
Chapter 638

With the guy having given up a location, I now had it marked on my Map. Regrettably, I couldn’t just mark any location on the Map and go there. I needed that familiarity to make it work, either by having a marked person to target or a familiarity with the person. Therefore, I used Miki’s Dungeon points, freed up a few Portals, and went the old-fashioned way.

We first gave proper directions to the townsfolk before we moved on. They’d have to move during the night, but my Sense Life worked at least that far, and there didn’t appear to be any groups that might be Bandits between this town and the other village.

“Oh, you’re sending us to that village!” The elder went white.

“I-it’s the only place the bandits are avoiding.” I said defensively.

“And for good reason! Those people… they aren’t right in the head!”

“I get it, but no one is asking you to commit incest.”

“They are… multiple times!”

“They kept trying to hook me up with my sister! She ended up moving three villages away and won’t even look me in the eye on holidays.”

“I get it. They’re weird, however, it’s the safest place for you right now. It’s between them or dying, which do you choose?”



“We’re thinking about it!”

In the end, I was able to convince them to head to the village. Actually, the village had no official name. It was simply called Outcast village. At some point, I’d need to come up with a better name for it. If this was going to be the city I lived in from now on, this was kind of important. Anyway, as the villagers headed one way, we ended up heading the other. At this point, it was getting dark. This turned out to be in our favor.

With the sun setting, it only took one jump before we could see the fire in the distance. If I had gone during the day, I definitely wouldn’t have been able to see those fires. Maybe I had been thinking about this wrong. I was used to being in dungeons where night and day didn’t matter. However, up here, our skills working in low lighting would assuredly be advantageous. From my Sense Life to Shao’s Shadow Walking, our abilities were definitely better suited for this time of day.

Not to mention the fact the bandits would be asleep and blinded by their fires. Moving at night would truly be the best action for us. I already saw myself changing how we would do things tomorrow. Of course, we’d still have to start during the day, because the other villages probably wouldn’t take kindly to someone entering at night. We might end up getting mistaken for bandits ourselves and killed.

Looking out over the fire, I gave the girls their last direction. I wasn’t good at guessing, but Ruby had some experience and said that the group looked to be two bands, that meant twenty people. It was the largest group we had challenged yet. These were the Bandits who had attacked the previous village and wiped out everyone there. They were clearly not good people. My goal was to wipe them out in a single quick hit. We wouldn’t play around with changing jobs or instilling fear. Rescuing the people in distress was more important.

With a wave of my hand, our attack began.

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