
Chapter 907 Like Father Like Son.

Chapter 907 Like Father Like Son.

They spoke to him more along the way. They wanted to know about his travels and the tribe he came from. He made something up to regale them with. They enjoyed his story very much. He made sure to keep it as accurate as possible and also to ask them questions about their tribe. This way he learned more about them. Along the way, he noticed that they were following the trail left behind by his mother.

"Is the lady you were looking for come from your pack?" He asked them. "Is she lost?"

They hesitated a little bit about answering his question. But they ultimately decided to tell him since he is an Omega. Omegas stand alone and are free from the conflicts of tribes.

One of them answered. "No, she is not from our pack."

"She came from the park that used to control this territory. Our tribe attacked hers and took over the territory." The other one finished.

"I am guessing that the pack leader of her tribe didn't surrender." He said after making sense of what went on.

"No, he didn't." A Beta said with gritted teeth. "The bastard was very stubborn. He caused a lot of unnecessary bloodshed. We lost a lot of pack members because of him."

The other one interjected, "What's worse is that he is still alive."

The two of them began to rant and complain. They became animated because of the anger they feel toward the dishonorable pack leader. Legion-6 realized that they have a lot of pent-up feelings of anger and frustration at the pack leader of his mother's pack.

It is not as if these two are new to the violence of conflicts between packs but this particular battle between packs takes the cake in making them frustrated. They are very frustrated because the pack leader didn't surrender.

Conflicts between packs are very common. But like all societies with paragons, the fight is limited to the paragons. The Alphas, Betas, and pack Leaders fight. In the best situation, the fight is limited between the pack leaders. But sometimes it extends to the other paragons. In the case where a side is losing, the pack leader ought to surrender to limit the bloodshed and also to earn amnesty from the victor.

But this pack leader didn't surrender. What's worse is that he ran away while forcing the remaining paragons of his own pack to continue fighting. His paragons continued fighting because they had to obey orders. They fought to the last man standing while the dishonorable pack leader escaped. So the winners had to shed more blood than necessary for them to win.

"Let me guess again. That lady must be related to the pack leader in some way. Is she his daughter?" He asked.

"Yes, she is related to the park leader. But she is not his daughter. She is one of his mates. She is even pregnant with his children."

"You are very insightful. You were able to guess it easily." One of them complimented him.

He smiled in appreciation of the compliment. Meanwhile, his mind went through all the information he has about Warrogs. In a normal situation where the rules of engagement are obeyed, the conflict between tribes is supposed to make the tribes stronger. They are supposed to have more manpower.

In that situation, the pack leader is allowed to leave with his mates and children. The park leader will give up his or her park for the safety of themselves and their close relatives. But since the park leader flaunted the rules and refused to surrender, he is to be hunted and everyone related to him is to be put to death.

"What a dishonorable park leader. He disgusts me." Legion-6 joined in disparaging the pack leader who he has realized is his father.

"Yes. He disgusts me."

"So much unnecessary death."

Legion-6 insisted vehemently, "He should be found immediately and killed. All his family should be eradicated for his sin."

They agree with him. "They should all die. It will bring peace to our dead warriors."

It is not out of place for him to clamour for the death of his father and family. He is behaving like his father. Apparently, he inherited the traits of a traitor from his father. It is just right that he will sell out his family.

Their conversation continued after that outburst. Legion-6 led the topic of their conversation toward areas he wanted to know. He did it discreetly to avoid looking out of place or alien but he didn't have to be bothered. The two Betas felt closer to him after he joined them to insult the dishonorable pack leader. They felt a comradery with him so they spoke without restraint.

He is an adorable youngling who is also an Omega who might become part of their tribe soon. They feel that they have no reason to be careful with what they say around him. He was able to learn about the environment, the situation of the Warrogs, and the tree people.

His conversation with them helped him determine that this plane is not where he is supposed to be. He wasn't sure when he saw the blood moon but he is very sure now. It is either that, or the climate, society, and geography of the plane he aimed for as changed drastically. It is not good for him either way.

They finally reached the settlement of the pack. It is situated on a mountain that can only be easily accessed through a valley. So the tribe is located between two mountains. The entrance of the valley has a wall erected with piled-up rocks. There are sentries on top of the wall and guards by the gate. The valley can be accessed by climbing the mountains that flank it but it will be very difficult.

Ironic enough, Warrogs can climb mountains very well. So the wall is not a problem for Warrogs who want to access the valley. But the walls protect the tribe from other wild beasts that live in the forest. Warrogs are Apex predators but they have contenders. Legion-6 observed all of these as he approached the wall.

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