
Chapter 1075

[You are the first person to arrive at this secluded world.]

[All the resident of this world will have a neutral disposition towards you.]

"That is, it? I am not even given an experience booster or something?" Adrian grumbled as he did not expect that are the only notifications that he is going to receive.

He knows that being the first in any type of world usually gives bonuses, but he does not get bonuses often. Since he is a demon that can traverse any type of world that is known to them, the bonuses of going to a new world are gone. But that should not be the case for places that are accessed through maps.

"I should be getting great bonuses for these. Some people get stats from just seeing a new world." Adrian grumbled as he inspected the place.

Svartalfheim is not picturesque as it is just a place full of mountains. Adrian summoned Charon, Sirius and Kanlaon to scout the surroundings while also used his wings to look for any signs of life. Adrian took one whole hour of flying yet he is not encountering anyone.

"Is this place just a desolate mountain land?" Adrian wondered but Sirius suddenly contacted him.

"Master! I have found a person that is being chased by some sort of rock monster." Sirius stated via their soul link.

Adrian then shared senses with Sirius as he needed to verify the being that Sirius spotted. The man is of a tall build like that of a normal person, but he looks like a dwarf. It was a dwarf from Adrian\'s perspective, but he has not seen a dwarf that big before. All the dwarves he has seen are all less than five feet tall.

"All of you save him." Adrian commanded.

"Why does this always happen when I get some precious ores topside!" Gigan stated as he ran for his life.

He did not want to get the ores topside, but he needed them for the experiment that he was making. He is trying to make something called an Aether Reactor which is said to be able to convert any type of energy to another. This was his lifelong dream, and he finally found the stone needed for his experiment.

He needed to mine it on the topside as this is the only place where it grows. Even the mines below could not hope to have a pure substance like Pure Obsidian. It is a stone that has a hundred percent purity that can also transforms energy to a different one although he has yet to find out a process to control it.

Gigan is being followed by Obsidian Golems as that is the area that he mined. The Obsidian Golems should not have awoken from their slumber, but Gigan hit a part wrong and awakened one. When one of them awakens then the ones beside them also awakens as a result.

His legs could no longer carry everything that he has in his bag. Pure Obsidian is not the lightest mineral in the world. If he was not carrying the bag, then he could have easily escaped. He would have done so but he does not want all his hard work go to waste.

Gigan tripped and thought that his life will end there. He clutched the bag containing all of the Pure Obsidian with a determined face. He lives a life of regret that he did not create his dream item but will be at peace knowing that he at least tried.

"Goodbye to this cruel world." Gigan stated.

Just as Gigan thought that he will die, a large wolf suddenly came to defend him. The large wolf is followed by a golden colored beam that hit all the Obsidian Golems. Chains then clasped on the Obsidian Golems that tried to escape but the large wolf destroyed them before they could.

"Are you fine?" Adrian asked.

Gigan looked at Adrian with great shock as he has not seen anyone like him. When he snapped out of his thinking and realized that he was safe, he immediately stood up and went towards the corpses of the Obsidian Golems. When he is about to reach out for the loot, Sirius growled at him which made him back up.

"That is a bit rude. We already saved you from dying and yet you wanted to also collect our reward for defeating them." Adrian stated.

"Even if you have them, you will not even know how to actually use them. Their body is made of Pure Obsidian and is the best thing in the universe to transform energy." Gigan stated.

"Uhuh...maybe a thank you would be nice. We did save your life from those golems." Adrian stated.

"You must not be from here but us Ancient Dwarves do not thank anybody. We are the proud members of the Great Mountain." Gigan stated. Gigan said all of that, but he immediately changed his mind once more when Sirius growled at him.

"Fine! Thanks for saving me! Now, get your dog out of my face." Gigan stated.

"Much better. My name is Equinox. As you can see, we are not from around here. I want to know if you could tell me where the nearest civilization is." Adrian stated.

"The name is Gigan. You do not need to look for civilization because you are standing on it." Gigan stated.

"Standing on it?" Adrian muttered and looked down.

"The city of Nidavellir is located in the middle of the ground that you are standing on. It is the proud city of the Ancient Dwarves that are the best crafters in all of Pandemonium." Gigan stated with great confidence.

"I see. Can you invite me there?" Adrian asked.

"We do not get visitors in this place, but I will make a concession since you have saved me and my precious Pure Obsidian. Follow me. Also, your pets are not allowed so make them hide somewhere." Gigan stated.

Sirius hid on Adrian\'s shadow while Kanlaon turned small to lay near Adrian\'s neck. Charon just turned invisible but is closely moving with them. Gigan is a bit shocked by this as the large monsters suddenly became smaller or hid. If there were monsters like that in Svartalfheim the no Ancient Dwarf will go outside.

Gigan led them to a hidden mountain pass that has a large cave system below. The cave system has a gate at the end which is guarded by heavily armored Ancient Dwarves. The two guards suddenly stopped them in their tracks as Adrian is not from there.

"Halt! Gigan, who did you bring with you?" One of the guards asked.

"This guy saved me from Obsidian Golems and seems to be stranded on our world for the time being. He wanted to see Nidavellir which is why I am bring him with me." Gigan stated.

"Since he saved you then he must be of good character. Remember that we are only letting you in since Gigan is accompanying you. Make sure to not make trouble or else we will subjugate you." The other guard stated.

"So, what do you have in the bag, Gigan?" the guard asked.

"This is the Pure Obsidian I harvested for my creation. I can now start the creation of my long-awaited dream which is the Aether Reactor." Gigan stated with great joy and glee.

"You have been saying that for ten years and yet you always say start when you just repeatedly failed." One of the guards stated.

"This time is the real beginning because I now have Pure Obsidian!" Gigan stated as the guards let him enter with smiles on their faces. From the interaction of the guards with Gigan, it seems that he is a beloved individual in their community.

When the gates opened, the first thing that greeted Adrian is heat. The whole city of Nidavellir is really underneath the ground and is even using this world\'s lava as a heat and light source. The architecture of the place is even more profound as it makes use of all the rocks and minerals present underneath the earth.

"Finally! It was a bit cold out there." Gigan stated as he took off his jacket. The temperature outside is not actually cold as it was 30 degrees Celsius at best. If they think that 30 degrees Celsius is cold, then they might just die from hypothermia when it snows.

"You said some thing about a reactor of some sort earlier?" Adrian asked while both of them are passing through the streets. Adrian is getting attention since he is the only different person here. He is used to it though as this is not the first time.

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