
Chapter 122 - Infernofrost Ridge

"I cannot accept this as it is too valuable!" Kabrakan said as he tried rejecting the soul fragment.

"I also think I cannot accept this as I cannot use it." Peridot retorted.

"Just accept it you two. It is not like Adrian is actually giving it to you for free. Think of it as an investment. You two become powerful and with that you can help Adrian in his missions." Levin Cloud explained.

"Take it like an early birthday gift of some sort. If you two have good items that you do not need or cannot use but is useful to me then you can give those to me." Adrian insisted as he assessed the gravity of the undead event.

"We need to be stronger for the climax of the undead event." Adrian suddenly said which also put a gloomy face on the other. They realized that death knights and liches were a different level of difficulty compared to normal undead.

"Lighten up all of you. By the way do you guys know an area where there is both ice and fire?" Adrian interjected to lighten up the mood.

The two boys did not know any location like that but luckily someone knows.

"I think the east continent has something like that." Peridot said.

"But I think you need to be level 100 to at least attempt the going to the east continent?" Adrian asked.

"The only reason you need to be level 100 is because of the monsters at sea towards the east continent. You need to be at that level to ward them off. At least that is what is said on one of the forums that I have read." Peridot said.

"But it is said that the monsters at the east continent are level 150. Those are just field monsters!" Adrian said.

"If you can avoid them or have a direct access toward that area then you could probably survive." Peridot said.

"Direct access huh?!" Adrian muttered. He then quickly said, "I just got an idea so see you guys. I will call if I need your help or anything."

Adrian then ripped a teleportation scroll that he took from his inventory. The three of his friends stood there as the goodbye was so sudden. It was Kabrakan who was first to speak.

"Damn. He got teleportation scrolls. He is loaded." Kabrakan muttered.

"He could have given us those too!" Peridot said in a joking manner.

"Those are probably just to get him to the demon\'s den. He probably does not have teleportation scrolls that will get you to a certain location." Levin Cloud said as even he was surprised by the abrupt goodbye.


Meanwhile, Adrian went back to the Paradox Planes to talk to Pann. At first, he wanted to talk to Ascalor but he might not agree to send him there. He even yelled out to Pann when Adrian saw him outside tending to a goat fish hybrid of some sort.

"Quiet down you insolent brat! You are scaring my darlings. What are going to do if they cannot produce good milk!?" Pann shouted.

"But you\'re the one shouting!" Adrian retorted.

A bulge then appeared on Pann\'s forehead. Adrian quickly asked his question as Kanlaon was a bit irritated. Kanlaon was stating to scratch his scales as if it was itching all over his body.

"Kanlaon need to find a suitable habitat to evolve. He needs an area where there is a frost and fire essence. I think there is some place like that in the east continent." Adrian said.

Pann then looked at Kanlaon and the former wrinkled his brows before saying, "Interesting!"

"He managed to fuse with an element that is a complete opposite of his. Usually, even dragons explode if they do that. It seems that because of his strengthened soul due to being a soulbound provided some protection." Pann said.

"So will you help?" Adrian asked as the look on Kanlaon\'s face was worrying.

"Fine. You do not have to worry that much. He will live probably." Pann said in a nonchalant tone.

Adrian\'s eye bulged when he heard what Pann said. He was about to berate the old man but he suddenly whistled with the aid of his hands and a huge shadow was cast on them. Adrian looked at the source of the shadow and was surprised.

The shadow was cast by a whale. It looked like a whale but its body was full of constellations. It even swam in mid-air like the air was the sea. Pann then called the whale and Adrian was able to see its details.

Monster: Cosmic Cetacea

Level: ???

HP: ???,???,??? / ???,???,???

MP: ???,???,??? / ???,???,???

Description: Also called the Great Fish of the Cosmos. It is not known if it is actually a fish or another kind of creature. They are said to feed on the debris generated by dying planets and are gentle in nature. Although big in size, they do not know how to fight. They usually just swim infinitely in the cosmos. Not much is known about their behaviors as they avoid direct confrontation.

"Bessy!" Pann shouted excitedly while the Cosmic Cetacea gave a cry of joy.

"So how is Bessy going to help us?" Adrian asked in bewilderment.

Pann just had a huge smile on his face. Adrian then got shivers on his spine. Adrian shifted his gaze on Bessy who now had a gaping mouth. Adrian tried to run but it was too late as they were sucked into the mouth of Bessy that looked like a black hole.

"I did not expect it to be like Jonah!" Adrian protested as he was sucked into the belly of the Bessy.


When Adrian regained vision. He saw Pann patting Kanlaon on the head. Adrian looked around the surroundings and saw they were at a place where fire and ice meet. On the left was a frozen wasteland while on the right was an infernal hell with volcanoes spitting out lava. If this was the real world then it would not be possible to see this sight.

The most confusing thing is that the ice is not melted by the lava nor the lava getting hardened by the low temperature. It was a harmony of two opposing elements that defied all expectations. Kanlaon though had a jovial expression and was circling the skies.

[You have arrived at the heart of Infernofrost Ridge.]

"It seems I am not the pioneer for this area as I was not even given stats or resistance skills." Adrian thought

"Why am I not affected by the temperature as much?" Adrian asked.

"Obviously, I did something or else your body will experience both a frostbite and a burn at the same time." Pann retorted.

[Kanlaon has now the perfect environment to evolve. Do you want to proceed with the evolution? Yes or No?]

Adrian obviously accepted and Kanlaon did a dance in the air. It looked like the fire and ice was dancing with him as it was getting absorbed in his body. A while later enormous amounts of energy was getting harvested from the Infernofrost Ridge. It would have been perfect but the hidden experts of the east continent noticed the disturbance and headed towards the ridge right away.

"It seems your soulbound is a bit greedy in absorbing the requirements or is he trying to resupply what he lost to control his two energies? It seems we will be expecting some visitors but worry not. They will not stop this old man\'s curiosity." Pann declared.

Adrian did not know what Pann was blabbering about but he then suddenly felt that there was this feeling of danger heading towards him. Pann though was not even worried even if he had already felt the individuals heading towards them from miles away.

"Now let us see what kind of beauties inhabit this chaotic wasteland." Pann said as he took out an ocarina from who know where and started playing a tune.

The tune was melodious and was very pleasant to the ears. It was even more pleasant for Sirius and Saena as they look like they are in ecstasy. The two even started dancing or swaying their bodies left and right. Adrian who was enjoying the sound heard cries of some sort of creature but does not know where they came from.

A few seconds later, Adrian could see a blizzard blowing from the frozen part of the ridge while a volcano erupted on the fiery part of the ridge. Two birds of different colors started to come towards Adrian\'s group. He was very afraid as the two birds looked powerful and not something he could take on right now.

He wanted to warn Pann but he was so intoxicated with playing his ocarina that he could not hear Adrian\'s warnings. In just a few seconds, the two birds was already near the group but to Adrian\'s surprise they did not attack them. Instead, Pann stopped his music and cuddled to like they were harmless birds.

"Oh! What beautiful creatures you are!" Pann said while the other guests have yet to arrive.

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