
Chapter 1588 Till We Meet Again Wanderer

"I have received the location. We shall now go there. Please wait." Adrian replied.

"It is time to go home, Ko – Kei." Adrian stated.

"Already?! I wanted to explore more." Ko – Kei stated.

"I am afraid that you need to return because we will be closing the rift that you came from. If you do not get in there, then you will not be able to return to where you vanished. You will also grow weak because your body will not be able to sustain itself in this universe." Adrian stated.

"I wanted to see more beautiful things." Ko – Kei stated.

"You can have this then. It is a Memory Stone that has the best views that I have seen in this world. You can look at the images here for now and we can explore them when we meet again… hopefully." Adrian stated as he gave the Memory Stone to Ko – Kei.

"Another gift! Ko – Kei does not have anymore gifts to give Equinox though." Ko – Kei stated.

"This is not a gift because you will return this back to me when we meet again. I will give you another one that has different images of places. Make sure to keep this for me and return it back to me, okay!" Adrian stated with a smile.

"Okay!" Ko – Kei replied.

"Let us go to the rift then. It is time for you to go home." Adrian stated as he reached his hand towards Ko – Kei and the two held hands as they vanished from the area.


"It seems that you have become quite close to the Wanderer." Ascalor stated as the two arrived holding each other\'s hands.

"Ko – Kei is just a child after all and needs an adult to guide it. It is quite scary in a world that you do not recognize." Adrian stated.

"A brat guiding a squishy brat. Who knew!" Ascalor teased.

"We must not waste anymore time. The Wanderer, Ko – Kei, needs to return back to the Void. Even though I wanted to research it, we must let it get back to its original world." Koronn stated even though his eyes were basically surveying every specific detail of Ko – Kei\'s physiology.

"I guess this is goodbye. Let us meet again when fate deems it." Adrian stated.

"Let us meet again, friend!" Ko – Kei stated as it hugged Adrian.

"Farewell!" Adrian stated as he waved his hands goodbye.

Ko – Kei did not know what Adrian was doing with his hands, but the little thing copied him. With its cute little arm, Ko – Kei also waved goodbye as it vanished into the rift. The three elders then closed the rift using all their abilities as it was a direct connection to the Void.

Rifts that lead to the Void are not something that only one Arch Demon could close. At least two are needed to fully close it so that it will not suddenly re-open. The three elders are present to make sure that it will be completely fixed.

"Are you going to cry?" Ascalor teased Adrian.

"Nope. I just suddenly felt sad that Ko – Kei is gone. I guess I have formed a genuine connection with it despite only spending time with it for a short time." Adrian stated as he has a somewhat pained smile.

"Who knows? Maybe the Fates are smiling at you and will let you meet Ko – Kei again. If that happens make sure to go to my house first though." Koronn stated.

"If you meet the Wanderer again, you must notify us first. That is what you should do first." Bronx stated.

"Such a stiff demon." Koronn blabbered as he vanished using teleportation.

"That researching fool! I shall hit you for calling me stiff when I am incredibly agile and flexible!" Bronx stated as he vanished as well.

"Those two… Sometimes, I do not know if I am the only mature one. Anyway, you are free to do what you want for the time being kid, but you must monitor the western continent as well. When everything ends there, we shall be the ones that need to fix if they broke something." Ascalor stated as he vanished as well.

"Since I am free, I know what I need to do." Adrian stated as he looked at the thing that he was given by Ko – Kei. It was something that he has been looking for quite some time.


Item Name: Heart of a Protoss

Item Description: The heart of a being that is said to be the progenitor of all life. It is said that they were the first to come alive in the world before humans have been born. It is said that the Protoss are the blueprint for the humans that are alive now. It is said that they are still some of them that are alive, but no one knows where they are.


The evolution item to the most mysterious evolution path that Dodu has. It is the Heart of a Protoss which Adrian has only read about in Aernas\' library. They are said to be beings that are as mysterious as the Daemos. Even for the Daemos that is long lived, Koronn is the only one that was able to encounter one.

They have said to have died off back then as they were beings that could morph into any other being. It is also said that they have the genetic material for all of the living beings except for some special races. They are also said to be the very first \'humans\' created and that their descendants are the ones that are now considered humans.

"Thank you, Ko – Kei! I will make sure that your gift will not be in vain. I hope we meet again." Adrian stated as he teleported away.

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