
Chapter 1171

With a roar, the pair of us came at each other for a final strike. He crossed his blades in an x-slash, and my sword slammed into it. A shockwave exploded out from between us and the ground indented slightly.

“Is this all you have?” He shouted. “Is this the power of the man who claims he can protect her?”

“I’m just starting!” I forced down more, causing his knees to bend down.

“I’m sorry, Deek… you just don’t have what it takes.” His sighed. “You’ve failed!”

His blades finished the cut, and Xin’s sword exploded back. It flew out of my hand, flying up into the air. He had disarmed me. With a roar, he plunged forward, slamming his daggers into me. I… had lost? As I fell back, blood shooting from my chest, my head turned. Faeyna had lost her footing and fell back. Her broom flew to the side as she landed on her butt.

“You’re done.” The Elf Hero leveled his sword at her. “Now, give up and be mine.”

“Never!” She shouted defiantly.

“Never!” I said at the same time, my foot shooting back and catching me.

“Y-you…” Faeyna’s brother’s eyes popped open.

“I will never give up on her! On any of them!” My fist flew out and struck him in the face.

It was a Quick Attack, but it was my fist doing the damage. I had Basic Weapon Proficiency. What was more basic than hand-to-hand?

“You just don’t know when to give up!” He snorted, pulling two fresh blades from his belt.

The two sticking out of me weren’t even all that he had. I didn’t care. I attacked.

“Fool!” His blade went against my fist.

However, I changed my fist into a slash, and then I used the skill Extended Blade. A slash of light came from my hand and met his blade. His eyes popped open in surprise, expecting to hit flesh. This caused him to be unbalanced. I used a Create Step and Accelerate to explode forward. Using just my hands, I slashed over and over. I realized I was doing a combo.

True Strike, Parry, Arcing Slash, Quick Attack, Drill Kick… each attack flowed into the next attack. I had Advanced Learning Equipped, not to mention Mimic. My combo might not be as clean and efficient as what the pair of them could do, but I struck him again and again. He started to panic, causing him to lose one of his daggers. 5-combo. 6-combo. Each extra one became and more and more difficult. I realized the best I could manage was 7. Thus, I made it my best!

“Final Blow!”


Going for broke, his Danger Sense exploded, but he couldn’t resist as I struck him. He went flying off, slamming into the Elf Hero just as he was about to grab Faeyna. The two of them when flying back, slamming into the side of a previously formed crater. The Elf Hero burst out of the dust, a furious expression on his face. His clean outfit was dirtied, and he had lost his look of superiority.

“Ridiculous!” He snarled.

I stepped in front of Faeyna. I had managed to recover Xin’s blade, and I was now holding it up against him.

“I’ll be your opponent now!”

“I-it’s you!” Faeyna gasped.

So, now she could see me? That was fine. I wanted her to see me.

“Another fool wishes to die?” The Elf Hero grinned, he took a step forward but was stopped. “What’s this. It’s you!”

Behind him, Faeyna’s brother was holding on to his leg tightly.

“Deek.” He looked up at me. “I’ll take this one. As for you, I’ll hold you responsible for her future!”

The look in his eyes… I had seen such a look before.


“You peasant!” The Elf Hero lifted his sword to strike the other man down, but he didn’t look in his direction or protect himself.

“Goodbye, my sister.” He smiled sadly. “Self-Destruct.”


His body exploded in light. I created a barrier to block the explosion. That was how her brother went out. After being injured, Faeyna fought and became the Maid Hero. Then, her brother gave his life to destroy the Elf Hero. This damaged his soul to the point that all that was left was a sliver which ended up attaching to Faeyna. That was her story and her past.

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