I assume you also wish to free them as well.”

“Eventually, I’ll let the mayor and guild master worry about those things.”

“Okay, then I’ll also sell slave-breaking runes as well. Are you just looking for skilled artisans without a criminal record?” As he spoke, he stood up and gestured us to follow him out the door.

“That, but I also have some more personal requests. I’ll need some servants as well. My mansion is being built, and I’ll have a property in the Capitol that it’d be nice if I had someone to care for as well.” I said, following him with the girls in tow.  

We were now heading to the slave block. He seemed to bypass the wagons outside and used a special key to enter a back area. I had a distinct feeling that only special guests were allowed to see these slave areas. Was it because I was special, or was Figuro more unique than he let on. Just being good at his job didn’t earn reverence like that secretary guy had for him.

“Do you have anything particular in mind?”

“A head maid would be nice… someone with the skills to train everyone else. Definitely cooking and cleaning experience. Also… If they have clean-up magic, that would be great.”

“A maid with cleanup magic?” Figuro raised an eyebrow. “You never disappoint to make impressive requests. A woman of that quality is usually reserved for a palace. You typically don’t find them enslaved.”

“Ah… is that so? Don’t worry about it then.”

“I didn’t say we didn’t have someone of that type!” Figuro waved his hands. “Rather, it’s just she’s a VIP slave. She’s very expensive.”

“How much is very expensive?” I asked curiously.

“Well, this slave is incredibly beautiful. She used to be the maid to a noble, but that noble ended up going bankrupt and having to sell her. Even so, she’s 2000 gold.”

“Two thousand!” I let out a noise like a strangled cat.

“Of course, there are a lot of things that go into deciding the price of a person. Most standard, unremarkable people only cost a few gold coins. Sickly and old might even go for less. Rare species, rare jobs, high levels, beauty, youth, and a high level despite youth, these are all things that increase their value. As for this girl, she is the rarest find imaginable.” He stopped in front of a door.

“How rare is rare?” I asked, helplessly.

He grabbed the door and pushed it open. The room had actually been decked out quite nicely. It was like she was a noble herself. Compared to the slaves outside sitting in straw, the nice carpeted floor and a full bed were in stark contrast when it came to treatment. A tall, beautiful woman spun around when she saw the door open. She had an abundantly large chest and an extremely alluring body. However, the feature that stood out the most were long, pointed ears on either side of her head.

“Try… extinct.” Figuro coughed.

“A big-titty elf girl…” I said the words in wonder.

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