
Chapter 1321 Avalon Auction VII

Adrian might not be like Ascalor that has great mastery over Spatial Magic. He is also not like Koronn that has great mastery over Temporal Magic or theoretical magics. He is also not like Bronx that has the force of ten thousand tons, but he does have something he cultivated due to his unique nature.

Out of all the Arch Demons that are in Avalon, Adrian has the most sensitive sense for mana usage. He is incredibly sensitive to mana, and it becomes even more powerful coupled with his evil eye. Even Pann agrees that Adrian's mana sensitivity is through the roof as the latter is much more sensitive than the former.

"It seems that Peridot's item has shaken their will to keep quiet and observe. I would be to after all since that item is something that no elemental mage would dare to pass up. It could basically help any talented enough mage to handle all four elements without much worry. I guess Peridot will have a fat bank account after this." Adrian stated as he continued his surveillance on the marked people.

The marked people that Adrian got are actually Mythical Tier NPCs that do not belong to other forces. They were individuals that do not have an affiliation which is why they are the most dangerous. If they cause a ruckus, Adrian will not be able to pin the blame on another country or territory.

He will not be able to get compensation either because they are not bound by anything. The nobles from other territories are acting courteous because they are the representatives of their territories. If they did something shameful in another territory, then that would reflect badly on their country or territory.

"Seriously! Why are these old fogies here anyway?! It is just a normal auction happening in my territory. Just because the territory is being ruled by a demon does not make it anymore different than others." Adrian thought as he rubbed his eyes from using it all the time.

Adrian knows that his territory gained attention and that these powerful people only came because they were intrigued. They are curious which is why they are coming as nothing becomes interesting once you are very powerful. A floating island also tickled their curiosity, but they cannot walk in easily since it is heavily protected.

The hidden masters, as Adrian calls them, are probably looking for some fun as this is a typical trope in novels and fantasy. Adrian just prays that they do not make a fuss as he would receive an earful from the other elders. Although in the back of Adrian's mind, he is curious if some of the players will have a faithful encounter with these hidden masters.

"It seems that the patrons are already eager to bid for our Quad Elemental Stone. Just like the Elixir of Life, the starting bid will be 10, 000 gold coins with an increment of a thousand gold coins each bid. You may now start bidding!" The announcer stated as numerous people even from the stands below the VIP room started to shout a price.

Some of the people in the lower box are shocked that there were some people that have such wealth in their disposal. They always thought that only the ones in the VIP rooms are able to bid for such an item. The ordinary players could only sigh at their own helplessness.

Guild masters from top guilds that were invited started to bid for this item as they know of the full use of this item. This is the item that can unlock a mage that can easily handle four elements. Guild masters that are of the mage class are not losing this opportunity because this is the thing that will separate them from the others.

"15, 000!"

"20, 000!"

"22, 000!"

The bids kept going higher and higher as those in the VIP rooms and even those below are fighting for this item. It was a good thing that Adrian looked intimidating as no one dared to go brawling with another bidder like before. All that were thrown are insults and shouting what their social standing was.

"It is quite childish to use your reputation to pressure someone. To think that they still do that in this day and age when there could easily be someone more powerful than you." Adrian thought as he watched this scene unfold.

"40,000 gold." A voice stated which made the crowd go silent because that is not an amount that could be called low. The price of one gold coin is now 50 dollars due to the high player count and money circulating in the game.

"50, 000 gold coins. If anyone bids higher than this, then I shall concede." A voice from the VIP room number 5 stated.

The high amount made all those that coveted the item pale as they cannot cash out that amount easily. Adrian is a bit shocked because that is basically almost one year of operating funds for a top guild. He does not know who the ones in the VIP Room are, but he knows that it was a top guild occupying that room.

"Why does the voice sound familiar though?" Adrian thought as if he already heard the owner of that voice.

"Going once! Going Twice! Sold to the patrons in VIP Room Number 5 for 50, 000 gold coins!" The announcer stated happily as he did not expect that he sold an item worth that much. His commission will be large that he will not need to work for a few months after this. He can even enjoy a vacation and just relax.

The crowd calmed down after the item has been sold. One could even see the air of disappointment from others that they were not able to bag the item. Still, the patrons were still excited with the last item as it was hinted that this was not created in Avalon.

The announcer did hint that the other two items were created which means they could be recreated but it may take a few years depending on the situation. They suddenly became interested in the last item that is going to be presented as this cannot be found in Avalon.

All eyes were on the item that is currently being placed on the center isle of the podium. The crowd became silent as if waiting to surprise someone. The cloth is even hiding the energy of the item unlike the other two that were presented. The anticipation is killing them as they cannot wait for this item to be revealed as this is the last one.

"It seems that our patrons are anticipating the last item in our auction. This thing was given to us by a patron of our merchant guild." The announcer stated as he took off the cloth that impedes detection on the item.


Item Name: Egg of the Light Phoenix

Item Tier: Legendary - Mythical

Item Type: Monster Egg (Phoenix Species)


-  Just keeping it near anyone gives them warmth.

-  It can also be a light source as it can shine light in even the darkest place.

Description: An egg that pulses light every time to show that the being inside is still alive. It is an egg of the mythical phoenix that is said to rise up from its own ashes upon death. This egg is of the Light Phoenix which is a different and rare breed of the Phoenix race.


The egg is definitely egg of a phoenix as their eggs then to have the image of a phoenix curled up. Usual phoenix eggs are color red as they are incarnations of fire, but the light phoenix egg is golden and white in color. It also has an aura around it that generates sparkles as if it is always being rained on by glitter.

"As the patrons could guess, this is the egg of a Phoenix but not just any phoenix. This egg is that of a rare species of phoenixes called the Light Phoenix. The Light Phoenix is said to be the most beautiful one as they are rare and difficult to even catch a glimpse of because of their ability to easily blend in with light making them invisible." The announcer stated which made the crowd excited once more.

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