
Chapter 382 Troublesome Hidden God.

This is something he would never have imagined. Something straight out of a nightmare. He was telling Stelios earlier about some unfortunate and unforeseen things that happen. Here is one horrific occurrence that is unfortunate and unforeseen. Except, it is happening to him and his precious plane.

Then another round of the noise of freedom rang out in his mind as the transcendents spread their domains.

"This is very bad." He exclaimed with wide eyes.

The fact that these transcendents activated domains that are strong enough to break his FREEZE order is simply proof that they are transcendents. It shouldn\'t be enough to alarm him. What alarmed him is the coincidence in which 100 of those blank zones created by the transcendents he can\'t sense happen to be where he sensed the mana entities trying to digest divinity.

It means that these unknown transcendents have something to do with the mana entities trying to become demigods. That also means that they have something to do with the hidden god through the divinity given to the ant. Or it could mean that it is all a coincidence. The Celestial Supreme isn\'t stupid enough to believe in such giant coincidences.

"How did this happen?"

He should have seen this coming. It shouldn\'t have come to him as a surprise. He began wracking his head for an explanation. It could be that these transcendents are a different hidden faction of the plane. It will explain how they have been able to accumulate so many transcendents but it doesn\'t explain how they remained hidden from him.

It could also be that these transcendents are working directly for the hidden god. It will explain how they remained hidden from him but it doesn\'t explain how a new and young god that should be a low god, has accumulated such a following. If this second option is true, then the hidden god is more terrifying and ambitious than he thought.

"I must put an end to all of this." He muttered in an urgent haze.

One thing is certain. All of this is related to the new god. He can\'t comprehend what this god could be up to but he realized that a lot has been happening in his precious plane with his knowledge of it and that\'s not good at all. There are truly scary ideas popping into his head about what the god could be up to.

Everything he has seen indicates that this god has been up to something behind his back. From the looks of things, this god is creating demigods. The next step from demigods is gods. If things progress in that direction, then there will be numerous gods from other races.

It is an absurd idea and it is something he cannot allow. He would rather die than see the rise of a new god and he would rather have the world burn to stop gods from coming from another race apart from giants.

He moved into action immediately. He removed the "FREEZE" command from the mortal realm since it isn\'t working. Then he sent his avatar to the location of one of the mana entities trying to become demigods. He appeared in a tunnel under the desert.

"Boreworms. What a disgrace." He muttered with disgust when he saw the tunnels.

He knows what created the tunnels as soon as he saw them. The tunnel he is in is large and lined with mucus. There are other tiny tunnels that lead off from the main tunnel. Most importantly, he can see the inhabitants of these tunnels. The inhabitants look like round and segmented worms. They have no eyes but have feelers on their head that they use to sense sound, light, and vibrations.

The sight of the numerous tiny things wiggling on the ground and secreting mucus is a horrible sight that can induce vomit. A larger one entered the main tunnel through one of the side tunnels in it. It raised its blind head to the air and sensed the atmosphere by wiggling its feelers. Then it screeched and slid back into the tunnel it came from as fast as possible.

The screech set off a panic among the previously ignorant tiny ones. Their wiggling increases as they try to escape from the supposed foreign thing that is dangerous but they are not as sensitive as the larger one so they are rushing around uselessly. Some of them even rush toward the Celestial Supreme.

The feeling of disgust within him threatened to overwhelm him. He stamped his foot on the ground angrily. A ring of force spread out from the point of impact and pressed all the worms against the ground. Their delicate body was crushed by the sudden 10-fold increase in gravity.

But that didn\'t satisfy the Celestial Supreme. His scowl hasn\'t disappeared. The only thing that will satisfy him is the eradication of every organism within this tunnel. So he increased the range and potency of his ability. The ring of force spread out from him far into the distance and the gravity began to increase steadily.

The tunnel began shaking and more worms began to screech in a warning. At this rate, the tunnel will collapse and crush them all. The Celestial Supreme could already picture it and it brought a smile to his face.

Then something untoward happened. Another domain clashed with his and removed his influence over gravity as easily as swatting a fly away. The scowl returned to the Celestial Supreme\'s face, even deeper now.

"Of course. It is the thorn in my side, coming to poke me."

His voice was dripping with contempt and unconcealed hostility. He can already guess who it is in this area that can interfere with his business and it can only be the enemy he came to see.

"I have thorns too. What a coincidence. I must count myself very lucky." A roaring voice sounded out.

The tunnel shook as the voice reverberated through it. Numerous thorny vines followed right after the voice.

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