
Chapter 897 Let There Be Carnage.

Chapter 897 Let There Be Carnage.

It took a while for the boy to complete his transformation. The cocoon broke apart into thin flakes of blood to reveal a handsome young man. He has the dark skin and the pointed ears of his original race. But he also has red pupils and four red fangs in his mouth.

His dark hair has become blood red and his skin has become smooth like ceramics. He is very handsome despite the long red claws on his hands. Anyone will attest to it regardless of their sex.

He examined himself after the changes.

"I am not a boy anymore." He said.

Even his voice has changed. It has become deep and sonorous. He has lost the whimpering quality of his manner of speech and assumed a more confident tone. It is because he is fearless now. He can feel the power coursing through him. It is a power unlike any other. He is not a boy anymore. He has become an ancestral Vampire. A Primogenitor of the Will of Carnage.

"Finally," The voice in his mind roared in triumph, "Let there be Carnage."

The ancestral vampire\'s red pupils shined brighter with that proclamation.

He promised solemnly, "Yes, my God. Your Will will be done. There will be Carnage throughout the plane. Everyone will know the glory of your existence."

He is not the whimpering boy that hid under his bed anymore. He won\'t run away from his oppressors anymore. He has become the tool of a demon God and demon gods forge really powerful tools. So he is very powerful now. He has been uplifted to become a superior creature.

This forging of powerful tools occurred in several places in the Lumen plane. Severe weaknesses appeared in the defense of the plane. Many that were weak became strong and many that were strong became stronger. CARNAGE managed to infiltrate the Lumen Plane despite all the attempts to stop it. The allure of power is too powerful.

This infiltration led to more than the creation of ancestral vampires. There is a side effect to the creation of ancestral vampires. Life was stolen to create ancestral vampires so a life debt was created. All the living beings in the vicinity of the new ancestral vampire were robbed of their life when their blood was siphoned.

The universe struck back against this abnormality. The Law of order was invoked. The dry husks began moving. Then they stood up snarling and growling. Their body is weak and fragile but they are determined and unstoppable. They began shuffling towards their targets.

All those who died because of the siphoning of life force were resurrected. They became mindless undead that were not under the control of the demon god. They only exist to set right what has gone wrong. They are to recover what was stolen.

This mindless undead then proceeded to fulfill the aim of their existence. They roamed the lands looking to regain the blood that was taken from them. It is just that they are willing to take this life debt from anyone they come across. Anyone who has some blood within them or flesh is attacked by these undead in a bid to restore what was taken.

It is unfortunate that no matter how much blood they take, it will never be enough. They will be eternally hungry and thirsty for life until what was stolen is completely returned. Unfortunately, CARNAGE and its spawns don\'t have any plan to return what they have taken. So these undead became the scourge of both the living and the unliving.


It is safe to say that the Lumen plane has gone to shit. It has been turned upside down. Almost everyone can tell that something is very wrong with the plane. People are confused and afraid. The feeling of despair has never been higher in the plane until this era.

As for the Warrogs, things are just business as usual. So the sun has been blocked. They don\'t need light to see so they don\'t care. In fact, they prefer the dark. They like to hunt at night, now they can hunt whenever they want.

So the trees are dying. They don\'t like to eat plants anyway. Their diet is purely meat-based. It wasn\'t until prey became scarce that they felt the impact of the changes to the plane. The cold temperature and the falling snow didn\'t affect them at all. They have a thick fur that insulates them and keeps them warm.

The absence of technology and communication kept them mostly ignorant of matters happening in the plane. The Warrogs are a simple race. They live in simple settlements and live very simple lives. They fight each other for land and they reproduce. You might call them a backward race and you will be right.

The tree elves hate technology and changes to their forest. They are in charge of the plane so they banned technology throughout the plane. So technology is generally lacking in the plane but the Warrogs are something else. They are on another level of ignorance that cannot be explained by the ban on technology throughout the plane. They are still in the age of using Stone and wooden tools. They still engage in tribal warfare.

The other races have advanced in forging, art, and music but the Warrogs have very little to be appreciated culture-wise. The population of Warrogs in the plane has been forcefully separated into smaller societies so that they don\'t band together. Their population is kept down through regular "pruning" so that history will not be repeated.

It has been shown that the Warrogs will start to become violent when their population reaches a certain amount. They will band together and become a nuisance because of their bloodthirsty nature.

A world war will occur once an emperor arises from among them. It leads to devasting damage to the forest so the tree elves prevent such an occurrence by all means. They kill any newly created transcendent from among their population. It is so that another Emperor Warrog is never born.

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