
Chapter 1874 Neo Angel Gabriel

Chapter 1874 Neo Angel Gabriel

The Angel of Patience Gabriel has already maxed out his boosted stats to the point that epic tier spells only do about one percent of his total health. One would need attacks that penetrates his great defense or super effective attacks that deal bonus damage to even delete a chunk of his health. To prove that he is also an absolute tank, the Angel of Patience Gabriel could also create a shield that could convert the damage it received into health.

If the Angel of Patience Gabriel did not have the ability to create shields that could heal him then he might be struggling under the barrage of the demigods. He would time this healing shield when a super effective attack is about to hit him so that he heals extra. The healing shield seems to be based off on the ability and constitution of the Angel of Patience Gabriel.

The Angel of Patience Gabriel believed that he will be able to buy time for the goddess to truly arise and be the ruler of the world. He was recreated as the ultimate shield that will repel all the enemies of the goddess after all. He believed this true until the two gods of death were summoned by the annoying individual chosen by the Twin Gods.

Still, the Angel of Patience Gabriel did not fret because the Gods of Death that were summoned were weaker than them. They summoned gods of death might have the strength of greater gods like him, but they were one step weaker. The two gods of death have the same power as a being that has just stepped into greater godhood.

The Angel of Patience Gabriel believed this faithfully until an eerie book that reeked of death energy more than the two gods of death appeared in his peripheral vision. The holder of this book was the undead that was being the most annoying opponent for the Angel of Patience Gabriel. The Prince of the Undead used hexes and curses that even worked on a powerful angel like himself. He also commanded undead that were incredibly strong as if they were when they are alive.

It was common for undead to be weaker compared to when they were alive which is why Creepysoo\'s Undead Knights defy his belief. They were powerful undead that would have become disasters if they were not under someone else\'s control. These powerful undead could easily kill the Luxera that the Goddess of Light Luminaria spawns to protect herself.

If the Luxera did not spawn, the Goddess of Light Luminaria would have been faster to integrate with the world but that also means she would be an easier target. The three neo angels might be powerful to protect her but even they would be outrun by the sheer number of enemies that is the allied army. The Luxera are great monsters that give the Neo Angels some breathing room to make sure that they are the ones winning the fight. It has become much harder to manage the fight when their main healer has died under the hands of the enemy.

The three Neo Angels believed that they are unbeatable to the point that they forgot that there was a demon amongst the enemy. Even their goddess is wary of demons as they are incredible variables that can sway any instance in their favor. They are beings that could bend time and space for their own benefit after all.

The Angel of Patience Gabriel was defending the Goddess of Light Luminaria as best he could until he felt a sudden shift in the area. A powerful area of death was summoned into the mortal realm. He knew that this was the doing of one of the gods of death that was summoned. He was still on guard, but the Angel of Patience Gabriel believed that undead would never be able to stop him even if they are on the level of demigods.

The Angel of Patience Gabriel felt fourteen powerful undead presences that had the power of lesser gods. All of these undead rose from the bodies of the demigods that have been infested by the souls called upon the god of death. Powerful undead that have never before seen in the world manifested as the union of magics between the holder of the book of dead and a god of death became true.

The Wight Knight Commanders looked at the demigod undead that were Doom Knights and called them to their ranks. The Wight Cavalry Commanders did the same for the undead that became Doom Cavalry Knights as well. All these undead formed ranks as if they were the most organized army that the world has ever seen.

The Wight Arch Magus came together with other Elder Liches as well and started casting spells that buffed their allies and created barriers to shield them. They also started to create a spell that released a powerful miasma haze that weakened any being of light in the area. Some even started to chant spells so fast that their jawbone dislodged.

The Wight Fright Rangers vanished into the shadows as well as Doom Scouts that they commanded. They only became invisible and did not vanish because their presence became apparent when arrows of miasma would suddenly kill a Luxera. They hunted down the Luxera that are in the battle as their main purpose is to clean up the battlefield of their light targets.

The Wight Heavy Armor Commander took in the undead level demigods that had the appearance of heavy fighters or those with large bodies. They charged towards the Angel of Patience Gabriel, but they were slow due to their heavy bodies. Each footstep they took shook the ground beneath them as they are heavier than they appear.

The Wight Hex Maniacs commanded the Doom Shamans and started performing a ritual. The ritual that they did spread powerful hexes and curses upon the enemies of their masters. They also released buffs that would increase the attacks of their allies by 200% in exchange for 3% of their total health. They were spreading incredible buffs and debuffs to the power of dancing or rituals as they call it.

The ones that are less in number are the undead under the Wight Heretics. They might be less, but their impact is not something to ignore because they can heal undead using death energy. They could even heal the beings that are unable to be healed using holy healing magic. They can also release powerful death energy blasts that can destroy Luxera in one shot, but that skill takes time to cast.

"Wight Knight Commanders! Move and destroy the enemy!" Creepysoo commanded as he released a spell that empowered the stats of undead by 10%.

"Cavalry! Tear the enemy to shreds!" The God of Death Ah Puch stated.

The two undead platoons shouted with much more vigor than when they were alive and heeded the commands of their masters. One might think that undead that uses steeds and warriors would not be able to reach the Angel of Patience Gabriel, but they are incorrect. With a loud neigh, all the mounts of the cavalry kicked the ground and started to run across the air itself.

The undead cavalry started to run across the sky as they killed the flying Luxera created to protect the goddess. The undead warrior platoon was a bit different as the undead magic unit embedded spells of Flight and Lightweight onto them. The warriors that did not have a way to fly in the air have gained it with just the powerful spells led by the Wight Arch Magus.

As soon as the undead cavalry ran across the sky, a barrage of arrows made of miasma suddenly filled the skies. All of these miasma arrows were aimed at the light sphere where the Goddess of Light is inside. The Angel of Patience Gabriel felt it deep inside that these arrow barrage must not reach the goddess.

"I am Patience itself! The Shield of the Goddess of Light! Tutela Lucis!" The Angel of Patience Gabriel shouted as his entire body emitted a powerful light.

The Angel of Patience Gabriel suddenly transformed his entire armor into light, and it became the very shield that protected the goddess of light. The angel inside that heavy armor is now seen and his overall appearance was heavenly if one were to describe it.

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