
Chapter 1558 The Snake’s Ally I

Lebou screamed in pain as the process of healing a sliced-up limb is not something that good in the western continent. The healing arts in the western continent is mostly governed by the Temple of Eset and the healing arts of her temple is also a well-kept secret. The temple of Eset is the only one that can actually heal a dilapidated limb without it being painful.

Lebou's arm could be seen starting to grow but it did not immediately regrow. If one were to look at it, then they could describe his arm as a baby's arm. It was small but he could still move it in any way that he wants. The only downside is that it will not have the same reach to his original arm.

"Please make sure to not enter combat for at least a week for the arm to regrow back to its original size. It is also wise to not undergo any harsh training as it could lengthen the regrowth process. Also, it will grow much faster during the night which is why pain will be expected as well. You will need a tonic if you are not able to sleep due to the pain." The follower of Apophis stated.

"Will the Distorted God Apophis have no problem? It seems that there are a lot of people tracking down the vessel." Lebou asked as he did not want his sacrifice to go in vain as he did not want to lose an arm for nothing.

"The master has already made sure to move the other Imperial Beast under our command. All Avatar Lebou needs to do is focus on resting as the master will focus on getting the other fragments and conquering the continent after the transfer." The follower of Apophis stated as if it is already assured and Lebou believed her as the female that tended to him is a Seer.


"Did you guys know where he ended up?" Levin Cloud asked as the trail they were following suddenly became a mess.

"I actually think that he might really be the God Loki as per Frey's assumption." Creepysoo stated.

The group was able to catch up to the demigod that they were chasing but he suddenly created ten illusions that went to separate directions. Even if they were able to catch up after being lost for the first few instances, they were now unable to follow. To make matters worse, they could not trace the energy of the demigod anymore.

"It was as if he vanished from existence." Solstice stated.

"If he is the God Loki then he would be able to easily shake us off. He only made us think that we can follow him, but he made sure that we will never be able to truly catch him. He could even trick the gods then what more for us." Frey stated.

"If Big Bro Equinox was with us then he could easily see through the illusions. Things like this is not our strong suit." Soleil stated as she puffed her cheeks since she was not able to avenge her father.

"What if he never really went far from us but made us think that he needed to run far away?" Levin Cloud suddenly muttered.

All ten clones vanished into somewhere that they cannot easily follow but there were no traces that the demigod did not leave the area. He suddenly touched the sand below him and tried to feel the traces of life in it. The others wanted to ask what Levin Cloud was doing but they saw how he was extremely focused.

Levin Cloud wanted to see the layers of the earth as he extended his hands that turned into roots. All he felt in the first few meters was piles and piles of sand. He dug even deeper to see if there will be any reaction to the pulsing life energy he was releasing. Just as he thought that he would not have any reaction, he felt an unknown energy that sent a powerful shock into his body.

"Argh!" Levin Cloud exclaimed in shock and pain.I think you should take a look at

Levin Cloud's reaction immediately prompted a protective reaction to all of them. They wanted to heal him, but he was the healer of the group. All they could do was give him a potion, but the problem was not entirely physical.

Levin Cloud's pulsing life energy is also connected to his life force as that is how his race manipulates it. The fact that something could suddenly shock him meant that he was also attacked spiritually. Levin Cloud's hand could be seen turning into a shade of darker purple.

"Cut my arm! Hurry!" Levin Cloud shouted.

Solstice immediately created a blood sword and cut off the poisoned arm that Levin Cloud has. She did not even hesitate as she cut it off cleanly which shocked her team members. Still, Levin Cloud only calmed down when his poisoned arm has been cut off and he sighed with relief.

The poisoned arm that Levin Cloud has suddenly melted into a pool of acid that seeped into the sands. Levin Cloud's arm would then regrow back to its normal length as he is a being made of wood. He might look human or humanoid, but his true form is that of a Leshy which are also called 'wood people'.

"What happened?" Solstice asked as Levin Cloud was not someone that would just scream in pain all of a sudden.

She knew that he is built as tough as his brother when it comes to pain endurance due to their races. The fact that something could make him scream in intense pain and panic is not something that is of the normal variety. Still from Levin Cloud's reaction, she could guess that she must have found something.

"We were only going in circles. The Distorted God of Apophis is located several meters below us. It seems like there is an underground cave system below the sands.

I was able to sense some life forms below, but something struck me when I tried to see if they possessed the energy of the Distorted God of Apophis. It was a poison so potent that even my divine energy could not cleanse easily. I am lucky that it was only able to spread through my physical body or else I might have died." Levin Cloud stated as all of them directed their gazes below their feet.


"It seems that you were not able to shake off your pursuers easily. So much for being the trickster God Loki." The Shadow of Apophis stated as it took on the form of a black serpent with purple streaks.

The Shadow of Apophis used its venom glands to poison the one that was probing the area. It made sure to use a lethal poison that could even kill a demigod in an hour. It was sure that the being earlier would definitely die in a few minutes as its poison also attacks the soul.

"I was being chased by interesting individuals and stop being cheeky because that is not what I came here for. As a part of our deal, I present to you. Your one and only vessel in this generation." The God Loki stated with a smile that has a passive aggressive feel.

"I do not blame you as the whole world has moved because of my movement as well. I did not think that the closed-minded gods of the western continent would actually use their divinity to get aid. Oh! How far have they fallen!" The Distorted God Apophis stated as it took on the form of a gray snake that is coiled next to the Shadow of Apophis.

The God Loki then thought on all the distractions that he orchestrated to make sure that the demons do not follow what he was doing. He did not expect for another Arch Demon to be born in this era, but he dismissed it as it was a newly born one. Now he is regretting Adrian freely roam.

"Prepare the ceremony because you must take over the vessel now. It is tiring to keep maintaining your body with hundreds of sacrifices every day. If you do not enter the vessel, then we will lose more fighting forces for conquering the west." The Shadow of Apophis stated.

"You do not need to tell me what to do because we are one and the same." The Distorted God Apophis stated as it opened its mouth wide.

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