
Chapter 974

Their line of thinking is different from others of our species which is why they tend to have a secluded lifestyle. Even I will think it through when it comes to provoking them as they become different when angered. You could say that they are like Gods of Destruction when they are angered."

"What is the clan that opted for peace then?" Kabrakan asked as he wanted to make a note of not offending them if he ever encounters them.

"It is the Elephant Clan. Those people hit like a truck, and they even prefer the way of the monks which makes them battle hardened when the time comes. They are an eccentric species that prefer to strengthen their body to enlightenment in order to live in peace. In reality, they are very short fused which is why they needed to practice being monks though." King Leonidas stated.

Kabrakan then proceeded to tell the short version of that story which made everyone shocked. A species of Selvaggian that even rivals the lion beast men is not something to scoff at. They are still lucky thought that the elephant beast man is not enraged or something. It still has a clear conscience and there is no trace of ferocity in its aura.

"Maybe we could peacefully talk this out?" Kabrakan shouted to the elephant beast man.

"It is too late. I have been tasked by the universe to judge if you are worthy of receiving its providence. I shall judge you on behalf of the universe as a member of my fellow race." The elephant beast man stated in reply which made everyone sure that he is still sane.

"Maybe not give it your all then?" Kabrakan added but the elephant beast man looked at him with a focused and hardened gaze.

The elephant beast man then kicked his feet as he charged like a raging elephant towards Kabrakan. Kimat immediately stood on his way, but Adrian knew that it is not enough as the individual in front of them is actually level 300. The elephant beast man must have some restriction as their party is yet to get killed.

"Charon and Sirius. Aid Kimat." Adrian commanded as he changed into his Mirror stance.

Charon immediately sent out its chains towards the elephant beast man followed by numerous shadow tendrils coming out of his own shadow to in him down. Kimat also roared as a lightning cage suddenly surrounded the elephant beast man.

The elephant beast man then did some sort of mantra and a mandala appeared behind it. The mandala then released a blast of light that cleared all the abilities that pinned him down. The onlookers are shocked that the combination of three powerful soulbounds vanished just like that.

It is only Adrian that is actively fighting against the elephant beast man as the others are concerned with the wild beasts. He already volunteered but he might need the aid of others soon. He then proceeded to scatter as much mirrors as he could around the battlefield.

The mirrors are broken physically instead which is not much damage stored than what he expected. Since the opponents are wild beasts then that is to be expected. His mirror stance is more inclined to counter range and magic attacks than physical attacks after all.

"You are a worthy opponent after all. Even though I have been tasked to hold back, with you here then I can at least use 70% of my strength." The elephant beast mans suddenly stated as he once again started to chant a mantra.

"Kanlaon! Sirius! Kimat!" Adrian shouted as he immediately told the three to activate their ultimate skills.

Adrian thought that the elephant beast man would be defeated but his mantras were much faster than he expected. The elephant beast man opened his eyes and it glowed in a mysterious light as numerous mandalas appeared behind him. As if divine intervention happened, a powerful wave of energy exploded that rendered all skills mute.

All of Adrian's souldbounds got unsummoned while all the skills that his friends were using vanished without a trace. Even his transformation became undone by the weird godly light. He did not believe something like that should be possible unless they have divine power in their body.

"Return to the Roots!" The elephant beast man stated as he suddenly maintained a praying posture.

[All active skills, spells and abilities are disabled by the unique skill Return to the Roots.]

[All those that have active skills, spells and abilities that had been cancelled will be silenced for ten seconds.]

[All those that have active skills, spells and abilities that had been cancelled will be rooted for five seconds. The root effect will vanish once those affected take damage.]

"This is bad." Adrian muttered and it really is as the elephant beast man charged at him.

Adrian could not move from his position which is why he commanded the Cube of Paradox to protect him. The Cube of Paradox then flew in front of him and became numerous little cube pieces. Those little cube pieces then transformed into a makeshift shield that will initially take the blow from the elephant beast man.

Despite his weapon cushioning the blow, Adrian got blown to the edge of the area. The rest soon followed until the elephant beast man is now in front of Kabrakan.

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