
Chapter 1180 Another Round Of Sacrifice.

Chapter 1180 Another Round Of Sacrifice.

?1180 Another Round Of Sacrifice.

Legion-5 nodded in understanding at the question.

"That\'s good." His guide said and returned to walking.

He said again, "I like that you didn\'t throw a tantrum. It isn\'t going to help you but it is good that you didn\'t waste our time with it. I hope for your sake that you become a supreme beast. The alternative is death. The supreme alliance birthed you and it will not have it any other way."

Legion-5 followed after his guide. He has a lot on his mind none of which is how to escape. He has seen enough to know it is futile. He doesn\'t even know which direction he should escape in. And his guide is a Sovereign of law.

He has seen several Sovereigns since he was born and sensed several Origin gods in this underground structure too. So he has accepted his fate. What he needs to do now is move on and find a way to survive.

"If I can\'t survive amongst my pairs, then no one should be able to survive." He thought to himself with slight amusement.

He has a lot to rely on so he is confident of survival as long as there is a means for survival. As long as survival is based on strength and not chance or luck, then he should be able to survive.

He asked, "What is the blood crucible?"

"It is your test." The guide replied,

"Do you mean the test that we were told about in the incubator?"

"You will see."

They got to a checkpoint where they were examined and then they were allowed into another section of the underground building. The whole underground structure is as large as multiple cities. It has several hatcheries, colosseum, vaults, and cubicles for mature hatchlings to live in. But it has only one location for the blood crucible in the entire plane.

He was taken to the location for the blood crucible immediately. He found out along the way that he wasn\'t the only one. Several other guides were coming in with fresh mana entities like him. They were all taken to a large hall where they were made to register.

"I don\'t have a name. What do I register with?" He said to his guide.

"None of you young whelps do. You will get one when you pass the blood crucible. If you don\'t survive the blood crucible, then you won\'t get a name. After all, dead men don\'t need names."

"Wow." Legion-5 thought to himself. "It seems the supreme alliance takes this blood crucible very seriously."

It is not the first time he has seen them take something seriously and most times when they do it, they always take it too far. They took the feeding session too far. First, they allowed the hatchlings to kill and eat whatever they wanted. Next, they made it a must for the hatchlings to eat.

Now they have made it a must for every hatchling that has become mana entities to go through the blood crucible which has a survival rate of 1 in 256. That\'s the very definition of taking something too far. They are okay with the fact that only 4 out of a thousand of them will survive the blood crucible after spending a lot of resources to make them become mana entities.

They were so serious about the blood crucible that he didn\'t have to wait at all for the registration. Someone came to attend to him immediately. It was another supreme beast that is a Sovereign of law.

The weakest supreme beasts he has seen are all Sovereigns. They are strong but he didn\'t respect them for it. But he couldn\'t help but look at them differently now that he knew about the blood crucible. Every supreme beast is apparently the one that survived out of 256. They deserve his respect for that.

He was given a number instead of a name. Then he was assigned five life-bonded slaves.

His guide said to him, "You have three teachers. One is your teacher for history. The other will teach you martial arts and how to fight. And the last one will teach you magic and spells. They will teach you what you need to survive in the blood crucible."

"The other two life-bonded slaves are your caretaker and your servant. Your caretaker will take care of your meals and dietary needs while your servant is there for your cleaning and miscellaneous needs. All five of them are bonded to you so they will die when you die. That will give them the incentive to make sure you survive the blood crucible."

He nodded when he heard that. He is not even surprised that 5 lives will be risked in exchange for his survival. If he survives and these 5 live, that still means that 1270 other slaves died because of the death of 255 supreme beasts. That is way less than the tens of thousands of livestock that the 255 Supreme beasts are to become mana entities.

"5 lives for 1." He said to himself after completing the life bond. "That doesn\'t mean a supreme beast is worth just 5 lives. But only 5 lives are needed for survival so only 5 need to die when a supreme fails to survive."

His soul space felt a little pressure after the process. He has taken over the life and death of five people after all. He can kill them with a thought and they will also die immediately he dies. Their existence relies on his existence from now on until they are free. That means a total of 1275 sacrificed lives might die with the young supreme beasts since these five are not necessarily going to survive the blood crucible even if he survives.

His guide warned him, "I suggest that you do not terminate them on a whim because you will not get any replacement until you become a full supreme beast. I am not saying you can\'t kill them. You can do whatever you want to them. They are yours to do as you wish."

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