
Chapter 529 The Conflict For Origin Energy.

The alternative source of origin energy apart from the ambient one is the Origin stone. People want the instant availability of energy it offers. It can provide a quick top of energy during a fight is why they are so fiercely contested.

But Origin stones are short-term tools. They become useless after they are used. So the fighters use their origin stones to empower themselves as they fight for locations of higher Origin energy concentration. It is using the short-term benefit to fight for long-term goals. It has formed a cycle of conflict.

The conflict for better resources has led to the significant destruction of the landscape of the plane. Mountains are cleaved and crushed. Rivers are dried up. Craters are smashed into the earth everywhere. Fire is ravaging the beloved forests of the plane. The destruction to the plane cannot be understated. It is not a wonder that the ancient sages said the plane is in danger of destruction.

The current situation can\'t be allowed to continue as it is. Something had to be done. The racial council had to come in and take charge. They had to do something as the leading force and authority within the plane.

The destruction of so many trees spurred them into action. They cannot sit by and watch as their beloved trees are destroyed. They remember the times when they use to fight over those trees. They were primitive back then but that doesn\'t mean they still don\'t care about the trees now that they are a powerful civilization. Trees might not be as Important as it was nowadays but they are still important to some very powerful entities.

The racial council did something that they have never done in the history of the plane. They took control of some land and its distribution. In the past, any land can be acquired by anyone that wants it. If there\'s someone on the land, then you evict them forcefully. The only safe places are the sanctioned empires for the common people. No one can touch those places. Anything else is up for grabs.

Those three empires are under the rule of the racial council and cannot be interfered with by anyone. The three ancient empires are the origin of the culture of battle sage monkeys and as such should be preserved. The racial council has decided to take control of the areas of land around the tower of trials so that the stability of the plane will be preserved too.

Only the area around the tower of trials was commandeered. Those lands are fiercely contested due to the high concentration of Origin energy there. The contest of ownership in those places is the major cause of conflict. The racial council took control of them and then decided to distribute the land based on strength and luck.

Strength will be determined through competition while luck will be determined through a lottery. 90% of the space will be given to the best kings of law, lords of law, and transcendents that participate in the competition. The remaining 10% will be given to the lucky few who are not strong enough through the lottery. This lottery is open to only those without a royal bloodline. The others have to fight for space.

The land is divided into plots and control of the plots will change hands depending on the results of the competition. The competition will occur every 10,000 years so control of the lands will change hands every 10,000. Even the famous child of the plane that caused this whole situation is not exempted from this rule.

Soverick doesn\'t need space there because he has infinite energy so he declined to join the competition but the racial council doesn\'t want to take no for an answer. They want him to participate in the competition so they sent representatives to change his mind. They didn\'t look too hard before they found him. He is always in his forge and has been staying there since he became a transcendent about 200 years ago.

His forge was built for him by Hadrick and is situated in the Ghastorix main city. It is a state-of-the-art facility used for forging Origin artifacts. It is a large reinforced structure built in the shape of a hexagon. Most of the structure is filled with arrays and equipment leaving space in the center where the forging takes place. Soverick is in that space right now coordinating the forging of an Origin artifact.

A spherical structure is hovering at the very center of the forge. This structure is made of a red viscous liquid that looks like lava and behaves like thick oil. It is constantly shifting as it rotates but it is prevented from scattering by an external force holding it together.

There are visible blue threads surrounding the sphere of red material and marking it as it spins. These threads are in the thousands. They are tiny and extend from a visible circular array surrounding the sphere. The array forms a halo around the sphere.

Soverick is sitting at the control point within this array. There are other arrays behind him that fuel the entire forging process. There\'s an array for computing and assisting modular transformation. There are energy banks beyond these arrays. Behind all of them is the magnetic pillar.

The magnetic pillar is the major structure that takes up the most space in the forge. It is a hexagonal structure that gives the building its shape. It produces a powerful magnetic field that makes the sphere at the center levitate and hold its shape. The energy banks power the arrays which Soverick then controls. The infusion of his divine sense into the arrays creates the threads that mark the sphere.

This arrangement for forging Origin weapons was created by Hadrick while Soverick is responsible for the improvement of the arrays. He has always been an excellent array master. He built a special array responsible for the teleportation of his soul fragments into the law matrix for reincarnation. His expertise with arrays has only gotten better with Soverick\'s eyes.

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