
Chapter 1624 Chaos Pierrot Form (Havoc)

Chapter 1624 Chaos Pierrot Form (Havoc)

[All your stats are doubled for the duration of the transformation for the Chaos Pierrot Form (Havoc).]

[You are now able to release powerful burst of Chaos Energy that has different effects.]

[You can choose to release Chaos Energy (Status Ailment).]

[You can choose to release Chaos Energy (Mark).]

[You can choose to release Chaos Energy (Piercing Damage).]

[You can choose to release Chaos Energy (Spatial Augment).]


Skill Name: Chaos Energy (Status Ailment)

Skill Tier: Unknown

Skill Type: Unknown


-? Create small daggers that can be thrown that has a 15% chance to Paralyze an opponent regardless of their immunities and deal 100% of the Chaos Pierrot\'s total damage.

-? Create small daggers that can be thrown that has a 15% chance to Stun an opponent regardless of their immunities and deal 100% of the Chaos Pierrot\'s total damage.

-? Create small daggers that can be thrown that has a 15% chance to Poison an opponent regardless of their immunities and deal 100% of the Chaos Pierrot\'s total damage.

-? Create small daggers that can be thrown that has a 15% chance to Bleed an opponent regardless of their immunities and deal 100% of the Chaos Pierrot\'s total damage.

-? Create small daggers that can be thrown that has a 15% chance to Petrify an opponent regardless of their immunities and deal 100% of the Chaos Pierrot\'s total damage.

-? Create small daggers that can be thrown that has a 15% chance to Blind an opponent regardless of their immunities and deal 100% of the Chaos Pierrot\'s total damage.

-? Create small daggers that can be thrown that has a 15% chance to Root an opponent regardless of their immunities and deal 100% of the Chaos Pierrot\'s total damage.

-? Create small daggers that can be thrown that has a 10% chance to Confuse an opponent regardless of their immunities and deal 100% of the Chaos Pierrot\'s total damage.

-? Create small daggers that can be thrown that has a 10% chance to Fear an opponent regardless of their immunities and deal 100% of the Chaos Pierrot\'s total damage.

-? All status ailments could stack and there is a guaranteed chance of inflicting a status ailment if five daggers hit the opponent.

Restriction: Can only create ten daggers at a time using Chaos Energy

Cooldown: None

Cast Time: Instant

Mana Cost: None


Skill Name: Chaos Energy (Mark)

Skill Tier: Unknown

Skill Type: Unknown


-? Create small daggers that can be thrown at an opponent that marks them.

-? All opponents that are marked will be always visible to the Chaos Pierrot.

-? Deal 1% of the opponent\'s maximum health per dagger that has been hit.

-? The Chaos Pierrot can activate Reave which activates all the Chaos Daggers on a marked opponent and make it explode.

-? If there are five daggers attached to a target, then 10% of their maximum health will be dealt as damage. Any two succeeding chaos daggers will deal 1% of the target\'s maximum health.

Restriction: Can only create ten daggers at a time using Chaos Energy

Cooldown: None

Cast Time: Instant

Mana Cost: None


Skill Name: Chaos Energy (Piercing Damage)

Skill Tier: Unknown

Skill Type: Unknown


-? Create small daggers that can be thrown at an opponent that shreds all of their defenses by 1%.

-? The daggers deal 150% of the Chaos Pierrot\'s total damage and is multiplied depending on the percentage of the armor that has been shredded.

-? Every 10% of the target\'s armor that has been shredded will multiple the damage of the skill by 100%.

-? The damage multiplier will take effect even if the target has already had their defenses shredded.

-? If the target already has reduced armor or magic armor, then the armor and magic armor shred will increase by 50%.

Restriction: Can only create ten daggers at a time using Chaos Energy

Cooldown: None

Cast Time: Instant

Mana Cost: None


Skill Name: Chaos Energy (Spatial Augment)

Skill Tier: Unknown

Skill Type: Unknown


-? Create small daggers that can be thrown at any given location or target.

-? The Chaos Pierrot can transfer to the location of chaos dagger which will consume the chaos dagger.

-? The Chaos Pierrot can also pull the targets that have been tagged by the chaos dagger.

Restriction: Can only create ten daggers at a time using Chaos Energy

Cooldown: None

Cast Time: Instant

Mana Cost: None


Adrian immediately checked all the skills that he received in his new form because he cannot use the other skills from his standard form. It seems that Chaos Pierrot Form (Havoc) is a variant of the Chaos Pierrot that can create untold amount of chaos and destruction. He is also limited to creating ten of each chaos daggers which means he can create forty in total.

This might have been challenging if one did not have training like Adrian by controlling numerous mirrors before. If a newbie or even a veteran might get this skill, then they would have no idea on what its full potential could be if they did not use a weapon that can multiply like Adrian\'s mirror armament. Adrian is in a state where time froze because he used Time Stop just before he turned into the Chaos Pierrot Form (Havoc).

Adrian is quite pleased that Time Stop affected the God Odin and the God Loki as he thought that they would be unaffected. It seems that even gods can be affected by Time Stop as long as the gap in strength and the world restriction is still in place. Adrian made sure to prepare all forty daggers immediately as soon as he got the chance.

[Time Stop has finished in duration.]

[Time will normally flow once again in Niflheim.]

As soon as the world started to move once more, the God Odin and the God Loki is shocked to see Adrian\'s form. He looked like his normal Chaos Pierrot Form but the aura around the Havoc Variant is not the same. A dark and eerie aura could be sensed from Adrian which is even more sinister than that of a dark god\'s aura.

"Let us begin the demonstration of Chaos!" Adrian stated as his voice echoed in eight different intervals.

"Even with your new form, you will not escape under my spear\'s wrath!" The God Odin stated as the gigantic Gungnir still came crashing down from the sky.

Adrian did not panic as he immediately used all of the chaos daggers that can use spatial movement towards his allies. He immediately created more when it was not enough, but this is not the only thing that he did. Adrian immediately shot numerous daggers in all directions.

Some of the chaos daggers landed on the God Odin and God Loki. The ones that landed on them were the chaos daggers that marked them which are incorporeal in nature. The chaos daggers that inflicted status ailments were all deflected by the God Odin\'s Raven Coat.

The giant spear, Gungnir, has yet to descend but Adrian did not stop releasing numerous daggers which made the others think that he has lost his mind. Frey, on the other hand, believed Adrian as he was not the type of person to do something useless at such a crucial time. The God Odin created a shield to make sure that the dust that will rise from the impact of his attack does not dirty his cloak.

A powerful impact could be heard all throughout the planet as the God Odin\'s attack released such powerful energy. The impact of Gungnir was even felt even at the opposite side of the world of Niflheim. The God Odin could be seen smiling as he knew that no being would be able to defend against that attack that he used.

"They are dead at last. The fact that I needed to break the world restriction using my own Rune Magic meant that they were at least decent opponents." The God Odin stated.

"Truly… well done, brother." The God Loki stated as the smoke cleared, and they could only see a large crater and a giant spear made of light fading out of existence.

"I admit that it is truly a powerful attack." A voice stated behind the God Odin and the God Loki.

The God Odin and the God Loki tried to immediately escape but fifteen daggers could be seen suddenly buried deep in their backs. The God Odin tried to shake those daggers off, but they were stuck to him as he started to bleed through all his orifices. The God Loki, on the other hand, could be seen unable to move his body or even speak as he was stunned.

"As expected of gods! All of you are indeed very capable but it seems being too arrogant has made all of you blind on the capacity of mortals." Adrian stated in his weird voice as he smiled deviously which made it look menacing because of his current form.

"Inso!" The God Odin stated but his body was once again pierced by daggers that dealt status ailments which is the same for the God Loki.

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