
Chapter 459 - Untested Knowledge

Adrian decided to open Cristobal\'s Journal to see what is inside. Just as he predicted, the journal is more of a grimoire as it has numerous spells and rituals written inside of it. Grimoires are different from skill books because of one thing.

Grimoires are basically a recording of all the knowledge of a mage in their lifetime. It contains all their knowledge and experience so that they can train their future apprentices. It also is a tangible representation of their determination and perseverance.

In some kingdoms, the grimoires of their famed royal wizards are placed in displays to inspire aspiring court mages. Grimoires are not only a symbol of mages but also a reminder for young mages to strive for the best. Adrian did not know why Cristobal created a grimoire, but he probably had an idea to get an apprentice if he succeeds in his experiment.

Adrian could also more or less guess why Cristobal wanted a relic that could turn back time. Cristobal had probably wanted to reverse the flow of time for his body so that he could become younger. The numerous experiments on himself probably denied him of time reversal because of a dark god\'s genetic makeup running in his veins. 

Cristobal kept the relic in hopes of enhancing it to become more powerful which is why he corrupted the guardian. He probably thought that corrupting the guardian into a corrupted being would make its magic affect his corrupted body.

"All the details in this grimoire are so sad. All he has are experiments of the different beings and theories on how to reverse time for a person." Adrian commented as he felt that Cristobal was a lonely person who ventured unto the wrong path.

"Is it possible to reverse the time of a person?" Mariposa asked as she knows that Adrian used magic skills that can speed up or slow down an individual.

"It is possible, but it could probably revert you back up to a decade if the caster is very powerful. The gods of time do not take lightly the perversion of time. The elders say that they could outright erase you from the timeline if you mess with time to the point of creating parallel realities.

Even relic that can manipulate time, those relics can only stop the aging of a person for them to become immortal. They can only use their power for small inconveniences or else the gods of time would destroy these relics. Many do not know this, but the flow of time is one of the ways we are safe from the dark gods." Adrian replied.

"If that is the case then why do the demons still exist." Alder asked an ingenious question which made everyone look at Adrian.

"That is because demons live outside of time and are timeless since we do not change appearance after a few years. That does not mean that we cannot die but we cannot die from age as that is not a concept that demons use. Still, there are rules placed upon us which is to never mess with the past." Adrian replied while omitting the fact that you can travel back to the past but not influence it to a huge degree.

"It sucks to be a demon then. I thought you could like travel to the past and undo certain things since you would be stronger than other people." Alder added to which made Adrian giggle.

"I do not want to be a bad guy and point out your flaws but people in the past are way stronger than those in the present." Adrian replied as he remembered the young Ascalor being level 150 despite looking younger than Adrian.

"It is the current generation today that is weakened. The invasion of the dark gods is one of the reasons why the strong people are no longer with us or else there should be no kingdoms ruled by humans." Adrian replied as he continued to read the grimoire. Unknown to him that he instantly made everyone curious about the people of the past.

"Is there anything about defeating a dark god in that grimoire? This dungeon is giving me the creeps now that I can finally observe the walls." Peridot asked as she noticed the grotesque walls of the dungeon.

"All Cristobal has found out about the dark god here is from a figurine he encountered in a dungeon. It says here that the flesh of a dark god is very effective in merging with the cells of any inhabitants of Pandemonium. The dark god\'s cells exhibit a predatory nature of normal cells. 

The cells of the dark god will not only predate the cells but also transform it. Hence, the reason for becoming an abomination. It also has the formulas on the potions he used to transform the elementals into an abomination. If we can find a demigod alchemist, then we could probably turn back all the elemental abominations in this place." Adrian stated which made Vayu and Soleil smile because they treat the elementals as family or friends.

"That still does not tell us a way in defeating the dark god." Anastacia stated as they needed a more direct approach.

"I think I know of a way for us to potentially kill that dark god. I could more or less verify it from the grimoire\'s entry about attaining the perfect body." Adrian stated which greatly excited everyone.

"Well, spill it! We do not have all day." Levin Cloud stated as he slapped Adrian\'s back for dramatically pausing.

"I managed to have an idea when Cristobal used this for the potion to turn him into a perfect being for a few seconds." Adrian stated as he too out the Small Vial of Asmodian Blood.

"A small vial of blood will help defeat the dark god?" Cersei warily asked as she does not believe that the small vial of blood will help.

"I am not saying that this vial would eradicate a hundred meter or more dark god but the blood in this vial is poisonous to them." Adrian stated with confidence.

"The only problem is the ones who could produce that blood are already dead." Levin Cloud stated as he knew the origins of Asmodians from the stories of the faekin. 

"There should probably be one more living Asmodian. Guild Leader Anastacia, do you have a member of your guild that is high ranking in the Church of Light?" Adrian asked with his impish smile. He felt something tugging at him back then at Abelport and he found it odd that the Church of Light defended that city with all their might.

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