
Chapter 686 I Can See You.

Salvos hadn\'t thought the pyramids significant since no one has ever used them when he targets them. For one, he won\'t be attacking someone behind a pyramid since he can\'t see them. Whoever he attacks never survives it because his attack is nearly instantaneous. 

A single touch of his attack will infect their existence, slow down their mind and concentration further making them susceptible to the rest of his attack. He had thought anyone he attacked was doomed. It seems he was wrong about that just as he was wrong about his attack being unavoidable.

Soverick\'s eyes locked on to him while he waited.

"Didn\'t expect that did you?" Soverick asked smugly.

"I\'ll just respawn and we\'ll go again," Salvos replied indignantly.

He was the last man standing in his arena too and he has many feats. He can afford a death and more so he hasn\'t given up yet. Their fight isn\'t over till none of them can respawn.

Soverick said again. "I\'ll just have to kill you again."

Salvos shot back, "Not if I kill you first."

"You can\'t kill me when I am this close to you. You\'re doomed."

Salvos was about to retort when he realized something odd. He is communicating with Soverick. He shouldn\'t be communicating with Soverick or anybody. He is an apparition right now. He can see and hear the world but he can\'t interact with the world in any way and those on the other side can\'t interact with him. Soverick shouldn\'t even be able to see him much less communicate with him. 

·ƈθm Gears shifted in his head quickly. Realization dawned on him. Then he looked at Soverick again. He saw the smug look on the child of the plane and he had to reassess Soverick again. 

"What is your divine ability?" He asked curiously.

"I can see you." That is what Soverick said.

Salvos felt fear as those four eyes focused on him. They are actually staring directly at him. Soverick isn\'t just looking at a random spot as he thought. He won\'t back down because of fear though. His face grew cold and his eye narrowed. His eyes blazed into life as soon as 10 seconds passed after his last attack. He became ready to fight again.

He said with confidence, "We will just have to see if I am really doomed or not."

His voice contained an emotion for the first time since they started talking. He thought the outcome of their fight is set in stone. He would attack and Soverick would die. After all, no matter how special Soverick is, he can\'t survive a 10-second attack.

He was right about that but the fight didn\'t go his way. Soverick avoided the majority of the 10-second attack by using the environment. It is not fair to him and he feels cheated. He wanted to beat Soverick so badly but he has been cheated out of his victory.

Soverick nodded and waited for him to respawn. Salvos respawned a minute after his death. He respawned less than a meter away from Soverick. His eyes were already opened before he was respawned so the world turned into flames as soon as he returned to it.

He died immediately after so the flames died down and the world returned to peace again. Soverick was ready too. He didn\'t have to activate the wraith of the world with them being this close. One swift swing of his blade decapitated the hell-bringer. The pain of the law of fire burning him didn\'t hinder him in any way.

Salvos was saved from further damage by becoming an apparition again. He has to admit that he is doomed as long as Soverick stays close to him. Soverick was damaged by that attack. The full brunt of the attack fell on him for a split second. He can see the child of the plane healing the burns both internal and external without flinching. 

Soverick has shrunken into a burnt and black husk of his previous self. So he managed to damage Soverick but Soverick endured the pain and beheaded him. His only hope is to respawn faster than Soverick can heal.

Unfortunately for him, 1 minute is more than enough time for Soverick to heal. Soverick can see him and Soverick can speak to him. It also seems that Soverick can determine exactly when he decides to respawn. As long as Soverick stays close to him, he will always be able to decapitate him again and again. So yes, he is doomed.

Soverick asked with a grin that showed all his teeth, "What do you think?"

He has Salvos checkmated. Salvos has numerous weaknesses when compared to him but the most important two are what Soverick used to beat him. The first weakness is not really a weakness but more of a trait. It is that Salvos\' attack is not instantaneous. His eyes induce the invocation of the law of fire in the things he sees at the speed of light and the changes occur starting with the things close to him first and then it spreads out.

The speed of light is very fast but the problem here is that his attack takes time to induce the law of fire. Objects close to Salvos must change first before the object farther away does. So there\'s a slight delay between the changes. The speed of light is very fast so this delay is not noticeable in short distances. 

Whatever he sees doesn\'t just go up in flames, the effect spreads outward from him at a speed much slower than the speed of light. So while the attack reaches everything almost instantaneously, its effect is delayed. Heavier and more durable objects with more complex concepts take more time to be compelled. But in the short term, the delay is too short to be noticeable. 

So he decided to focus on the delay in the effect of his attack and the only thing that can give him enough delay are the pyramids. 

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