
Chapter 220: How many powers do you have?

Chapter 220: How many powers do you have?

Mu Yi Fan's face sank: “Mu Yi Hang sent them?"

Seeing the soldier nodded and said, he turned away from the dormitory, drove to the office building, and directly went to Mu Yue Cheng's office. He saw Mu Yi Hang sitting on the couch talking happily with Mu Yue Cheng.

Mu Yue Cheng saw Mu Yi Fan coming, smiled and beckoned him to sit beside him: “Yi Fan, you are just in time. We are discussing planting, and you also come to give us an idea about where to plant."

Mu Yi Fan did not sit down and went directly to Mu Yi Hang and asked, "Gao Fei, did you send them out to look for supplies?"

Mu Yue Cheng smiled and looked at the two brothers quietly.

Mu Yi Hang raised his eyebrow: “I sent them out. Is there any problem?"

Mu Yue Cheng said: “Their fighting ability is good. Sending them out is a kind of exercise, and I agree with that."

Mu Yi Fan narrowed his eyes, and then he burst into a smile: “My father agreed to let them find materials, so there is no problem."

He sat next to Mu Yi Hang and put his right hand on Mu Yi Hang's shoulder. “Now Yi Hang also came to the camp to help dad. Then Dad will be more relaxed and don't have to manage so many things."

Mu Yue Cheng was not happy and his huff proved it: “You are happy to say this. I asked you to come to the camp to help, but how did you do it? You hid in your room all day and don't know what you're up to."

“I'm busy with a lot of things, such as sucking crystal core to advance, and how to use the power to bring my power to the extreme. So, Dad, don't think I'm a lazy person. By the way, now, while Yi Hang is also there, how about us brothers try a little sparring?"

Mu Yi Hang immediately replied, “Well, I've never had a competition with big brother, and I just want to have a competition with big brother."

Mu Yue Cheng thought about it and agreed with them: “It's OK to have a competition, but I should point it out. Don't hurt yourself."

“OK, let's go to the playground."

Mu Yi Fan is the first to get up and walk out of the office, followed by Mu Yi Hang.

As soon as he went out, he was hooked on the neck by Mu Yi Fan.

Mu Yi Fan said in a cold voice: “I remember saying before, next time you provoke me, I will not be polite."

Mu Yi Hang pulled off his hand and said in a low voice, “I really want to know how you can be impolite now."

“Since you want to know so much, I'll make it up to you." Mu Yi Fan stopped, smiled and focused on Mu Yue Cheng, saying, “Dad, Yi Hang said let all the soldiers gather at the training ground, let them have a look at the demeanor of the two sons of Admiral Mu, and help boost the morale of the camp."

Mu Yi Hang pressed his voice and said, “It's you who said that. Why say it in my name when they come to the training ground?"

“That's a good idea." Mu Yue Cheng nodded and said nothing

Mu Yi Fan turned to Mu Yi Hang and raised his eyebrows: “Do you hear me? Dad says you made a good idea. What are you dissatisfied with? "

Mu Yi Hang didn't talk to him anymore.

When Mu Yi Fan entered the sergeant's office, he immediately ordered the sergeant to call all the soldiers in the camp to the training ground.

Twenty minutes later, the outside of the training ground was covered with many soldiers. When they saw that two sons of Admiral Mu were standing in the center of the training ground, they shouted happily.

Mu Yi Fan took the loudspeaker from the sergeant's hand and said to the people present: “Thank you for your support. Next, although it's my competition with my brother, it's also an entertainment program. So, if you think I will win the competition, you should stand on the right, if you think my brother can win the competition, you should stand on the left, if you bet on the right winner of the competition, you will get more vegetables at noon, you say... How is it?"

“Okay." everyone cheered.

But after cheering, the question arises, which side should they stand on?

Always think that this is not only a simple entertainment, but also involves the problem of picking sides.

No one dared to move.

Mu Yi Fan couldn't help turning his eyes in his heart when he saw one or two of them dare not move.

He is really just an entertainment, which makes everyone happy. How can these people think of things so complicated?

“Is there such a difficult choice? As long as you think who will win, just stand on the other side. Hurry up and don't delay your lunch time. Otherwise, you will be fined for running for one day and you will be fined for not eating."

Hearing this and they hurried to find a place to stand.

Soon, there were more soldiers on the left than on the right, because they heard that the Second Young Master Mu's ability has reached level 4, and the First Young Master Mu will definitely not win against the Second Young Master Mu, so it's absolutely right to stand on the left.

Mu Yi Hang saw that there were only about 3000 people on the right side, and he hooked his lips into a smirk and said: “It seemed that there are more people on my side than you."

Mu Yi Fan didn't care and said, “That's great. I can save dad a lot of food later."

“Big brother, did you say that too early?"

Mu Yi Hang's face was awe inspiring, and he quickly released the fire power. A fiery red fire dragon came out of his hand and attacked Mu Yi Fan.

Mu Yi Fan didn’t hide or dodge, but let the fire dragon hit him directly.

“Young Master!”

At the same time, doubts filled their hearts.

Why didn't Young Master evade?

He's not going to lose like this, is he?

Doesn’t that hurt?

Directly hit by fire power, the damage should be very serious.

Mu Yue Cheng frowned and his heart was worried.

At the moment when the fire dragon hit Mu Yi Fan, a white light came out of the fire dragon's mouth.

Before they knew what was going on, they saw Mu Yi Fan appear behind Mu Yi Hang. Someone couldn't help shouting: “Second Young Master, be careful behind."

Mu Yi Hang was shocked, turned around quickly, and saw Mu Yi Fan release the water system power, a fierce dragon charging across the river.

He quickly backed up a few steps, using the fire power to resist, hoping to use the power level higher than the other side to block the water dragon. After all, in the five elements, the water is fire worst enemy. Only when the fire power is higher than the water power, can the water evaporate under the high temperature.

Unfortunately, he overestimated himself. Not only did the fire fail to stop the water dragon, but also caused the water dragon swoop in front of him and suddenly turned into an ugly face, which scared him to stagger back and almost fell to the ground.

After that, Mu Yi Fan's body shape flashed and directly threw Mu Yi Hang to the ground. A sword made of water appeared in his hand and he placed it on Mu Yi Hang's neck: “Mu Yi Hang, you lost."

What's more, Mu Yi Hang lost so badly that he was defeated at the level 4 power in less than half a minute.

He stared at Mu Yi Fan in disbelief: “How many powers do you have?"

Before, it was clearly the wind system and the psychic system. Now, how can the water system appear again? Is Mu Yi Fan a trinary system power?

Mu Yi Fan raised his lips and said, “What did you say?"

Mu Yi Hang was not willing to lose to Mu Yi Fan in such a short time.

He used his most familiar psychic powers to attack the other side before he was judged to win or lose. However, the other side looked at him as if he is a nobody.

“Why... How could it be? "

Mu Yi Hang doesn't believe in his level 4 psychic power didn’t have any effect on Mu Yi Fan. Even if the other side is also a level 4 power, it should be useful.

Mu Yi Fan saw through his mind, and the smile on his lips was even worse: “Your psychic power is useless to me, so don't waste your mind anymore. By the way, as a psychic, you must not have experienced the pain controlled by another psychic? Then I can give you a taste of it and make sure you will never forget it."

The last time Mu Yi Hang used psychic powers, he just made his head ache, but he didn't really feel the pain. This time, Yi Fan wanted to let him have a good taste.

Mu Yi Fan's eyes opened and he quickly released his psychic powers.

Mu Yi Hang immediately felt something drilling into his brain, like being stabbed into a brain point by a thousand stabbing needle. The pain made him feel that there is something in life worse than death, even his face distorted.

Mu Yi Fan said in a cold voice: “Mu Yi Hang, I want you to remember for a long time... my people. You can't touch them, and you can't call them and order them."

You dare to send my people out to look for materials while I was away. Hum, now it's a lesson.

Mu Yi Hang endured the pain of piercing his brain and stared at Mu Yi Fan angrily with bloodshot eyes: “Mu Yi... Fan, I tell you, I will not only call your people, but also let them die outside and never come back. "

When Mu Yi Fan's face changes, his psychic power was increased to stimulate Mu Yi Hang's brain.

Mu Yi Hang can't stand it any longer. He screamed.

Mu Yue Cheng understood what was going on, so his face changed a little. He immediately called out, “The contest is over, and Mu Yi Fan wins."


Everyone also want to see how Mu Yi Hang turned to attack Mu Yi Fan's soldiers.

The First Young Master won?

Did the First Young Master really win?

But how long did it take?

They just blinked an eye, and the contest was over?

Mu Yi Hang, a level 4 power, was defeated by Mu Yi Fan?

In this way, Mu Yi Fan must be a power of several levels above. He even defeated Mu Yi Hang in such a short time.

All the soldiers looked at Mu Yi Fan with admiration. Even some soldiers regret why they didn't choose Mu Yi Fan before. If he can take five ordinary people who don't have abilities to find materials, his own abilities should be not bad. Why didn't they choose him?

Soldiers who thought Mu Yi Fan would win cheered loudly: “We can add food this noon."

Mu Yue Cheng saw Mu Yi Fan was still sitting on Mu Yi Hang and didn't get up. He immediately shouted: “Yi Fan, you quickly get up."

See Mu Yi Fan has not moved, he lunged forward, pulled Mu Yi Fan: “What are you doing?"

Mu Yi Fan returned to his thoughts and smiled at the angry Mu Yue Cheng: “Dad, what are you doing looking so nervously? I just suddenly found that Yi Hang looked a little like me, so I couldn't help looking at his face more. Yi Hang, do you think so?"

Mu Yi Hang almost fainted from the pain and didn't know what he was talking about.

When Mu Yue Cheng saw Mu Yi Hang sweating, he knew Mu Yi Fan's attacks were not light. His face felt heavy and he said angrily, “Yi Fan, you..."

He did not finish, a soldier rushed into the training ground: "Report."

Mu Yue Cheng calmed his anger and turned his eyes to the soldier: “What's the matter?"

“The team that went out looking for supplies more than half a month ago came back."

Mu Yi Fan immediately asked, “Where is it?"

“Outside, they..."

Before the soldier had finished speaking, he rushed out of the training ground.

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