
Chapter 597 Nine Phoenix Dance

Chapter 597 Nine Phoenix Dance

Finally, the stage was set. Lin Fei, his face devoid of his usual bravado, approached Chu Yang in the bustling marketplace. Shamefaced and downtrodden, he stammered a tale of stolen treasures – priceless scrolls containing powerful cultivation techniques. He claimed a thief had snatched his belongings, conveniently omitting the fact that the scrolls were fabricated.

Chu Yang, ever the opportunist, saw a chance to exploit Lin Fei\'s misfortune. He feigned sympathy, offering to help recover the stolen scrolls. Little did he know he was walking into a spider\'s web. They ventured into the secluded Jade Forest, a place seldom frequented by disciples. Lin Fei, feigning despair, led Chu Yang deeper into the woods until they reached a hidden clearing bathed in an ethereal glow.

"Here!" Lin Fei exclaimed, pointing to a weathered bamboo scroll lying on a flat rock. "There it is! The stolen scroll!"

Chu Yang, curiosity piqued, rushed towards the scroll. He unfurled it, his eyes scanning the archaic script. Lin Fei watched from a safe distance, his heart pounding with anticipation. But to his immense disappointment, a frown creased Chu Yang\'s brow.

"This script…" Chu Yang muttered, his voice laced with suspicion, "It belongs to the Ancient Phoenix Clan. And these techniques… they seem unorthodox."

Lin Fei\'s heart plummeted. His plan was unraveling. "B-but it promises immense power!" he stammered, hoping to salvage the situation.

Chu Yang shook his head. "An unknown technique, especially one from a secluded clan like the Phoenix… I wouldn\'t risk it, Lin Fei. Besides, recovering your belongings is one thing, but practicing dubious techniques is another altogether."

Relief washed over Lin Fei, so intense it almost made him dizzy. He had underestimated Chu Yang\'s caution. Disappointment mingled with a grudging respect. Chu Yang, for all his flaws, wasn\'t as gullible as he\'d assumed.

"You\'re right," Lin Fei conceded, forcing a smile. "Thank you for your help nonetheless, Chu Yang. I\'ll keep searching for the scrolls myself."

As Chu Yang walked away, a flicker of doubt crossed Lin Fei\'s mind. Perhaps he could refine his trap. But time was of the essence. He needed a quicker target, someone more susceptible to allure. His gaze fell upon Elder Xuan, who, unaware of the events in the Jade Forest, was currently tending to his meticulously pruned bonsai garden.

A sly grin spread across Lin Fei\'s face. Elder Xuan, with his relentless pursuit of Ba Rong\'er\'s favor, would be the perfect guinea pig for the Nine Phoenix Dance. Lin Fei approached the unsuspecting elder, a guileless smile plastered on his face.

"Elder Xuan," he began, bowing respectfully. "I happened to stumble upon an ancient technique while exploring a hidden cavern. It seems incredibly powerful, but the script is a little… challenging to decipher."

Elder Xuan, ever eager to expand his knowledge, perked up. "An ancient technique, you say?" he inquired, his curiosity piqued.

"Indeed," Lin Fei continued, producing the bamboo scroll. "It seems related to a celestial phoenix, promising enhanced cultivation and control."

Elder Xuan\'s eyes widened with avarice. An advantage over his rivals within the sect? Enhanced cultivation? He couldn\'t resist. He snatched the scroll, his wrinkly face crinkled in concentration as he deciphered the archaic script. Lin Fei watched with feigned concern, his stomach churning with a mixture of anticipation and dread.

Elder Xuan, oblivious to the trap, mumbled through the scroll, his voice growing louder as he became engrossed in the technique. "The Nine Phoenix Dance… intriguing…" he muttered, tracing the intricate symbols with a gnarled finger.

"Does it seem feasible, Elder?" Lin Fei inquired, hoping to sound unsure.

"Feasible?" Elder Xuan scoffed, his voice laced with arrogance. "This is a treasure, Lin Fei! A chance to elevate my cultivation beyond what these fools within the sect can even comprehend!"

Lin Fei fought back a grimace. The old fool was taking the bait hook, line, and sinker. He watched as Elder Xuan, fueled by his inflated ego, spent the next hour meticulously studying the technique. The afternoon sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the bonsai garden as Elder Xuan finally finished reading the scroll.

"This is magnificent, Lin Fei!" he exclaimed, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "This Nine Phoenix Dance… it shall be the key to my ascension!"

"I\'m glad you think so, Elder," Lin Fei replied, his voice devoid of warmth.

Elder Xuan, eager to test his newfound power, retreated to his secluded chambers. Hours later, the tranquility of his abode shattered with a series of high-pitched shrieks that would make a banshee blush. The air shimmered with an unusual energy, a faint hint of lavender swirling around Elder Xuan.

Lin Fei, having strategically positioned himself outside Elder Xuan\'s chambers, couldn\'t help but let out a triumphant chortle. The trap had sprung, and the results were even more spectacular than he had anticipated.

Moments later, the chamber doors flew open, revealing a wide-eyed, disheveled Elder Xuan. His face, normally composed and authoritative, was now a mask of horror. His once booming voice cracked as he bellowed, "Lin Fei! You… you scoundrel! What have you done to me?!"

Lin Fei, feigning innocence, sauntered towards the elder. "Me? Done what, Elder Xuan? You seem… troubled." He couldn\'t resist a sarcastic chuckle.

Elder Xuan, his anger a palpable force, lunged at Lin Fei, his fists clenched. However, his attacks lacked their usual vigor, a telltale sign of his diminished spiritual energy. Lin Fei easily deflected his blows, his movements fluid and mocking.

The commotion drew the attention of other disciples. Curiosity piqued, a small crowd gathered around the two men. Seeing the spectacle, Lin Fei seized his opportunity. With a theatrical gasp, he spoke in a voice loud enough for everyone to hear, "Elder Xuan! Forgive me! I had no idea the Nine Phoenix Dance was… gender-specific!"

His words hung in the air like a venomous snake, the horrifying implication sinking in for everyone. Elder Xuan\'s face contorted in a mixture of rage and shame. He lunged at Lin Fei again, but the crowd intervened, separating the two.

"Elder… practicing a gender-specific technique?" one disciple stammered, the question echoing amongst the crowd.

Lin Fei, maintaining his facade of innocent confusion, spread his hands in a helpless gesture. "Like I said, I had no idea! Elder Xuan seemed so interested…"

The crowd erupted in a cacophony of whispers and snickers. Elder Xuan, his face burning crimson, could only glare at Lin Fei, his fury impotent. The damage was done. His reputation, built over years of careful cultivation, was shattered in a single, humiliating blow.

Lin Fei, unable to contain his smug satisfaction, leaned towards Elder Xuan, his voice laced with barely concealed malice. "Consider this a small payback for that little scheme you cooked up at the banquet, Elder Xuan."

Elder Xuan\'s face turned an unhealthy shade of purple. He lunged again, a guttural roar escaping his lips. But before he could reach Lin Fei, a wave of spiritual energy pulsed from the younger man, knocking the Elder back onto the ground.

"Enough!" Lin Fei declared, his voice now laced with icy authority. "I wouldn\'t suggest provoking me further, Elder Xuan. After all, you wouldn\'t want to strain yourself in your… current condition."

A collective gasp arose from the crowd. Elder Xuan, his pride thoroughly decimated, sank onto the ground, defeated. The laughter that erupted felt like a thousand needles piercing his soul.

News of Elder Xuan\'s predicament spread like wildfire throughout the Star Cloud Sect. Disciples exchanged knowing glances, their whispers a constant reminder of his disgrace. Elder Xuan, once a respected figure, became a laughingstock, his name synonymous with a humiliating blunder.

Lin Fei, savoring his revenge, walked away a free man.

News of Elder Xuan\'s misfortune traveled through the Star Cloud Sect faster than a fleeing rabbit on a hot day. Soon, it reached the ears of Sect Leader Ba, who scowled as he listened to the hushed whispers of his advisors.

"Lin Fei!" Sect Leader Ba slammed his hand on the table, sending ripples across the teacups. "That impudent fool! Doesn\'t he understand the delicate balance of power within the sect?!"

His advisors exchanged uneasy glances.

His advisor, Elder Sun, a wiry man with a perpetually worried frown, bowed low. "He acted with...uncharacteristic cunning, Sect Leader. But his actions, while unorthodox, have effectively neutralized Elder Xuan."

Sect Leader Ba sighed, the tension slowly draining from his shoulders. "Neutralised him, indeed," he muttered, the words laced with frustration. "Elder Xuan, while ambitious, was at least predictable. Now, the entire sect is a laughingstock."

Elder Sun straightened. "However, Sect Leader, there is a silver lining. Lin Fei\'s actions have unwittingly weakened the position of Elder Xuan and his faction within the sect, consolidating your authority."

True, Sect Leader Ba conceded. But the victory felt hollow. Lin Fei\'s unpredictability was a double-edged sword. He could be a valuable asset, his unorthodox methods sometimes yielding unexpected results. But his recklessness was a constant source of headache.

"We need to keep him in line," Sect Leader Ba declared, determination hardening his voice. "But how? We can\'t very well punish him for dealing with Elder Xuan\'s… situation."

Elder Sun stroked his beard thoughtfully. "Perhaps a counterweight is needed, Sect Leader. Someone who can match Lin Fei\'s skills but possesses a more…diplomatic approach."

A sly smile played on Sect Leader Ba\'s lips. "Chu Yang."

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