
Chapter 472

Chapter 472

It's really bad luck.

Ruan Shishi bit her lip and was about to order a takeout when suddenly the doorbell rang.

She went to the door. Through the cat's eye, she saw a little brother in a delivery uniform standing outside.

She opened the door in a daze, and the little brother sent a hot take out, "your take out."

She No takeout

After hesitating to take it, she took a look at the list posted on it and felt that the name of the store was familiar.

It seems that it was a restaurant she had eaten before. Yu Yimo took her to that time

Did Yu Yimo order it for her?

The man's face flashed in his mind, and Ruan Shishi felt warm.

He is the only one who will give her some takeout at this time.

Although he is cold on the surface, he is warm

That night, Ruan Shishi didn't sleep very well. He even dreamed that he had been running in the ecological garden looking for people. When he woke up, it was just dawn.

She simply tidied up. Before long, Du Yue called and said that he had arrived downstairs

less than an hour's drive, and Ruan Shishi had arrived at the old house.

Out of the car, looking at the familiar and strange old house, Ruan Shishi suddenly hesitated.

"Go in. Yu and the old lady are on the second floor."

Hearing Du Yue's warning, Ruan Shishi took a deep breath, nodded and summoned up courage to go in.

On the second floor, Du Yue takes her to the bedroom door, pushes the door open, and Ruan Shishi steps in. She sees her grandmother lying on the bed and Yu Yimo guarding on one side.

As soon as grandma saw Ruan Shishi, her eyes immediately flashed, "Shishi, are you here?"

"Grandma..." She quickly stepped forward and asked anxiously, "how are you? How are you doing? "

Grandma nodded, looked at Yu Yimo and said in a soft voice, "Yimo, you go out first, I have something to say and poetry."

Yu Yimo hears the speech, pauses and looks at Ruan Shishi. Without saying anything, he gets up and walks out of the room and closes the door.

Ruan Shishi was puzzled. As soon as she looked back, she saw her grandmother looking at her with an expression of desire to talk and stop.

"Granny, what's the matter?"

What can not be said in the presence of Yu Yimo?

Grandma took a deep breath and said in a leisurely tone, "you should not take yesterday's events too seriously. I don't blame you..."

Ruan Shishi heard the speech, drooped his eyes and said in a soft voice, "if I had taken you with me at that time, such a thing would not have happened."

Grandma smell speech, patted the back of her hand, put a soft voice way, "in fact, I was not lost yesterday."

Ruan Shishi was shocked and looked up at her in surprise, "how can you..."

How could it suddenly disappear.

"Yesterday, when I was waiting for you, a girl about your age suddenly came up and said that she was your friend..."

Listening to grandma's telling what happened yesterday, Ruan Shishi was more and more shocked.

According to grandma's description, she couldn't guess who it was for a while, but one thing is for sure that the woman was coming for her!

"Then why didn't you tell Yu Yimo about it?"

Grandma sighed softly, "I was afraid he would blame you, so I didn't tell him. Fortunately, nothing happened. But I think I should tell you that no matter who she is, you should be careful! "

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