
Chapter 756 The Right To Be Frustrated.

He beat the brutes while also tampering with the spell towers\' efforts to cast spells. He would rip apart her spell matrixes before they formed by using his own divine sense to disrupt their connection with the law matrix. They have about the same spiritual power but she is the one that needs order to cast the spells. All he has to do is sow discord and Chaos. That is easy to do because destruction is easier than creation.

Again, that\'s the best he can do to her. The immortal link will redistribute the threads and boost the spell tower so that she can form more shields if he tries to do more. It is frustrating him to no end. He isn\'t fighting 3 paragons. He is fighting 4 of them at once and he can\'t do anything to hinder the 4th one.

He has to watch helplessly as the immortal link makes things difficult for him. The meddlesome paragon will immediately switch the target of the boost to whoever he focuses his attention on next. He needs to focus his attention and damage output on a single one normally for him to kill them. But the immortal link is making it impossible to kill them one at a time.

"Just you wait. I have just the thing for all of you." He promised with his four eyes blazing with the metaphorical flames of anger.

Then he kicked the spell tower to relieve some of his anger. His foot didn\'t make contact with her. Her several barriers protected her like blankets. She bounced about because the force of his kick is enough to break her had it made contact with her. But it didn\'t so she is fine and dandy. Just a little disoriented from all the kicking and disruption of her spell matrixes.

He didn\'t let that get him down though. He can see them and what makes them powerful. He also knows how to bring them down. It\'s just not ready yet. In the meantime, he will press them more and more. The immortal link\'s interference in his fight has weakened the other paragons. That will make them easier for the other battle sage monkeys to handle. It is just a matter of time before the Vipers fall. This is only delaying the inevitable. 

"I take it back. Maybe Trisklil was on to something about taking this furry seriously." The spell tower said to the others.

She didn\'t think there was anything to fear about any furry, child of the plane or not. But certain pieces of evidence have surfaced to indicate otherwise. Maybe, just maybe, that whiny and clearly traumatized speedster was on to something. She admitted, "Maybe, this furry is a nightmare brought to life."

"You don\'t say." One of the brutes said sarcastically.

The immortal link yelled at them. "Stop talking. I need to concentrate."

It is not so difficult to admit that the speedster was right in light of the current situation. Soverick continued to attack the three of them and forced them to be on the defensive. And this is despite the assistance of the immortal link. They know that one small mistake on the part of the immortal link can cause their death so they stopped using the immortal link\'s channel to communicate. They need him to concentrate on keeping them alive.

As they are, they have come close to death several times. This nightmare of a furry would always capitalize on any mistake that they do. He would zone in on any opening and rip it open with his blade. Sometimes it happens without them even knowing what mistakes they did in the first place. 

Only the timely assistance of the immortal link has brought them back from the brink of death time after time. They live on the edge. Their hearts are practically in their throats. If Soverick is angry, then they are so angry that will murder his family and anyone related to him for what they going through. They will do so at the drop of a hat if they get the chance. 

He would destroy the spell matrixes of the spell tower with his divine sense as soon as she starts to create some and increase his attacks on her to force her on the defensive. Then he will switch to the brutes and harry them. It is as if he has eyes everywhere. He was a blur of motion that could attack them from any direction either through direct attacks, phantom blades, or even invisible attacks.

Their fight is honestly spectacular. Both parties are bringing out their full potential and fighting to their best capabilities. But one party is a single person and the other party is 4 paragons. They understand that he is a child of the plane, so he should be strong but logic and emotions don\'t really go well together. 

Understanding doesn\'t change the fact that they are being played around by a single person. He literally kicked them about like balls but he is the one that is frustrated. He has no right to be angry for not being able to kill them. They are the offended party here. They should be the frustrated ones. Only them have that right.I think you should take a look at

Four paragons. Two brutes, one immortal link, and one spell tower. They are being pressured into passivity by a furry. And the best the paragons can do is eke out a measly stalemate. It is a shameful reality that the paragons have to suffer. That shame only increases the longer their stalemate continued. Their stalemate continued like that for a while.

On the frontlines

"Has it really been less than 2 minutes?" Salvini asked herself as she looked around.

Her sight is filled with scenes of utter and complete carnage. The battle has not started for more than 2 minutes but she had to ask herself that question. She needs to remind herself of the time because she doesn\'t want to believe that the amount of damage that she is seeing was created in such a short amount of time. 


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