
Chapter 543 Unworthy Of His Attention.

The blue lightning just flashed just above Soverick. Then it reformed and showed its true form. It is a battle sage monkey. The most iconic feature of this entity is its buff muscular body. The ripped battle sage monkey held a large hammer that surely needs the strength that the muscular body provides to wield.

The blue fur of the battle sage monkey has been straightened like the Thorns of a porcupine due to the lightning streaking through it. The blue lightning on the fur is streaking through the hammer too and back to the body in a cycle.

The entity held the hammer above his head with both hands and was poised to attack. Soverick still didn\'t look. He returned to his meditation. Then the entity brought the lightning-charged hammer down with the intention to crush Soverick. The hammer struck an invisible barrier and was rebuffed. The entity wasn\'t surprised. He expected a barrier and if the barrier is from a genius like Soverick then it must be good.

So the entity wasn\'t surprised that his first strike failed. It got ready for another strike but was stopped short. The barrier did something it wasn\'t supposed to do. It accumulated the force of the previous attack that struck it, amplified it by moving within the 9 pillars of momentum within Soverick\'s body, and then directed the amplified force toward the aggressor.

The amplified force slammed erupted from the barrier and slammed into the chest of the entity as it raised its hammer. The battle sage monkey had raised his two arms to attack again so it couldn\'t defend itself. The attack was unexpected. Barriers are not supposed to be able to attack and Soverick isn\'t even looking at the entity at all much less counter-attacking. So there was no indication of an attack whatsoever.

The only thing the entity could do is rely on its own shield to protect it. Except its shield failed. The backlash of the previous attack struck the invisible barrier on the entity and shattered it. The entity bore the full brunt of a force twice the power of its hammer hitting its chest. If not for its strong body, the attack would have blown a large hole through its chest.

The battle sage monkey\'s eyes bulged as it was knocked out of the air. It came in a grand fashion with imposing momentum and was knocked back in a similarly grand fashion. Then it slammed into the ground and was made to roll on the floor not so grandly. The battle sage monkey got its bearing soon after and stood back up. Its eyes became venomous as it stared at Soverick.

If it were a real fight he would have been killed for his mistake. A serious opponent would have taken the opportunity presented when he was rolling on the ground to pummel him to death but Soverick is not taking him seriously. He should be thankful for that but he s not thankful for it at all. Instead, it made him feel ignored, disrespected, and more incensed than he originally was.

The entity asked angrily, "So you still don\'t think I am worthy."

Soverick didn\'t answer. He ignored the question and the entity that asked it because he has better things to do. This only angered the entity even more. The entity flashed forward again with more intentions of violence. All it needs to do is to hurt Soverick. Surely, that will get Soverick\'s attention. It would be upgraded from a nuisance not worth giving attention to into a threat that needs to be neutralized.

So the entity slammed the hammer into the barrier again. Then it escaped before the force struck back. The entity has learned from its previous mistake. It isn\'t caught unaware anymore by the backlash of its attacks. But it has to retreat and attack again which is preventing it from getting into a rhythm and bringing forth its full prowess.

The entity screamed at Soverick as it attacked. "You pompous thing."

"You Selfish jerk."

"You proud peacock."

"Always strutting around like you own the place."

It shouted and cussed as it attacked Soverick but Soverick remained still with his white unseeing eyes focused on nothing. This entity can attack him all day and he won\'t care. It is all harmless noise. It is like the barking of a toothless dog or the aggression of a tiny ant. They are not threats in any way. They are at most nuisances.

Lightning flashed and thunder roared as the entity attacked over and over again. The thuds and booms that the hammer made sounded like the sounds of a blacksmith trying to shape metal to its will. Except Soverick is one tough metal to work with. He isn\'t even feeling anything from the flurry of attacks.

The power that the entity is showing indicates that it is a transcendent. A transcendent should not be able to use lightning like it is using which further indicates that the entity has a bloodline that allows him to. Since this entity is attacking him like this within the inner city of the Ghastorix main city and also has blue fur, one can safely conclude that this entity is a member of this family and not an ordinary member either. This entity is a prized descendant of the family.

Prized or not, transcendent or not, royal bloodline or not, this entity isn\'t worthy of Soverick\'s attention yet. But that changed soon. The entity was attacking with all it got when Soverick suddenly thought of something. He remembered that he still needs to test the artifact that he forged. So this entity suddenly became useful.

Soverick turned to the entity and said, "I might as well use you."

The entity finally got Soverick\'s attention but it was shocked instead of becoming happy. Those white eyes of Soverick did not bode well for it and it isn\'t naive to believe that whatever Soverick has in store for it can be good.

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