
Chapter 259 Selling [2]

Chapter 259 Selling [2]

Delilah stood with her gaze on the script as she alternated her gaze between it and me. There wasn\'t much of a reaction on her face as she looked at the script, but she did seem a little different.

It was hard to tell though.

"Script for a new play."

"New play?"

Delilah once again looked at the script. Her tone was flat, but I could tell that she was a little intrigued by it.

Did she perhaps like my previous play?

A possible fan?

I thought about it for a good second before getting the image off of my mind. I just couldn\'t picture it.

"Yes, it\'s a new play. It will be played in the upcoming opening ceremony of the Four Empires Summit."

"….That\'s interesting."


Delilah flipped through the script. Her face, which appeared as still as a lake, paused slightly the moment she reached a certain part.

Then, as if she was absorbed in the play, she flipped through the pages before eventually placing the script down.

A strange silence took over the room as she placed the script down. I couldn\'t tell what emotions she was feeling. Was she even feeling them in the first place?

"…..I don\'t get it."

There was clear confusion on Delilah\'s face as she looked at the script.

The more she looked at it, the more the confusion on her face became apparent. Stepping forward, I walked toward the desk and reached out for the script.

"What do you not get?"

I flipped the script open.

It was a fairly straightforward play. Nothing mind-blowing, but I was confident that it would leave a lasting impact on those who would see it.

….At least, I thought that would be the case.

It was a complicated play.

Delilah leaned her head to look at the play next to me. Her deep black eyes traced over the words that were imprinted on the pages.

"It looks boring."

These were the first words Delilah said with regard to the script.

"How did something like this get selected?"


My eyes traced over the script as I turned to meet her gaze. She looked back at me in confusion, as if trying to ask me what was so good about the script.

In the end, the answer was simple.

"Reading it and experiencing it are two different things. It looks monotonous now because it\'s just a script. It\'ll be a different experience when you see it."


Delilah frowned.

She didn\'t seem all to convinced.

Shaking her head, she sat herself down and crossed her arms.

"Show me."


"…..Act for me."


I looked at the script and felt my lips twitch.

"I can\'t do it alone. I need someone else to help me."

This was a script that required two people. If I were to act alone, then it would look rather odd.

"That\'s no problem."

Delilah took the script and casually flipped over the pages.

"I will help you."


I found myself unable to find my words. This was a little abrupt, and while I thought about rejecting it, I realized that this was a good opportunity for me. I needed to practice and adjust the corresponding emotions for each scene.

I wanted to experiment with just how far my Emotive Magic had developed.

Especially since all the incidents that I had undergone over the past few months. Perhaps… it was now possible for me to affect her.


Delilah looked at me and then the script.

"Let\'s start."


I already had the lines memorized and thus, I went ahead and told her where to start.

"Act 2, Scene 3. We can start there."


Delilah flipped the script and stopped over a certain page.


Raising her head, she looked at me.

The very air around her changed, and for a moment, I almost felt a little overwhelmed. That was until she opened her mouth.

"You. Are. The. First. Person. I. Have. Ever. Told. This. About. That\'s. Why. Thank. You. I. Am. So. Happy."


With each word that came out of her mouth, my face hardened. I blinked a couple of times to make sure that I wasn\'t hearing wrongly, but staring at Delilah who was reciting every word with her utmost seriousness, I suddenly covered my mouth.

From the depths of my body, I felt something rise up, and despite my best attempts, I found myself unable to suppress it.

It kept rising and rising, until…

"I\'m. Really. H—"


It all burst out.


Delilah\'s head flicked up to look at me.

The air stirred at her actions, but I was in no state to take notice of it as my chest tingled and I turned my head.

"Pftt… Kht!"

The air continued to stir, and I really did put an effort in trying to stop myself from laughing, but as I turned to look at her, the feeling grew progressively worse.


It got to the point where I had to take a moment to calm myself down.

When I did, I took a breath and turned around. The moment I did, I almost felt my entire breath leave my body as Delilah stood with her legs crossed and the script hanging down on her hands.

She didn\'t seem too pleased.


No words needed to be said to express how she was feeling.

Maybe not angry, but definitely a little annoyed. It couldn\'t be helped. I did laugh at her acting. I felt something tingle when looking at her, and I pursed my lips.

\'I wish I had my camera with me.\'

With narrowed eyes, Delilah looked at me.

"Should we start again?"

She offered once more, however, I shook my head.

"No, it\'s fine."

"….What do you mean?"

"I think it\'s best if you don\'t see it now. When the time comes, you will understand what I mean."

I kept my face straight as I said those words. Are you kidding me? There was no way I could practice with her.

It would just end with me laughing at her again, and I knew that wouldn\'t do me any good. In the end, the best option was for me to refuse her offer.


Delilah didn\'t say much after that and placed the script over the desk. Then, looking around, her gaze paused on me for a brief moment before she disappeared.

Silence returned over the room and I gently sighed.

"….I guess I better start getting ready."

Stretching my body, I checked my pocket watch.

"All my orders should be ready. I should be able to make it to the shop in time."

I glanced at the door, and making sure that everything was in order, I made my way out of the room.

There was something important that I needed to do.

"About time I get rid of this crap."


Delilah appeared in the middle of the streets of Bremmer. Currently, she was in a more desolate area.

Her current feelings were hard to describe. She herself had a hard time understanding them.

Was she angry, or annoyed? She thought about it, but couldn\'t quite figure it out. It was a mix of both, maybe?


They also didn\'t last very long.

It was really hard for her to figure out due to that. But unlike her emotions, there was something that didn\'t fade quickly.

….It was a certain image.

Delilah struggled to describe it, but that image was probably one of the reasons why her feelings of anger and annoyance faded so quickly.

Why was that?

She wondered to herself as she looked around.

Fiddling with her hand where she felt something, she tilted her head.

The image once more lingered in her mind.

"So he can…"


The moment that I left the residence, I headed toward three different destinations. The sun was scorching hot, and the city streets were crowded.

Walking around the cobblestone street, I eventually found myself in front of a particular store.

[Buxlom Marchant House]

There were three major merchants situated in Bremmer. Buxlom, Kodjak, and Almore. They sold all sorts of different goods, including bones and pills that could help someone improve their skills.

They also purchased items that someone sold.

Today, I was planning on selling something.


The Marchant House was well decorated. Primarily built with wooden materials, the design was quite grand and nice to the eye. Intricate carvings adorned the door frames and window sills, making it stand out from the other buildings in the vicinity.

But if there was something that truly made it stand out, then it\'d be the long line that lined up at the entrance of the store.

It was long, and I could barely see the end of it.

I stared at the line and counted myself lucky before heading in. Unlike them, I had a backer known as Aoife K. Megrail.

All I did was ask and she managed to help me get a card to cut the line.

"You may go in."

And as expected, the guards didn\'t bat an eye as I entered the store.


The inside of the building was dazzling. Various goods and items were on full display throughout the store, with a pleasant rustic smell lingering in the air. I looked around before settling my gaze on a certain counter and headed there.

"How may I help you?"

A woman dressed in elegant clothes greeted me with a polite smile.

I didn\'t waste any time and placed the wooden box over the counter.

"This is..."

The woman looked at the box in confusion. I understood her reaction. The box looked kind of old and cheap. That was because it was actually old and cheap.

I just never bothered to buy a proper case for it.

In any case.


I unlocked the metal lock and opened the lid up.


Immediately the expression on the woman\'s face changed as her gaze fell on the sword that was nestled inside of the box.

Tracing my finger over the body of the sword, I looked at her.

"How much are you willing to pay for this?"


More chapters are coming. Should\'ve uploaded them yesterday, but I\'m too tired these days.

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