
Chapter 494

Chapter 494

No matter Yu Yimo or Du Yue, no one can get through!

What can we do!

Suddenly, she turned around and saw a car coming from the other side, black Maybach, the body scattered with light, isn't it Yu Yimo's car!

As soon as Ruan Shishi gritted her teeth, she rushed to the road and waved her arms to them.

"Stop! Stop

If yu Yimo's car is really tampered with, something will happen if it goes out like this! So she has to stop them here!

In the car, Du Yue saw the figure of the woman in front of the road. His face changed and he asked, "general manager Yu, is that assistant Ruan?"

Yu Yimo raised his head and looked forward. He saw a woman standing in the middle of the road, waving her arms desperately, opening and closing her mouth. She didn't know what to say.

What is she doing here! So dangerous!

Yu Yimo's eyebrows closed and his eyes sank. He looked sharply at Du Yue and said, "stop!"

Du Yue sweating straight forehead, right foot tried to brake to the end, but the car did not respond, continue to rush forward!

Du Yue frowned, his voice was urgent, "the brake didn't respond!"

Yu Yimo's brow tightened as he heard the speech. He immediately looked forward and saw Ruan Shishi standing in the road not far away. His face was gloomy.

How can this stupid woman not know how to hide!

As if there were telepathy in general, the next second, Ruan Shishi quickly retreated to the side.

"Mr. Yu, sit down!"

Du Yue secretly gritted his teeth and immediately downshifted to slow down. The brake didn't work, so he had to force the car to stop!

Even after downshifting, the car still moves forward, but the speed tends to slow down. But at this moment, a car comes by, and it seems that it is going to drive out of the exit.

The other side didn't seem to notice the abnormality and continued to drive at a normal speed. If this goes on, the car will enter the exit. If Du Yue doesn't stop the car, he is afraid that he will hit it!

Seeing that the front of the car was about to run into the rear of the car, Du Yue quickly turned the steering wheel to the side at the critical moment. The front of the car turned and ran straight into the wall!

"Bang!" With a loud noise, the front of the car suddenly hit the white wall next to it, and the body shook a few times.

Not far away, Ruan Shishi stood in the same place, completely silly.

After standing still for two seconds, she looked at the white car, her heart tightened, she couldn't care so much, and ran quickly.

"Yu Yimo Yu Yimo

She ran forward quickly, and had no time to take care of the debris on the floor. She ran to the door of the car and pulled the door open with great effort. When she saw Yu Yimo with blood flowing behind the seat, she burst into tears!

"Yu Yimo! Are you ok? "

She carefully grasped the man's hand, but felt a warm sticky, looking at the man's head gushing blood, her heart pulled to the throat, all soft.

Her voice trembled slightly, and even said, "Yu Yimo, you can't do anything! You wake up... "

Looking at the man who was as cold as a bullet in his ordinary life, Ruan Shishi's heart was tight and aching.

Just now, the car in front stopped beside. A man got out of the car and ran over. Seeing this, he quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed, "hello? 120? Here... "

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