
Chapter 22 22-Who Is She?

The god was stumped, but he didn\'t want to admit defeat, because he had come this far and didn\'t want to lose his opportunity to get an origin bead, this is his 3rd attempt now. He could swallow his defeat if the fight had been full of twists and turns but it wasn\'t, it was a straight defeat, and he could tell she wasn\'t putting in much effort.

He decided to quit, there is no use beating a dead horse. He is a grand god, an achievement worthy of praise, he didn\'t get to this position by being stupid and stubborn like the members of his race. He can always come back next Origin cycle. Hopefully, he will be lucky then.

While the god was going through a crisis in the arena, Gehald was more interested in his opponent rather than the fight itself.

"What could she be?" he muttered.

He couldn\'t tell what race the lady belonged to and he had never seen anything like her power.

He had seen a race of magic-immune giants, this race unlike other types of races in High Heaven couldn\'t use or sense mana. A race like this should have died out early or been enslaved by more powerful races. But they survived and strived because magic seemed to lose its effect when it comes near them.

There is a domain around them that makes magical attacks scatter and become ineffective. The effect of this ability varies depending on how powerful its user is. A more powerful giant could create a domain of no magic around them which nullified magic within its range.

A more powerful person like a lord of law could overcome this barrier so the race can only hole up in their plane. That was until a really intelligent giant of that race discovered the cause of their uniqueness, he rallied their race and went on to become a grand god and then he became an origin god allowing them to become a supreme race.

It was only then that they finally realized that they were born with a high affinity with the law of order. Till now he still suspected that the one that changed their race was probably a mutant because he is truly intelligent while the members of that race were too stupid.

He would have thought the idea absurd but ever since the success of the realm lord he is more open to the idea that some members of a species are special. The realm lord was and is still suspected as a mutant High Elf. Anyways, the giants of Order are a truly unique race in the void universe.

That was that but what was the lady? She wasn\'t returning reality to the state it was before it was tampered with by her opponent, she was annihilating the attacks, and she was using fire too. He didn\'t know of any flame that turns things to nothingness.

"What could she be?" he muttered again.

"Hey pal, that fight is over. Forget about it and check this one out." The voice came from his left again and it seemed to be referring to him.

\'Why is it that only the people from my left are talking, not the front, not the back, or his left?\'

He cursed his bad luck. It was the giant first, then the one on the left of the giant. He wondered if he could shut out sounds from his booth. It should be possible because the arena is deathly silent. As he was looking around for some sort of switch the voice sounded again

"Hey Oakstein, is that you? It is you, I know you can hear me, you have that pissed look on your face."

Gehald suddenly turned in the direction of the sound, he still couldn\'t see through his giant neighbor so he spread his divine sense to see who it was. He had a guess but he wanted to be sure. The image of a dark-cloaked elf appeared in his mind.

"Staten "Soul dagger" Rubit." Gehald transmitted over. "It is quite a surprise seeing you here"

"Me too. I sure am surprised to see you here. Why are you here, could you have been forced or did you lose your way? Nah, that\'s impossible. Hmm, did you lose your way? That will explain a lot. I mean I have always wondered why you don\'t talk much, but I always thought you were smart or something since you are an elf and all that. But this might solve that riddle, maybe you were just stupid and didn\'t want to talk, maybe....."

Gehald withdrew his divine sense at this point, he couldn\'t bear to hear this guy rant. Staten Rubit is quite a peculiar dark elf assassin. The general impression people get from assassins is that they are quiet, silent, and stealthy people, even if normal assassins are different from this it won\'t be by much, but dark elf assassins fit the stereotype.

Staten Rubit is a very good assassin, but he is a talker. It is almost a bother to do business with him because of all his talking, but he is too good. He became a sovereign by mastering the law of darkness but he is known for his lightning-fast one-shot kill.

He was expelled from his race when he was young because he was too weak. He started stealing to make ends meet before he got into some really bad stuff. He was then sold off as a slave, he was trained during slavery to be an assassin but he was too bad at it because of all his talking so his owner sent him to the trial of heaven as a transcendent to redeem himself.

He would rather die there and the owner will finally be rid of him or he would bring back something good. He returned alive and won back his freedom before going on to become a sovereign. He is someone the Parthenon of dark elves in their home plane is even scared of.

"Hey, I\'m talking to you. Listen to me, listen to me. Hey, you have to listen to me. If you don\'t listen to me, don\'t even think about coming back to me again. Nah, I\'m just kidding." Staten droned on and on.

Gehald already found the switch to seal himself from outside influence but he hesitated to use it. He sighed and said "Fine, I\'m listening. What do you want Staten?"

"Don\'t be like that. Trust me you\'ll like it."

"I doubt that."

"Listen. I\'ll become an origin god soon how about you follow me and some guys to the upper realm? I know you\'re a loner and you won\'t probably like to hang out with those stuck-up high elves. So what do you say? Wanna hang out with a bunch of cool guys. We\'ll take the upper realm by storm. Stellae will come too, say yes, please say yes, yes, yes..." Staten continued.

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