
Chapter 330 - Back To Normal

[You have killed yourself. Do you wish to revive now?]

Adrian could not help but laugh at the absurdity of the system notification that he received. Usually when he dies and has access to his revive, Adrian's vision would black out and only the system notification would be seen.

"So when my body dies and I am in my subconscious then the screen will not fade to black as long as I can still revive. Cool interaction at least. Yes, I would like to revive." Adrian answered and he disappeared from his subconscious.


A kindling fire-like entity is on the place where Adrian's real body is supposed to be. The fire-like entity has the same color as that of the nether mist. The players who were battling possessed Adrian just surrounded this thing as they thought the second form of their enemy will emerge.

The nether fire-like entity suddenly started glowing and increasing its size to that of a human. The surrounding players got ready for battle and waited for the command to attack simultaneously if what emerges is actually hostile.

A lot of the surrounding players were actually praying it to be hostile because they got a sizeable amount of experience points when they defeated it despite not knowing who landed the finishing blow. The only thing that disappointed them is that no item was dropped when they defeated the first enemy. Sadly, they were met with disappointment.

Adrian regained his vision and he was surrounded by about less than a hundred players. He did not know what to say in this types of situations because he is not the overly friendly type of person. The fact that supported this is that he only has a few number of friends.

"Hello!" Adrian stated as he held up both his hands with a peace sign.

The surrounding players thought that Adrian was going to attack and prepared themselves for a fight but their enemy suddenly did this pose that socially awkward people do when they meet a group of strangers. Some started giggling while some contained their laughter as they are professionals after all.

"Everyone lower your guard a bit. He is no longer considered an enemy yet. If you inspect him then you will see that he is now a player not a monster." Faust stated and some players who had high level appraisal skills murmured to the others that it is true.

"Divine Light!" A priest player suddenly casted towards Adrian.

A ray of golden light pierced Adrian but it did not damage him and instead did nothing. The spell did not heal Adrian because he was already full health due to just being recently revived. All of them looked towards the direction where they heard the spell was cast and was shocked to see a famous player.

"It's White!" a female priest player shockingly muttered and everyone suddenly talking to the players beside them.

"Impossible! Why were you not affected by my Divine Light? You should be on death's door or worse." White suddenly exclaimed in disbelief which made Adrian suddenly laugh and forget that he is in an awkward situation.

Adrian's laugh was heard by every player in the surrounding but they knew his laugh was not the happy kind of laugh. It was the laugh of someone looking down on a foolish person. Others want to voice out their thoughts of how disrespectful this player was but they suddenly remembered that White attacked without warning so they could not blame him.

"I was going to thank all of you for assisting me in my mission but someone had to spoil the mood. Let me just tell little Miss Angel over there that you are mistaken if you think that the holy element will damage us demons." Adrian stated after he was finally finished laughing.

"You are the incarnation of evil and destruction! Unless you are not really a demon and those horns are just accessories." White blabbered something absurd that Adrian just smiled and replied.

"As a thank you for helping me then I will tell everyone here a truth that is not known by all." Adrian stated and everyone's attention focused on him.

Everyone listened to what Adrian is about to say and even forgot that they were currently at war. Pandemonium is very different from other virtual reality games because of one key feature and that is its lore. All the top guilds know that knowing lore is akin to knowing the secrets within the game which is why players who unlock a different race is important.

Players who unlock a different race will have access to a story that is on the perspective of their race on how things formed or how events came to be. Players who unlock a long lived race are much more important because of this as they know more of the history. This is the reason why the top guilds hounded the player who unlocked the Dark Elf species because their elf species lives for a thousand years.

"Unlike what the holy churches preaches to the masses, we demons are not a race that came from the collective malice of mankind. The demons heck even the devils are not truly evil and are just like any inhabitant of Pandemonium." Adrian stated in a smug tone as he accidentally added another tidbit about the devils.

Adrian is about to leave when Faust suddenly reached out his hand and touched the former's shoulder. Adrian knew who Faust is as he is famed for being the Great Strategist. He is said to be the reason why the Infernum guild is one of the reigning top guild it is today.

"I just thought that we should register as friends and all as I am the one who helped you the most with your problem." Faust stated with a smile.

"As expected from the one given the title of Great Strategist. He more or less got the gist of what was happening despite being very invested in the battle." Adrian thought to himself.

[Player 'Faust' has sent you a friend request. Will you accept?]

 "I accept." Adrian stated and Faust was successfully added to his friend list.

Snow who saw what was happening in front of her could not believe the slyness of the one dubbed as the Great Strategist. She too went forward and intruded on Faust's conversation with the demon player named Equinox but she was already too late. She blamed herself for thinking too much on what the demon player said to their group.

"As a token of our friendship, I will tell you this. The Undead King is not the true enemy in this war." Adrian whispered to Faust's ear.

After telling Faust the truth of this war, Adrian unfurled his wings that were bigger than that of the wings of a dragonkin. The dragonkin players around him were slightly jealous because Adrian's wings were far much cooler looking than theirs. They have never seen wings so cool that they unconsciously compared them to the wings of the dragons that they have seen.

"Well then, I best be on my way as I am needed elsewhere." Adrian stated before flying away towards the direction of the Undead King's Citadel. He did not want to expose to the players there that he can use long range teleportation or has teleportation scrolls in hand which is why he flew away.

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