
Chapter 1634 The Search For The Parts Of The World Eater IV

Alan could not believe that he was able to see Equinox if that was really him. He was not sure that the player they encountered was Equinox as lots of players started getting black wolves due to him. The thing that made Alan sure that it was Equinox is the slime like monster that was with him because the only player that has a slime was Equinox.

"I encountered one of my idols, but it seems he was busy. Thankfully he saved us so I can brag about it in my vlog." Alan stated as he saw Equinox vanishing from his location.


"You are back. It took a day, but it seems that you are also unlucky. To think that you were unable to find the World Eater Parasite as well. Do not worry too much as we have a week before it becomes a legitimate World Eater." Ascalor stated as he saw Adrian without a caged creature.

"Actually… about that. We actually encountered one." Adrian stated which made Ascalor shocked as the latter started to inspect Adrian\'s body.

Ascalor knew that a World Eater Parasite would not hesitate to jump to a new host once its current host cannot satisfy its cravings. Ascalor inspected every part of Adrian\'s body, but he did not see an entry point of the World Eater Parasite. He sighed with relief but remembered that Adrian was actually a summoner.

"Do not tell me that it actually took over one of your soulbounds! Was it Sirius? If it is Sirius, then we might have a problem as that naughty dog could hide in the shadows. Do not tell me it is Kanlaon?! We have a bigger problem if that is…" Ascalor stated as he panicked because he knows how much Adrian loves his soulbounds.

"Do not worry as none of us was inhabited by the World Eater Parasite. It actually got eaten." Adrian stated which made every demon in the observatory pause what they were doing and look at him.

"What are you saying?! Do you mean that it was eaten by another monster then it jumped hosts? If that is the case, then we are in luck because you have seen the new host which means we can track it." Ascalor stated.

"No…No…No… I meant it was eaten… by Dodu." Adrian stated and Ascalor made a face on disbelief.

"Did the kid just say eaten?!" A familiar voice stated in one of the demon eyes.

Old Man Pann suddenly waltz inside the room as he was in constant connection with the observatory as he was giving instructions to them. He was the most knowledgeable among them about World Eaters and their behaviors, but this is the first time that he also learned that one was eaten. He immediately teleported to the observatory with such excitement, but it was not seen as he still has his classic frown.

"You said that the slime ate a World Eater?" Old Man Pann asked while every demon looked at Adrian.

"Technically, Dodu ate a World Eater Parasite not the World Eater." Adrian stated as he does not know if such things were relevant, but he wanted to make it clear.

Old Man Pann started to laugh out loud which made the other demons uncomfortable as they thought that the old man became senile. Ascalor was beside Old Man Pann, and he was making sure that the old man did not lose his mind. Pann stopped laughing and smiled which shocked the demons as this does not happen in a while.

"To think that the solution to a fearsome devourer problem was a being that only one cell." Old Man Pann stated as he often calls Dodu as One Cell due to it being a slime.

"Do you actually believe the kid?" Ascalor asked.

Ascalor asked not because he does not believe Adrian, but he found it too odd. Ascalor trusts Adrian but he trusts Old Man Pann more when it comes to matters with monsters. Adrian also knows that his words cannot be easily believed as he was the only one that can confirm it as the evidence has already turned into acid inside of Dodu\'s stomach.

"Summon One Cell. I can verify if it did devour a World Eater Parasite." Old Man Pann stated.

Adrian summoned Dodu as instructed and Old Man Pann immediately started inspecting it. Old Man Pann pulled a part of Dodu\'s body and inspected the slime substance which does not hurt Dodu since it can split parts of its body. Seeing that Dodu\'s overall physique and mentality is fine means that the World Eater Parasite did not take over.

"Alright, open your mouth and hit me with your own breath." Old Man Pann stated which made all the other demons want to look away, but they are conducting serious investigations.

"It seems that the kid is telling the absolute truth. It has eaten a World Eater Parasite. I can smell that incredible funky odor that World Eaters emit. Just like the kid said, the World Eater Parasite has been dissolved in this guy\'s belly." Old Man Pann stated which made everyone in the room silent and one could even hear a pin drop.

"So, it means that everything is fine then. I was actually worried for Dodu for a second there as well since it just called the World Eater Parasite yummy then proceeded to devour it in one gulp." Adrian stated with a relieved sigh, but Ascalor and Old Man Pann are actually stopping themselves from slapping him because such an event is dangerous.

"You are lucky that your soulbound is actually the natural predator of a World Eater! If it was not, then your soulbound might have died." Old Man Pann stated.

"If the World Eater Parasite is indeed eaten by the kid\'s soulbound the that makes our job easier. It could just sniff it out." Ascalor stated but Adrian and Old Man Pann looked at him as if the former was dumb.

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