
Chapter 1295 Pompous But Mad.

Chapter 1295 Pompous But Mad.

Legion-7 cut it apart within the cocoon with soul force while simultaneously bombarding the soul prowler with his memories. His digestion technique is that efficient. Even better is that nether water cannot interfere in the fight.

The soul prowler cried out in anguish. Then it threatened him, "Let me go or I will kill you."

Its mental fluctuations were violent and unstable. It ought to be afraid and pleading for its life but it isn\'t. Instead it is prideful and confident enough to threaten the entity that is currently in the process of turning it into easily digestible food.

Legion-7 would have snickered or rolled his eyes if he had them. Instead, he encouraged the soul prowler earnestly, "Give it your best shot."

The Soul prowler warned, "You are making a big mistake. You don\'t know who I am. Mark my words. You will not live to see the end of the day if I die."

This time its mental fluctuations were smooth but it was still superimposed with the layer of instability and violence.

"Who are you?" Legion-7 asked with interest.

That question seemed to have flipped a switch. The soul prowler roared with layers upon layers of superimposed mental fluctuations.

Each mental fluctuation had something to say about its identity. "I am gorgon."

"I am goedoni."

"I am gigi."

If this were the world of manifestation, then people would say the soul prowler was speaking with two voices at the same time. It would be a strange sight. But here in the spiritual dimension, it is a fairly common phenomenon.

Legion-7 said to the soul prowler, "What a pitiful fellow. Stop struggling and let me put you out of your misery."

All the voices refused. They roared, "Let me go."

Legion-7 didn\'t mind their rejection. He didn\'t need their opinion anyway. He was just hoping that their onset of madness would have reached the suicidal stage. Apparently, that is not the case. The multiple identities all want to live. The soul prowler has only become muddle-headed. It has become foolishly pompous but it hasn\'t lost its survival instincts yet.

The soul prowler resisted strongly. It accompanied its resistance with the occasional threats. But that resistance waned in time. Even the threats stopped after it lost too much energy.

Legion-7 didn\'t stop until it became a mass of delectable and obedient food. Then he ate it happily. He found it to be very delicious. This is most definitely because he didn\'t lose anything to nether water. The sense that he cheated the system made his loot many times better.

He resumed his hunting immediately after he was done with grafting the soul fragments to himself. The other soul prowlers around didn\'t run away because they didn\'t know that there was a calamity close to them.

This is not the world of manifestation. There is no light here to transmit information about the environment for an almost infinite distance and there are no eyes to perceive it either. This is a dark world and the perception techniques of soul prowlers are at best, small torches of light in the infinite darkness.

There is no transmission of sound and there are no ears to hear it either. So this world is not only dark, it is completely silent. The only thing that can be sensed is soul fluctuations.

If the perception technique of the soul prowlers can\'t sense that someone died a hundred meters away from them, then they will remain oblivious to the fact that someone died a hundred meters from them.

They will remain in their place waiting for Legion-7 to come and kill them. It is not because of pride and confidence. They suffer from a lack of knowledge. Unfortunately for them, ignorance is at most temporary bliss.

Legion-7 was able to kill to his heart\'s content since no one ran away from the hunting ground. He fought any soul prowler he encountered that was larger than him regardless of their strength. No soul prowler could break through his defense or withstand his attacks. And no soul prowler could beat his speed.

The hunt filled him with a sense of bliss. The fact that he won all his fights and had all the loot to himself increased that bliss to joy.

He declared confidently to the spiritual dimension, "I am not a soul prowler anymore. I am a soul hunter. You can\'t keep a soul hunter prisoner. I will break free from you very soon."

It is a declaration backed up by the many soul prowlers dying silent but painful deaths. The spiritual dimension is already bad enough for them. But they became unlucky that one of the soul fragments of an Origin god became unlucky and failed its reincarnation. Legion-7\'s bad luck became their calamity.

He is locked in here in the spiritual dimension, but they don\'t want to be locked in here with him. He beat up any soul prowler no matter their size including the ones with more than 1,000,000,000 points of soul power. They are stronger than him but they lack soul force.

Soul prowlers might have the same amount of soul power as him or even more, but they are not the same. The difference in state of existence is insurmountable. Their advantage in quantity couldn\'t overcome his advantage in quality.

The many fights granted him fighting experience to hone his soul-fighting skills. He developed the soul drill technique for fighting soul prowlers who are bigger and stronger than him. He called it the whale killer. Soon he got the opportunity to use it.

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