
Chapter 1152

Adrian then pondered on how much to give them as this might be what they call a Passing Fee. In ancient times, banditry was not uncommon, and people would literally block mountains or roads to collect fees when they could not farm enough food on the table. Merchants would rather give a small fee to these so-called bandits and gain safe access rather than get their wares destroyed or stolen.

"Do not worry about the fee, Champion Equinox. They might look like they want ten gold, but they will gladly receive any amount that they will be given. They are actually some of the people that I gladly gave my blessing to because of their heart to help people and give them protection in the harsh desert nights." The Goddess of Protection Bastet stated via telepathy as these group of people did have a miniscule hint of divinity to them.

The Goddess of Protection Bastet told him that they are actually good people that help earnestly. Sometimes they would not even collect a fee if the one they are helping cannot sustain themselves if they were given something. It seems that the ragtag groups of people are actually orphans that treated each other as family and banded together because they want to be good people.

Most of the members of the Sand Guardians are actually orphans that were left to fend for themselves when their place got raided or destroyed. Unlike the central continent where the kingdoms are established and people need justification to go to war, the western continent does not adhere to the same ideology.

The western continent has only few arable lands because of its unique topography which also results to hostile takeovers for oases. As a result, many children become orphans as they are usually the first people that needed to be sent off. If they get captured by these ruffians, then they could be sold as slaves. The worst part would be is the fact that they would be tortured to death as playthings.

The Western Continent does have kingdoms, but they tend to keep to themselves and their people than give aid. It is also the reason why many of the temples for the gods in the western continent are mostly filled with orphans. The priests here or helpers are usually those that were lucky enough to be picked up by another priest. It is also the reason why there are clear distinct gods that are more powerful since they receive more faith.

"As long as you can safely escort us to the Temple of the Goddess Bastet then I will double this amount." Adrian stated as he gave them fifty gold coins.

When the group received fifty gold coins as payment, Shara could not help but shake her hands. She has never seen this amount of gold in her life as they usually get a silver coin or one gold coin if they are lucky. They would return the money that the person would give if it looked like that is all they had but Adrian and the veiled girl next to him does not look poor at all. In fact, they look like they are just fine and do not need protection.

"May I know why you need to go to the Temple of the Goddess Bastet?" Shara asked as she pocketed the money.

"My Master here wants to visit the temple as she has received a dream of a cat looking at her in the eyes. The cat then transformed into a temple which made her woke up. She wants to ask the Temple of the Goddess Bastet to see what her dream means." Adrian stated as he acted like he is a servant of the Goddess Bastet.

"If that is the case then you have encountered the right people. It might not look like it, but we often pray to that temple when we drop by the area. The people there are also very nice as they will provide temporary shelter to those that need it." Shara stated as she told Adrian and the Goddess Bastet to follow her.

"Well done in giving them a generous amount but I do not know about being your master suddenly." The Goddess of Protection Bastet stated.

"It would be much easier to go with that than to say something else. The only other thing I could think of is that we are fleeing someone that will kill us, but our current get up does not serve that narrative. Also, what do you mean that it is a generous amount? I can actually easily earn that in one dungeon run though." Adrian stated.

"It is quite generous because they may not look like it, but these people are sheltering some orphans as well. They are doing a great job at it as well which is why I like them even though their devotion to me is only surface level.

You see people that have experienced great challenges in their life only have two reactions towards gods. Either they do not want to believe you, or they desperately cling to you. They lean more towards the former but their prayers to me are not for themselves but for the people they are protecting." The Goddess of Protection Bastet stated.

"If you like them that much then why do you not tell your priests to recruit them?" Adrian asked.

"I did but they graciously rejected the offer. They said that it would get in the way of them helping others since they will have other duties.: The Goddess of Protection Bastet replied.

"I get them though since they will have to split their time for the temple activities and their passion. It is also one of the reasons that I gave them that much and told to double it. I looked at their souls and it was a pure color without any taint. Quite rare for people that have experienced great hardships." Adrian added which shocked the Goddess Bastet.

The Goddess Bastet is shocked that Adrian could see the color of the souls of people. Even for the gods, only the two remaining Primordial Gods could do such a thing. To give a mortal that great gift means that the Twin Gods actually cherishes Adrian to a great degree.

What even shocked her most is that Adrian could actually bear such a powerful gift. People that are usually born with such eyes usually become blind as a result of the stress. One of the best examples of this is the Great Star Gazer that could peer into the past and future.

The journey towards the Temple of the Goddess Bastet is about a six-hour journey with the current speed they are traveling. Along the way, the Sand Guardians found it rather odd that the pair that they are escorting seem to be silent. What they did not know is the fact the two are actually talking via telepathy as their talk is mostly about divine beings and such.

"Pardon me for asking but are you two normally this quiet?" Shara asked as she wanted to at least create an atmosphere that is lighter compared to the one they have now.

"I am sorry about that. My master does not speak much since she barely goes out of her place. You could say that it has been years since she came down. Some would even say a millennium which is why people are shocked when she came down." Adrian stated as his words clearly hinted that the Goddess Bastet came from a realm higher than this one, but the Sand Guardians only understood it as a person that rarely goes out.

"I see but you must explore more because the world is vast and is filled with great things. There may be dangers but there will always be people that will help you when one is in trouble." Shara stated as she tends to look in the positive side of things.

"Oh! Please do not give my master any ideas. Once she gets to the Temple of the Goddess Bastet, she will be on her way back to her place." Adrian stated with a smile plastered on his face that is not a smile.

He specifically said this while looking towards the Goddess Bastet so that she will not get any ideas on her head. From Pann\'s point of view, having gods descend is a great pain the head.

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