
Chapter 1026

"Elder! We have returned." The female nomadic group leader stated as she bowed to the elder of their tribe.

"Good work in coming safely. But why are you earlier than expected? I thought you will arrive when the moon peaks at night. It seems that something is on your mind." The female elder stated as she could feel the energy that the group is giving off despite having her eyes closed.

The nomadic tribe that Creepysoo followed is indeed staying ear an oasis just as predicted. They also have quite the number as they are in the thousands. What is even shocking for Creepysoo is that even children have small mounts. It seems that this nomadic tribe raises their mounts from a tender age in order to form a real bond.

"I see. It seems that the question that the outsider said is really intriguing for me as well as I did not think that the legend of our tribe is told to the outside world. You did a good job returning back to the tribe to report to me, but it seems that you were also followed." The nomadic elder stated as she raised her head towards Creepysoo\'s direction.

"Crap!" Creepysoo stated as some heavy force suddenly started to fall down upon him as if the gravity in the world is pulling him down.

Creepysoo poured all the mana he had to strengthen Don Quixote and is about to escape as the stress pouring down lessened, but a shadow suddenly came from behind. A gigantic bird that is none other than a Roc. The large bird monster only looked threatening, but Creepysoo knew that he will get dragged down if he does not come down willingly.

The nomadic group that Creepysoo asked then to saw two shadows descending. A bird silhouette and a cavalry silhouette. They were shocked upon seeing the boy that asked them the question earlier being the one that tailed them, but they were more fearful of the undead knight that accompanied the boy.

"Elder! Be careful! He can control undead. He must be a Necromancer." The female nomadic group leader stated.

"If he really is a necromancer then he would not have bothered applying magic to conceal his real appearance. Am I right, little boy?" The female nomadic elder stated as if she could see through everything despite not opening her eyes.

"You are really great, grandma. To think that someone is able to discern the spell as if you have a magic eye." Creepysoo stated as he took off his disguise.

When Creepysoo\'s real form got revealed, the group became even more apprehensive as they are now looking at an undead. What is even more disturbing is the fact that an undead could easily pull off a disguise like that and walk in the intense scorching heat. It is known that the undead hates the sunlight but to think that rule does not apply to this kid.

Then the group suddenly felt pity for Creepysoo because he became an undead while young. They imagined that he must have a hard life to the point that he wanted revenge on the living. Then again, this undead did not do any massacres or attack indiscriminately in the city which is odd for them.

"I have heard that the undead that formed a contract with the God of Death has risen on the central plains (A.N: they call the central continent the central plains). To think that I will see an intelligent undead that do not wish the death of all the living in this lifetime. Tell me, young undead. Why do you wish to hear the legend of our tribe?" The female nomadic elder stated.

"Elder Leila, is that even wise? What if he wishes to bring us harm by learning the secret of our tribe?" the female nomad group leader stated.

"What secret? If you mean that story, then it is not a secret. It is more like our history, and I rather not tell the story because it is quite long. It dries my throat just trying to tell that story which is why I do not tell it. But I will for the young lad since you piqued my interest. Why do you want to hear the story of our great ancestor?" Elder Leila stated as she looked at Creepysoo with smiling eyes despite not opening them.

"I want to know because the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse has risen, and I believe that the one in your legend has become one of the four. To be exact, she is the Horseman of Famine that is now roaming this earth spreading famine to the world." Creepysoo stated which shocked the group.

The other nomads that heard this suddenly erupted in anger as their ancestor is being bashed but the nomad elder stopped them with her ability to affect gravity. Creepysoo noticed it but even he is amazed as the elder could affect the gravity in such a way that it almost rivals the Daemos.

It is not as strong as the Daemos though because if they use it then expect that your face will be planted on the ground immediately. The elder stopped them because she knows the continuation of that legend and it was never a happy ending for them. It is also one of the reasons why their tribe became smaller than it was before.

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