
Chapter 1997 Jumping Through Dimensions I

Chapter 1997 Jumping Through Dimensions I

"I felt the divine energy of that foolish god of wealth! I am unable to see through the veil protecting the one that is trying to revive him!" The Angry God King Zeus stated as he hurled lightning once again.

"Calm yourself, husband. The other gods are now investigating the causes of your disturbance. We must remain resolute or else they will think that we are in turmoil." The God Queen Hera stated.

"Apologies, father. Even my chosen oracle could not see through the veil that is protecting the one that you want to find." A god that is shining like the sun stated.

"That is alright, Apollo. We just need to call upon the mother of the said god. Bring my sister to me. I want to talk with Demeter." The God King Zeus stated.

"I have tried to contact her, father. The gods of life have sealed their divine realm even for messenger gods. Only they can get in or out of their divine realm due to this." The Messenger God Hermes stated.

"Why have they sealed the divine realm! Even my brother told me that all the death realms will be sealed from other gods as well!" The God King Zeus stated as he tried to bottle up his anger.

"It seems that the God King Odin did something in the death realms that made all the gods of death furious. Uncle said that the reason for the ban is due to a god interfering with another death realm. Uncle was a bit coy, but I can tell that the death realm that was breached was Tartarus. I verified the claim by talking to Cousin Zagreus." The Messenger God Hermes stated.

"I shall talk with my brother if it involves Tartarus. The Titans might start to move once more if it really involves them. As for my sister, make sure to monitor her and stop her if she is about to aid the hidden mortal." The God King Zeus stated as he told all the gods under him to be vigilant as well since even a death realm was breached.


"So, the first dimension where the First Golden Goblin Lord jumped is a place desolate and filled with ice and snow. If I am not mistaken, then that would none other than Niflheim. I can portal towards there, but we must find out the next location before going." Adrian stated.

"Why? Is the place dangerous?" Piggy Bank asked.

"The place is not dangerous. It is deadly cold to the point that you will turn into a popsicle if you are not resistant to absolute cold." Adrian replied.

"I might be able to extract more information from my bloodline, Benefactor Equinox once we jump to that location." Alfred stated but Adrian is not convinced that is the best course of action.

"Yeah. I am not going to gamble and die from transporting us to an alien dimension. I might be able to sense the entrances to other dimensions but there is also a chance that they all look the same. We need a better option and I know where to get it. Tell me, are you afraid of sleep?" Adrian asked Piggy Bank.

"Me? Of course not! I love sleeping!" Piggy Bank answered which made Adrian smile.

"Is that so? Follow me then." Adrian stated as he grabbed Piggy Bank and teleported somewhere. The golden hobgoblin, Alfred, could be seen creating a golden key and inserting it in empty space which created a door for him to jump into.

When Adrian and Piggy Bank landed, they could be seen in a place that looks like it was always dusk. The silent and calm area would actually lull anyone to sleep if they were tired. Adrian brought Piggy Bank to the Temple of Dreams where the followers of the God of Dreams Morpheus reside. This is actually a temple that is difficult to reach unless you are unable to fly or swim.

"Where is this?" Piggy Bank asked.

"This is the main temple of the Temple of Dreams. This is where they spend their days in a perpetual state of sleeping but I learned that that work in shifts. Sleeping too much is bad for the body after all and even the God of Dreams Morpheus knows that." Adrian stated as he noticed that Alfred was able to follow next to them.

"Such a splendid place, Benefactor Equinox. My blood is tingling as I can feel that there are numerous treasures in the area." Alfred stated as the special blood talent that he owns did not vanish upon fusion evolution.

"Calm your hands unless you want to be cursed to never sleep or sleep forever." Adrian stated as he can guess that the treasure collection skill of Alfred might have been increased in effectivity upon the evolution.

"Champion Equinox, we have been expecting you. Our god has told us of your arrival." A voice in the heads of Adrian and Piggy Bank stated.

"Woah! Is this telepathy!" Piggy Bank stated in excitement as this is a first for him even though the player chat is actually considered telepathy by the standards of the NPCs in Pandemonium.

"Please lower your voices as this place is very close to the land of dreams and other followers are also having their devotion prayers." The voice stated.

"Wow! A temple where sleeping is devotion. If that is true in real life, then I might actually sign up." Piggy Bank whispered to Adrian.

"You know that you can just think what you want to say." Adrian stated via telepathy as he looked towards Piggy Bank.

"Cool!" Piggy Bank replied as he also tried doing what Adrian did.

"But… why are we here?" Piggy Bank added as he can now use telepathy.

"We are here to see the memories of your new aide. I do not want to jump dimensions recklessly since I might lead us straight to a black hole if we are not sure. The Temple of Dreams is a place where you can actually visualize and live through memories that are forgotten.

Dreams are said to be memories that have been reorganized by the brain. Also, the God of Dreams Morpheus have ways to see inside memories as well since he also controls that. We can have Alfred dream about the places that had been jumped at." Adrian stated.


Father\'s Day Short

"Dad, how did you celebrate Father\'s Day with grandpa?" Adrian asked his father while they were at dinner since his dad wanted a family dinner cooked by his wife.

"I or rather we did not celebrate it much when I was already your age, but I remember that we usually did fishing. Your grandpa and I would fish all day long then have a family dinner. I did not like going out much or throwing lavish parties back the since that is the only time where me and your grandpa can spend time together." Richard stated.

"Why?" Mina asked.

"Well, your grandpa was incredibly busy that he rarely spent time with us. I was lucky as I was the most spoiled which my siblings hate me for, but they were just jealous that I got to spend more time with him."Richard stated.

"How about you, mom? How did you spend Father\'s Day with grandpa?" Mina asked.

"We also did fishing." Maria stated as she remembered that she and her father would go in fishing trips, but it was not in any body of water.

"Well, did you catch things when you go fishing?" Adrian asked.

"We can catch about five medium sized fishes if the weather is good." Richard stated.

"We usually only catch one, but they were incredibly big. Also, they have nasty personalities and often terrorizes the community. It was a good thing that we are catching them or else the area would be in danger." Maria stated.

"Is the fish like a giant catfish?" Richard asked.

"You can call them that as they are slimy individuals." Maria stated as she had a vivid flashback before returning to eat happily.

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