
Chapter 1301 Side Story: Necronomicon IV

Out of the three brothers, the God Hades is the one that carries the most responsibility and is the most honorable one. He values family and honor which is why he always treated the souls of those who died honorably and those that protected their family. It is also one of the reasons why the God Abaddon gives him free reign on multiple death realms unlike other gods of death.

"I already know why you want to gain the powers of the Necronomicon, but I need to test your conviction. You cannot just use it because I like your reason. I shall give you a trial. Do you agree, Prince of the Undead?" The God Hades asked Creepysoo.

"I agree. I did not come here without being ready for a trial." Creepysoo stated.

"I would have given you a more known trial like battling with the Furies, but they like you too much. I did not know how you bewitched those female warriors, but I need to give you a more fitting trial. How about this one. I always give this quest to my son as he is very rowdy but I also need a unique view of an outsider." The God Hades stated as a quest appeared before Creepysoo.


Quest Name: Escape the Castle of Hades

Quest Description: The Castle of Hades is not only a place of opulence where the God of Death Hades hosts his guests, but it is also a prison for souls that are damned. Although it does not happen often, there are some crafty souls that managed to slip past the castle guards. Help the God Hades find weak points in his castle prison.

Difficulty: D to A

Quest Reward: Approval of the God of Death Hades to use the Necronomicon

Clear Condition: Escape to the surface of the prison dungeon located below the castle.

Failure Condition: Unable to escape within the given time limit.

Failure: No Approval will be gained from the God of Death Hades

Time Limit: One week

Restriction: Only the receiver of this quest can do it.


[Do you wish to accept the quest?]

"I accept." Creepysoo stated and the God Hades smiled as he is proud of the mettle shown by Prince of the Undead.

A hole suddenly appeared below Creepysoo that transported him to the lower reaches of Castle Hades. He was also chained up like the souls around him. The souls in this area could be seen struggling to break free or resigned themselves to their fate.

[You are currently bound by Soul Chains.]

[You cannot move your physical body because of the Soul Chains.]

[You cannot extract any power that uses your soul.]

[You cannot use mana in this state.]

Creepysoo is suddenly hit with a great dilemma as the chains made him unable to gather mana. In order to use mana, one must have access to their soul. With his mana being locked, he could end up passing a week in the dungeons and fail the test.

"If these chains prevent the use of mana, then I can use abilities that are unique to my body." Creepysoo stated as he activated one of the racial skills available to a wight and that is to turn his body into a half soul variant.

The Soul Chains are physical chains that inhibit the body of the being bound to it. If a spirit is bound to it, then it will bound that spirit's body. Since Creepysoo has a physical body, the Soul Chains bound his physical body instead. He figured that turning his body into a half spirit will make the Soul Chain unable to distinguish what needs to be bound.

Just as he predicted, the Soul Chains loosened when it came in contact with his spiritual body. Since the Soul Chain no longer tightly bound him, he took them off and regained movement. The other souls that were bound in these chains looked at him with jealousy because they cannot do what he did. Unlike Creepysoo, the souls there do not have a physical body.

"It seems he easily found a way out of those chains, my love. Our son also slipped passed the chains by forcefully crushing one of his arms with sheer willpower. They have different methods, but both are equally effective." The Goddess Persephone stated.

"You are correct, my sunshine. It seems we need to make the Soul Chains more flexible in attaching itself to a target. I did not account for physical bodies in the death realm but that is a good addition." The God Hades replied as the two of them watched from an adorned mirror in the room where Creepysoo was previously located.

"Oh! He easily passed through one of the Furies that is standing guard. It seems the Prince of the Undead can charm our sadistic torturers." The Goddess Persephone stated.

"I do not know what that boy possesses that makes the Furies go soft on him." The God Hades stated as they surveyed how Creepysoo reached the next room.

Just above the deepest parts of the dungeons of Castle Hades is the room of his favorite pet that is a Cerberus. The three headed dog does not let anyone get past it without the approval of the God Hades himself. Should anyone be foolish enough to try then all three heads will shred their souls to pieces.

For souls in the underworld, they are able to feel pain in a much higher sense since its their very soul that gets damaged. Only ones that are foolish or could bear the pain can escape the Cerberus by sacrificing at least one arm. It also takes great courage to even attempt standing next one.

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