
Chapter 506 - Savage Steep

Adrian received great news while he is traversing the path indicated in the map given to him. Kabrakan managed to convince his elders to help in the subjugation of the Wolf of Disaster. It seems that he is now having a meeting with the fox clan princess about the details.

Adrian hopes that the meeting will become in favor of his ideals. He is easily traversing the jungle tanks to being in spirt form but that also meant that he is burning Kanlaon\'s stamina to the fullest. Spirit form already consumes 20% more stamina, but it consumes more with The Wilde\'s Law of the Jungle active.

Adrian has only five stamina potions left as those are not easily made. He could make Kanlaon eat the bitter herb but that could also poison him if he does not like it. He wished that he could make talismans that could act as buffs but that is very high-level stuff that he always failed when he is still at the Beginner Scribe stage.

The place that Adrian is going is the West Overlord\'s territory called Savage Steep. The area is not all cliffs like the name, but it is a mixture of parts of the jungle and a cliff. The highest area of the cliff is where the western overlord resides while its subjects live in the areas below it.

From the middle area to the utmost peak, the Savage Steep is riddled with uncontrolled winds that normal flying monsters could not reach. Being able to live in the middle area of the Savage Steep is already considered as a great achievement due to being a harsh environment to live in.

The Aeromorphs are residing at the foot of the Savage Steep as they also have young ones to take care of. Adrian hopes that they could let him pass but Ashana said that they are a very protective bunch. He just hopes that he will gain entry if he says that came to challenge the Savage Steep.

For the Aeromorphs, the concept of climbing the Savage Steep is like a trial. It is challenged by every fledgling that wants to be considered as an adult. It is the culture of the Aeromorphs that they created in order to test those who can become warriors.

Since Adrian has wings, he wanted to try the trial so that he will get accepted by the Aeromorphs. The trial maybe sacred but they Aeromorphs do not turn away any that wants to partake in it. He also got informed that those that reach the top could have an audience with the western overlord.

Adrian avoided the main city where the beastkins reside as he does not want to waste anymore time passing through security checks. He arrived at the western territory in record time. The western territory is separated by a stream.

Adrian could feel the change in atmosphere when he entered the western territory. The atmosphere in the central territory is rather much more relaxed but the air in the western territory is different. Adrian could feel the rough atmosphere associated in the Storm Vulture\'s territory.

The other thing that Adrian noticed is the difference in vegetation as the trees in this territory is bigger and much sturdier. Adrian could even see scratch marks that are made by talons that signified that he arrived at the Storm Vulture\'s territory. 

Kanlaon ran out of stamina as soon as they entered the western territory. Adrian sealed him back so that he could recover stamina faster as Kanlaon would gain stamina slower out in The Wilde. Adrian also cancelled his spirit form as he needed to move fast in this part of the jungle. The Savage Steep is still a few kilometers away.

Adrian summoned his twin daggers once again to traverse the terrain. The increased Agility and Endurance will definitely help him traverse the tall trees located in the territory. Adrian proceeded with both speed and caution.

Adrian also did not attack anything and just ignored or dodged monsters that come after him. He does not know if they are subject of the Storm Vulture or just random wild monsters. He is also being very observant of demon wolves in the territory as he might also be charged with cleaning up once more.

As Adrian is jumping from tree to tree, something fast suddenly cut through the air and is aimed at him. Adrian tried dodging but he got some scratches due to the speed he is going. Adrian stopped and hid behind the trunk of a tree as he did not expect someone attacking him while he is moving at a fast pace.

Adrian even applied Chrono Shift to speed himself up from time to time so that he could become faster. He determined that the one who attacked him is definitely faster or more powerful than him. Adrian looked at the projectiles thrown at him and noticed that they are feathers.

Adrian studied the feathers and learned that they are as sharp as metal. The individual or monster that could produce such feathers is definitely not normal. The feathers are also red in color and are five inches in length.

Adrian reached out once more to study the other feathers, but he is once again assaulted with a flurry of feathers. He tried using his Evil eyes to see who is attacking him, but the jungle is full of life that it messes with his evil eye. The one attacking could be hiding behind the trees and Adrian will not be able to see it as trees are alive in a certain sense.

"I did not come to bring harm. I have come to participate in the Trial of the Steep." Adrian stated as he came out with his hands up to signify that he will not retaliate or attack.

Adrian stood still for about twenty seconds as no one answered him. A few moments later, another flurry of bright red feathers is fired towards him. Adrian did not dodge as he recognize that this is a test, and the feathers will not really hit him.

The flurry of feathers accurately hit the tree branch that Adrian is standing on with only about a centimeter away from his feet. Adrian looked around with his arms still up as he could not determine the direction of the attack. He could only wait for the one shooting the feathers to appear.

A few seconds later, Adrian could hear movement from the tree lines. The branches and leaves rustled as a lady with right red feathers as hair appeared. She had talons for feet but has a humanoid appearance.

The lady is undoubtedly an Aeromorph as she fits the general description. Aeromorphs are said to have feathers for hair and a fierce gaze due to their keen eyesight. They also had talons instead of human feet, but their bodies are still human in a sense.

"Speak, demon. Is what you say true? If you are here for funny business, then I will execute you right here now. We do not take kindly to strangers that dare to use our sacred trial as an excuse to enter our territory.

If by chance we find that your intention is not pure, then do not blame me for killing you on the spot." The female aeromorph stated as she held feathers in her hand and aimed it at Adrian\'s throat.

Adrian immediately did what Ashana told him to do. Adrian unfurled his wings and got on the ground. He kneeled in front of the female aeromorph with his wings completely exposed. The female aeromorph got shocked with what Adrian did as it is considered the greatest humbling moment for an aeromorph to expose his or her wings.

For an aeromorph, their wings are the symbol of their pride and life. If their wings get badly damaged, then they are considered weak or unfit. Aeromorphs are considered to be a battle-hardened race, but they value their wings like their heart or even greater.

"For you to know of our custom and traditions, I can clearly see that you have studied about us. I will take you to the village, but you have to come while being bound. Do you have any complaints?" The female aeromorph stated as she gathered the nearby vines and bound Adrian\'s arms.

"My name is Scarlet. What would your name be?" Scarlet asked.

"My name is Equinox. I have come here because I need the help of the western overlord. I have learned that one can have an audience with the western overlord if they could climb to the peak of the Savage Steep." Adrian replied.

"I commend you for your bravery, but it would be difficult given your constitution. Especially right now when the winds are at their most vicious cycle. Nevertheless, I will not stop you from trying as you seemed determined.

You seem like a noble warrior and your spirit is pure unlike those that try to sneak in our territory to steal our resources. It seems that the plague that the demon wolves bring has taken a toll on the nearby clans." Scarlet stated which made Adrian curious.

"If that is the case then why not hold hands with them to kill off the demon wolves? I am pretty sure that your warriors are strong like you. With warriors as strong as you then it would be easy." Adrian commented which made Scarlet smile wryly.

Adrian could more or less guess what is happening. The warriors in the Aeromorph clan are also limited in numbers due to the difficulty of creating an offspring which all Selvaggian race members could feel.

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