
Chapter 1673 First Dungeon in Hell V

Chapter 1673 First Dungeon in Hell V

[Protect Yourself!]

"That is not good." Adrian stated as he immediately commanded his soulbounds to protect him.

Kimat suddenly broke pieces of its armor and created a shield with it to block the initial impact of the skill. Kanlaon coiled around Adrian as it used its lightning dragon orb to create a barrier of lightning that could redirect the attack. Wisteria also created a dome of vines to defend themselves against the incoming attack.

The Hell Storm Moving Ancient Golem released the Hell Lightning Blast from its own body. When the Hell Lightning Blast hit the Hell Storm Moving Golems, the health that was reduced suddenly went back to full and the lightning that they are producing also changed in color. The powerful blast of lightning that came out of the Hell Storm Moving Ancient Golem covered the entire cavern.

The Hell Shockterium that was glowing in a bluish color also started to glow in red lightning. Adrian was able to protect himself from the blast but the vine dome and Kanlaon\'s protection was blown away. Kimat could be seen an injured from the attack as some of its white fur was actually singed.

[The Hell Storm Moving Ancient Golem has released Hell Lightning Blast.]

[The Hell Storm Moving Ancient Golem has restored all of the health of the Hell Storm Moving Golems back to full.]

[The Hell Storm Moving Ancient Golem has created a space for it to thrive.]

[The Hell Storm Moving Ancient Golem will now deal 50% more damage since the surroundings have resonated with its energy.]

[All beings that resonated with the Hell Storm Moving Ancient Golem will also benefit from the surroundings by 50%.]

Adrian is a bit bewildered because a floor boss like this is not easy to deal with. It has something like a pseudo domain due to it being able to make the terrain suitable for its battle. It also has the power to empower its own underlings like a domain could do.

"Wait a minute?! Why does it seem familiar?" Adrian asked himself as he suddenly thought that this fighting style is familiar.

Adrian then found out that this was just like his playstyle as he uses a domain to empower his own soulbounds. If he was the Hell Storm Moving Ancient Golem, then the Hell Storm Moving Golems were his soulbounds. The Hell Storm Moving Ancient Golem did not stop there as it released a blast of lightning from its hand.

The lightning hit the Hell Storm Moving Golem in front of the floor boss. The lightning that was only a meter thick suddenly came out of the Hell Storm Moving Golem at five times the thickness. Kanlaon immediately fired his dragon breath to meet the powerful blast of lightning coming their way.

Kimat did not become idle as he also fired a blast of lightning from his body that aided the attack of Kanlaon. Wisteria was the one defending Adrian from any sudden attacks from the sides, but she also created a vast wall of vines that reached for the enemies. All three of Adrian\'s soulbounds released powerful attacks but all of it was only equal to the attack launched by the Hell Storm Moving Ancient Golem.

The large blast of lightning dispersed the combined attacks of Kanlaon, Kimat and Wisteria. The Hell Storm Moving Ancient Golem did not stop there as it actually generated another set of arms to release blasts of lightning. The Hell Storm Moving Ancient Golem used the minions in front of it once more to amplify the spell.

"Mirrors!" Adrian stated as he switched to his mirror armament just in time.

Adrian expended all of his mana to tank the full might of the released attack of the Hell Storm Moving Ancient Golem. He created as much mirrors as he possibly can in order to absorb the attack as he knows that they will die if he does not do so. About a hundred mirrors suddenly appeared in front of Adrian and one mirror every five seconds is added to it.

The full blast of lightning that the Hell Storm Moving Ancient Golem lasted for about a minute before it finally stopped. Adrian thought that he was tanking an attack for at least half an hour because that minute is incredibly intense. When all of the energies from the attack was fully absorbed, Adrian smiled as he knows that he wins this round.

"Return!" Adrian stated as powerful blasts of light came out of the mirrors that he conjured.

The Hell Storm Moving Ancient Golem and its lackeys did not have enough time to process what happened as their vision was clouded in a blanket of light. All the floor boss and its lackeys could sense was an intense powerful energy was directed at them. The Hell Storm Moving Ancient Golem tried to protect itself by linking with its underlings but all of them crumbled under the might of the mirror armament.

[You have defeated the Hell Storm Moving Ancient Golem.]

[You have defeated the boss of this floor. You can now move into the next floor.]

"Whoo!" Adrian stated as he managed to endure.

Adrian let his soulbounds pick up the loot and all they gave him was the pieces of the Storm Core. Adrian was a bit upset as all the drops in this dungeon was the pieces of the Storm Core. Still, he needed them which is why he is not making a fuss out of it. With the defeat of the Hell Storm Moving Ancient Golem, he now has seventy five pieces of the Storm Core. 

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