
Chapter 1085

Kanlaon suddenly felt a shiver down his spine but also knows what his master is thinking about. Kanlaon did not even flinch as he took out one scale. Adrian graciously accepted Kanlaon\'s sacrifice and will only get the other nine scales if his hunch is correct.

A beautiful golden scale is presented to Adrian which is plucked from Kanlaon. Adrian could see that Kanlaon\'s scale is indeed different from other dragon scales. The golden dragon scale does not even need to shine to show of its luster.

Adrian could more or less guess that this scale will not turn to ash once he injects Nether Energy. Just like him, all of Adrian\'s soulbounds are bathe in nether energy every time they are transformed. Adrian poured in his nether energy into the golden dragon scale, but it did not turn into ash.

The golden dragon scale suddenly turned into a scale that has three colors that is the same as nether energy. It also looked like it has ghostly energy as it can turn into mist as well. Adrian jumped for joy as he now has his dragon scale. Kanlaon plucked nine more scales as it will be used for his master.

Gigan is also surprised that a powerful dragon scale could host such an erratic power. He also wanted to get a scale from Kanlaon, but the dragon blew air from its nostrils to say that he does not want to. When Gigan was pleading for Kanlaon\'s scale, the cauldron suddenly erupted with magic power as the dragon scales have melded into the orichalcum.

Gigan raised the cauldron and poured the contents in the prepared mold that he made. The Philosopher\'s Stone is even placed on the middle of the mold as he needs it to complete the supposed Aether Reactor. The liquid metal that has been created is similar to a rainbow colored metal that is not the same as before.

When Gigan poured the liquid metal into the mold, Adrian noticed that the mold is covered with runes. The runes imprinted on the mold are detailed to the point that Adrian could not believe that it was carved by hand. The runes in the mold are specific to the use of containment so that no energy will leak.

"Do you like that mold? My master created that when he was still alive. I never really liked being an engraver so I cannot create another mold like that." Gigan stated.

Adrian learned all the runes and even jotted them down on his notes. The only thing that snapped him out of his concentration is the fact that a shockwave sent him flying away. Sirius and Kanlaon immediately saved him though, but he noticed that the mold crumbled into dust as a shimmering rainbow item is floating.

"The mold! What will I use?" Adrian stated as his mind suddenly narrowed but Gigan is celebrating on the other hand.

The item that is shimmering in rainbow light is none other than the item that he needs but it was not the Aether Reactor per se. It is another reactor born from the mixture of different elements. It has the name of Aether Reactor because the process was the same but there is something different about it.

Item Name: Elemental Aether Reactor

Tier: Transcendent

Type: Aether Reactor


-Able to convert Elemental Energy to a chosen Elemental Energy of a different type.

-Mana consumed will be the same as the mana used for the spell.

-Can only use the six elements (Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Light and Darkness)

-Converts elementals spells to the same tier

-It does not show any lag or delay upon conversion of energy. It can be used as a weapon for mages, but no bonus magic damage modifier is present.

Mana Cost Per Conversion: Dependent on the mana used

Cooldown: None

Cast Time: None

A Transcendent item that is can be used as a weapon as well. There might not be a magic damage modifier that strengthens spell, it is still a great item. Any player with an item like this will be able to use any type of element even though they are only a single elemental mage.

The fact that an equivalent spell will be created if this is used means that an Arch Fire Wizard could use his devastating fire spells and turn them to another element. If they can use this perfectly then they will no longer have any weakness or elemental disadvantages.

"Finally! My Dream has come true." Gigan stated as he hugged the Elemental Aether Reactor.

"But the mold broke." Adrian stated.

"Do not worry about that. I still have one more so we can create the one you need. I need to go to the elders for a moment as this would be the thing, we need to increase production of food. It also guarantees the safety of my people. The mold is on the side. You can go get it as I will get going now." Gigan stated as he rushed out of the workshop with great happiness.

"At least he is happy that his dream has finally come true." Adrian stated as he looked for the mold.

Gigan did not lie as there is still one mold in the corner that he pointed on. Adrian could see that the runes are almost the same, but they are not exactly the same. If he were to put it into a percentage then the runes are ninety nine percent, the same. There is only one rune that he could not read or even translate.

"I think it should be safe as it is only one rune anyway." Adrian thought as he once again lowered the cauldron to the lava river.

Adrian used the chunk of orichalcum that is needed for this Aether Reactor and also threw in the ten dragon scales that is taken from Kanlaon. He actually found it odd that the dragon scales melted easily but he decided to ignore it as Kanlaon\'s scales are special.

The mixture of the orichalcum and the golden scales yielded something even grander than gold in color. The color of the mixture is gold, yet it radiated that rainbow gleam that the metal earlier also did. It took about an hour for the mixture to be stable which is already quick, and Adrian prepared the mold.

He placed the Philosopher\'s Stone into the middle like what Gigan did. He also slowly poured over the liquid metal mixture as Gigan did. When the cauldron components are empty, Adrian checked the mold if everything is perfect and saw that it has no leaks, but he could not take off his hands off it.

"What is happening?" Adrian thought as he tried to take his hands off.

He even commanded his soulbounds to pry him off the mold, but it only hurt him instead. He even tried flying but he could not even lift the mold. He wondered what is different and he suddenly saw the unknown rune glow in a red light.

Adrian instinctively knew that something is amiss from the rune and blames himself for not being careful. Aernas has told him that unknown runes are usually the deadliest as one does not know what they can do. He is now being punished for being too confident in his abilities, but he did not give up.

Adrian made his brain go into overload as he tried to infer what the rune could do. The only way to make a rune become useless is to understand its meaning. This is the literal sense of words having power as powerful scribes back then would write words in the air that turn into deadly things for combat.

[The Rune of Sacrifice has been activated.]

[Commencing absorption of needed energy from the chosen host.]

[The Chosen Host is Equinox.]

[Calculating all the needed energy…]

[Calculated. Needed energy are Primordial Energy, Nether Energy and 99% Life Force of the host.]

[Absorption blocked by the unknown entity, Cube of Paradox.]

[Sending permission to proceed to the Cube of Paradox…]

[Permission granted.]

[Fusion of the item will commence after the necessary energy has been absorbed.]

"What?!" Adrian reacted as he suddenly felt lightheaded.

Adrian immediately became lightheaded as a result of losing too much of his blood. All his nether energy and primordial energy has been emptied out as well. His mana is also drained as a result of activating the unknown rune in the mold. He literally passed out on the ground with his hands now released from the mold.

A cube made of living blood with a blood red crystal is floating in the air. The unknown cube wanted to fly away but the Cube of Paradox suddenly trapped it in layers of spatial barriers. The Cube of Paradox then commanded the unknown cube to fuse with its master.

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