
Chapter 276 - Demented Shaman

Adrian could clearly see that this person dressed in monk robes in front of him is different. He is sure that this monk can sense his power levels but is not scared of him. Adrian then wondered if some of the wuxia novels he read about people being respectful to you as long as you are powerful actually true.

Another idea would be that despite the monk being weaker than Adrian, the monk is confident enough to defeat Adrian or escape. Adrian bet that it is the latter as the old monk\'s vision did not stay on him but looking at his surroundings. Adrian wanted to be sure so he activated his evil eyes but he felt a backlash.

"This has never happened before because Evil Eye is an epic ocular skill. Unless he has an item that can reflect ocular skill then that it makes it difficult." Adrian stated as he tried using it again but this time he used Soul Essence to empower the skill.

The ocular skill, Evil Eye, managed to break through the skill that causes backlash. Adrian managed to see the details of the old monk. The old monk also looked at Adrian when he used the empowered Evil Eye because this was a first for him to be seen through ever since he got the mirror.

NPC: Chidaide

Title: Demented Shaman, Defiler of Innocent Souls, Fake Monk

Level: 400

"You! Who are you?" Chidaide stated.

"Just someone passing by and getting back what is rightfully mine." Adrian stated as he blinked and made a grabbing motion towards the mirror.

Chidaide then flicked Adrian\'s hand away using the force that the latter used. Chidaide did not use a greater force to redirect Adrian\'s action but instead use some sort of martial art to deflect his hand. A palm strike is then sent towards Adrian\'s chest which sent him flying a couple meters away.

The energy of the palm strike felt familiar to Adrian because he has been hit by an energy like that before and he remembers it is similar to Eldritch\' energy. Sirius returned to his normal appearance and bared his fangs to Chidaide.

Sirius bared his fangs towards Chidaide but his attack did not connect because a mirror suddenly manifested in front of him. The mirror collided with Sirius and it repelled him instead of the fragile looking mirror being shattered.

Kanlaon spew its breath attack towards Chidaide but the latter did not move instead a mirror manifested about one feet away from the latter\'s body. The mirror absorbed all of Kanlaon\'s breath attack and flipped. The same mirror that absorbed Kanlaon\'s attack also released the breath attack on to him.

Kanlaon would have easily avoided the redirected breath attack but it had a different property from his breath. The breath attack homed in on Kanlaon so he could only fly away to it and evade until the homing magic lost its power. It seems that Chidaide needed to focus when using this homing function so he is staring at Kanlaon in order to hit the dragon.

Adrian just grinned as he can finally execute his plan to lure the old man out of the city. He cannot go all out and level the city if he fought Chidaide. Just his deflected hit alone made a crater with a five meter diameter and that strike was only pure physical prowess without enhancements from his energies.

Adrian made a portal about three diameters long below Chidaide which got the Demented Shaman caught. Adrian closed the portal and teleported with his soulbounds to where Adrian sent Chidaide. Adrian reappeared to a location that is about a hundred kilometers away from the city of Shangri-La.

"Where did you send me? No matter. I was just unaware when you did that magic. I must say for a beast sage to master the art of space manipulation, it is quite a feat. I shall forgive you for being rude to me just now. If you get out now then I will forgive you for your transgressions." Chidaide stated trying to act like a benevolent monk that supports peace.

Adrian laughed due to what Chidaide stated. Adrian could not help it because the old man thought that he is afraid of the latter. Since no prying eyes can be felt, Adrian no longer needed to act like he is from this time period.

"The others might think that you are a benevolent monk if they see you old man but I know what you truly are. You are nothing but a shaman with blood of the innocent staining your hands. I am actually surprised that you can keep up the act despite your obvious bloodlust." Adrian stated and the benevolent smile that Chidaide had transformed into a something evil.

Adrian is about to charge at Chidaide again when he saw the demented shaman activate the mirror and the scene changed. Adrian is no longer at the rocky area that he teleported into. He is now standing at something that looks like a huge mirror.

Adrian could not see the end because all he saw is darkness on the horizon. The floor is made of a reflective substance. Even when punched, the floor showed no signs that it will crack. He did not know where he is until a system notification popped up.

[You are now inside of the Mirror Field of the Soul Reflecting Mirror.]

Adrian tried to remember what happened in detail because he just got suddenly swept inside the mirror. He even tried calling for his soulbounds but they did not respond meaning he is trapped in another location.

Adrian tried teleporting out but it had no effect. He can use movement spells but only limited to the perception of his sight. The one thing that Adrian could not wrap around his mind into is how his Glamour get dispelled. He now looks like his original form which is his demon form.

"I see. No wonder you can freely manipulate space. You are no beast sage but a demon. It makes more sense for you to be able to manipulate space like normal magic." Chidaide stated.

Adrian could now see the real form of Chidaide which is humanoid but not human enough. Chidaide\'s skin tone is colored red while he also had four arms holding a Vajra. Chidaide also had two of his eyes closed but he had three other eyes that are open. One of the open eyes is located at his forehead while the other two are located at his two shoulders.

"Where did you take me old man?" Adrian asked as the Chidaide.

"I suppose answering the question of a dying demon is fine. You are inside the pocket dimension of the Soul Reflecting Mirror. Our souls are inside which is why our true forms are revealed. It is a pocket dimension where only what is true can be seen." Chidaide stated.

"Last question before you die for your crimes against innocent souls, old man. Did you separate the soul of a divine bird and made them a cryophoenix and a phoenix?" Adrian asked as it seems only truth can be spoken in this dimension and the demented shaman looks to be the talkative type.

"It seems you are mistaken about who is about to die but I have did what you asked of me. It was music to my ears and made me become enlightened when I split the soul of the Vermillion Bird into two. A divine bird asking a demon for help. The irony of things because the people\'s faith in him shattered when I split the Vermillion Bird\'s soul." Chidaide stated as he let out a laugh befitting his title of Demented Shaman.

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