
Chapter 1119

Adrian looked at the one who said the sentence and saw his Arch Demon Inner Demon. His inner demon suddenly showed himself which shocked Adrian. He knows that he should only be able to see this Arch Demon when he is undergoing an upgrade in Persona.

"If I die, you also die as well." Adrian stated as he knows that his inner demons are also part of his soul.

"You should not be that depressed though. I am here to ease your burden. Start the trial now while the energy inside you is devouring the strange miasma. If you do not do that then you might die permanently and even, we do not want that." Adrian's Inner Arch Demon stated.

"I still do not fit the requirements though." Adrian stated.

"That is why I told you to multi-task. We are good with that." Adrian's inner Arch Demons stated.

"Can you not see that I am busy trying to not get myself killed by my own energy." Adrian replied but he grunted it as his focuses shifted for a bit.

"You forget, other self. You have another mind inside you and yet you do not use it." Adrian's Inner Demon stated as he provided a clue to Adrian's current predicament.

"Another mind?" Adrian thought but he only got blanks.

Adrian thought that his Inner Arch Demon is just making him think of something else so that he loses focus, but he did not perceive that intent. If his inner demon were to trick him then they shall die as well. Inner demons would not endanger the host and only try to replace the current conscious.

"What if he did not mean a literal brain but another ego? An ego that is not me but is a part of myself." Adrian muttered as he suddenly got a realization.

Adrian has always had another brain for him. A brain that calculates most of the complex angles of his spells and even the timing. He has grown used to his ego weapon doing these calculations that he did not think that it is another brain per se.

"Paradox!" Adrian shouted.

When Adrian shouted the name of his ego weapon, a small twinkling light suddenly fettered down above him. The Cube of Paradox manifested above him and crackled with the same energy it has. An unknown energy that even the strange miasma is afraid of getting close to.

"Paradox! Activate the True Aether Reactor and feed the excess nether energy!" Adrian shouted.

"Affirmative. I am glad that the master has thought of me." The Cube of Paradox replied but Adrian did not hear it clearly because he needed to focus on the nether energy eating the strange miasma.

Adrian could only focus on stabilizing his nether energy as the speed at which the strange miasma is being devoured has peaked. Just as Adrian commanded, the Cube of Paradox immediately went to work as it emitted a dark purple spark. The nether energy that is floating inside the subconscious started to move slowly towards the True Aether Reactor.

The nether energy in Adrian's body is too potent and thick that the area around the pedestal is filled with nether mist. This nether mist is then forced towards the True Aether Reactor by the Cube of Paradox. The True Aether Reactor did not work at first, but it soon started to spin around as if it has gained momentum.

The True Aether Reactor started to gain speed in rotation as it started to convert the Nether Energy into what is called Aether Energy. Aether Energy is different in material and color compared to Nether Energy. If Nether Energy is dark and eerie when it touches a person, then Aether Energy is the opposite as it is warm and inviting.

Nether Energy comes in three distinct colors which is white, black and gray. Aether Energy, on the other hand, has the distinct colors of green, cyan and yellow. If Nether Energy took the form of mist, then Aether Energy takes the form of small glistening stars. One represents Absolute Death while the other represents Absolute Life.

Adrian continued this process as he could see that the burden he is feeling is starting to lessen. This Aether Energy that is being created balances out the heaviness of the Nether Energy. All he needed to do is continue this process and he will be successful in progressing into an Arch Demon.

Just as Adrian is becoming optimistic, he suddenly heard nothing as absolute silence came down upon him. Adrian looked around and he is no longer in his subconscious as the area around him looked nothing like his subconscious. All he sees is a background full of stars but when he looks again all he sees is nothingness.

"A child of mine. Strange. To think that one of mine will come to visit me in this long-lost world that even others cannot perceive." A voice echoed in the distance.

The voice that Adrian heard is a mix of different tones and sounds. When he heard the voice, it had a mixture of a man and a woman with different ages. As if two children, two middle-aged man and woman, and two elderlies spoke all at the same time. To make it even more confusing for Adrian, he felt as if this voice is familiar to him.

"Who are you?! Wait, where are you?! No, better yet…Where am I?" Adrian stated as his confusion is visible. He does not know here he ended up or how he ended up here because he knows that he should be in his inner subconscious.

"Look here, my sweet child." The multi toned voiced stated once more and Adrian followed that voice to see a massive being in front of his eyes.

The being looked like a small planet and Adrian is staring at them from afar. Adrian would describe the being he sees as them because they cannot be gendered as they look like an amalgamation of numerous beings. The being in front of Adrian looks like a planet sized sculpture that has all the looks of the voices he hears.

The being in front of him looks like a mass of something that also looks like those of the dark gods. Adrian took a closer look and within the large statue looking being are the numerous figures of monsters. The rest of being cannot be seen as its body is like darkness itself. One could even say that the other side of the being is darkness itself.

"Hello Childe! It seems that you have awakened me. I am your creator, Chaos. A fragment of it at least as I know that I have long died." Chaos stated as they with their numerous eyes looked at Adrian.

Adrian looked at the Chaos in wonder because on their main head is a hollow slot that looks like it was an eye. Adrian could more or less guess what that hollow spot is because he is also hunting for that same item. If the being in front of him is Chaos, then the hollow spot-on top of its head is definitely spot where the Eye of the Void should be located.

"Greetings, God Chaos!" Adrian greeted as the sudden appearance of Chaos diverted his thinking to the current scenario.

"I am not a god my child. We are like you as you are like us. An embodiment of the Primordial Void where all life is created an all life will end. We are but a fragment of ourselves in you. You seemed to have taken energy that used to be part of us. The full us which is why I have awakened in you. In a deeper plane." Chaos answered.

"What do you mean by that?" Adrian stated as he could not process the statement of Chaos because numerous voices would ring inside his head.

Adrian wanted to question Chaos further, but the body of the giant primordial being could be seen fading into existence. Chaos seemed to have realized something and offered Adrian their last advice before disappearing completely.

"It seems that our time is up our child. You only came to here incidentally. There will come a day where you will come to us. A day like that will be joyous for you will…" Chaos stated as their figure vanish without even ending their sentence.

Adrian also returned back to his inner subconscious where he is controlling the nether energy. The Cube of Paradox noticed that its master was dazed for a few seconds but ultimately returned back. The Cube of Paradox did not question its master as there was no harm done.

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